San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Would be fun! My community isn’t big enough for such an event, though. I might try to attend the Sethrak one, but yeah a while ago I tried a “Hallow’layn” thing and got some cool screenshots, but an extremely small turnout. Dark Rangers and Sethrak are more popular and would get plenty of support I’m sure.


I give to you, the San’layn, my full support!


Blizzard has recently announced that Blizzcon will occur in February 19-20 of next year online:

My guess for WoW is that we’ll see news on upcoming Shadowlands stuff, such as whatever the upcoming patch will be for it.

Will keep an eye out for any news on its panel events and such. With any luck, we’ll see some Horde San’layn stuff announced. :bat:


I’m sorry I wasn’t there for the San’layn event. I was spending time with the only family I have left, my mom and we were watching Halloween movies.

Thanks Fallynn! You, the Sethrak and Zuro will always have my support.


I think the venthyr could be an allied race

You could lump them together. Have an event for people who support both? Or one or the other. :grin:

Told the Worgen group that they can advocate for tail option customization at the Sethrak rally.


Oh that’s ok, it was so long ago and I wasn’t upset that there was a low turnout. I know our community is kinda small compared to other ARs, and that’s alright! I do have a larger twitter presence now but mostly for my writing and art (though people are well aware I advocate for San’layn). I suppose I could see if people are interested in that regard.

I suggest starting/joining a thread advocating in them, I have 0 interest in Venthyr myself and do not like them. This is a thread for San’layn and their lore, not the Venthyr. I wish you the best of luck in your advocation travels regardless, even if I do not like them myself!

Sure, this sounds like a neat idea ^^ I bet we could pull this off. People can turn into San’layn with the transmorpher toy, but it’s random x.x and I rarely get Lana’thel or the Blood Princes (though the feeling is similar to a mount drop when I do, I have a ton of fun. I WISH we could choose it). There’s also the pre-patch, I’m not sure if rogues can steal their appearances during that event. Maybe!

But yeah, that does sound like a good idea. And worgen tails sound great too, still don’t know why they don’t have tails to begin with–werewolves that I’ve seen have tails. I’ll likely be rolling a worgen myself when the new stuff comes out as a roleplay character so tails would be a ton of fun.


I’ll get to planning the Dark Ranger Support Event then.



he was such an interesting character and blizz did 'im in.

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One fun idea would be some sort of competition during these events (best transmog or something? Most creative short story? I dunno) where the reward could be art of your Sethrak/San’layn/Dark Ranger (depending on the event of course.). An artist would have to be coordinated with and paid, of course. I know a few, but it’d be a little bit before I could pay for something like a half-body piece. Still something to keep in mind though.

(I myself am NOT confident enough to offer my art as a prize, as I’m still learning and I don’t think it’d be the most tantalizing thing. A more established artist would be better.)

Edit: Or if San’layn, a vampire-version of any race character come to think of it.


You see, I’d win this so easily I’d have to not join to give people a chance
I actually managed to mix match sets and look good as a mail class, that should be a feat of strength
Blizzard should hire me to concept new mail armor

Then again if I get art I would join because I’m a broke teen and can’t get my own yet

Would the transmog have to be sethrak themed though, if I were to get sethrak artwork?

I might have some a lot more roadblocks if that’s the case, but if it’s just normal mogs I’d shred it


The art thing is a nice idea, but I don’t really have money to pay an artist right now.

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I made a post in another thread. But, if you guys haven’t seen the plate set for the first raid in Shadowlands, I highly suggest it. I made a blood elf DK on the PTR and she looks very cool with it in the dressing room. Very much like how I’d picture a San’layn in plate.

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I don’t either (at the moment, I’d need to save up some) and no worries I wasn’t trying to pressure people, it’s just a suggestion.

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I am posting in support for the hordes needs of undead elves, but as a forsaken model toggle, not a BE elf customization.

We don’t need undead elf paladins, nor would it be fair to the forsaken for that to exist.

This isn’t a thread for that, I suggest going to start your own so that your idea can get farther.

My own personal opinion on it: I do not support it being added to forsaken at all. Either Blood Elf customization or San’layn allied race. To me anything that can be a priest should be a paladin too–including forsaken.


Then don’t reply to me? It your post seems rather winey to me?

“Wah if you don’t want what the op suggested then don’t post here, in these public forums with your suggestions!”

…How does suggesting that you make you own thread for “Undead elf customization on forsaken” sound anything whiney? If you don’t want to put the work in for your suggestion, fine by me. You’re not going to get anywhere. :woman_shrugging: I was pointing out that it isn’t a relevant suggestion to here, because not only is this a specific thread for vampyr, but the customization would be for blood elves in this case, as we’ve stated many times over.

Also? I was sharing my opinion in that too, guess I’m not allowed to do that in my own thread. If you’d like to continue talking about it in here, go for it? But you’re not going to get much support because it’s not a thread for that? It’s kinda pointless on your part, but you do you.

Meanwhile, I guess “People that disagree with me are whining” is your response.


Which would make undead elf paladins, so I made a no post, like everyone else. Your the one crying over this.

… *You’re.

And if you’re going to respond, actually read what I’m saying. It takes a small amount of effort to figure it out, for goodness sakes.

I said that just now. It was a suggestion for you to help your cause.

All in all? I don’t care. Undead elf paladins would be fine. If you disagree, that’s perfectly fine too. :woman_shrugging: Good luck pushing whatever it is you want to push in that case. Starting your own thread would get you farther (Which was my entire bloody point to begin with), but you can argue in here and not get very far all you’d like.

Putting the effort to push through your cause and making it the main idea is my point to begin with, you’ll get people who support the idea especially if you put all of your ideas in one starter thread. Whereas posting in other threads with different thematics like this one won’t, your idea won’t be seen as much as it would if you started your own thread.

That was my point.