San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Since the Red Eyes are now a thing. I do however would love to see Blizzard add in more Dark Elf Features that isn’t just only Dark Rangers. Gray Pale Skin and Red Eyes isn’t really san’layn enough nor vampire in general.

I do hope that blizzard sees the ideas from the San’layn Community and add in Vampire Features of Fangs, Sharp hand claws, Different Wing options, San’layn Eye Colors, and etc Vampire Features too for the Blood Elf Customization Options.

I don’t remember red eyes being confirmed for playable Blood elves. Could you show me where it’s confirmed? :smiley:

It just got added in the datamined with the Blood Elf Customization Options on WoWHead. It has everything. Hairstyles, Jewelry, Eye Colors, and etc for Blood Elves.

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Those red eyes are flagged as NPC options. Sadly, not confirmation.

Ahh. Darn it! I thought for sure they were added in for Blood Elf Eye Color Options…

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That’s okay, it’s an honest mistake. I was hoping that you found something I didn’t know about. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I thought for sure. Dark Ranger/San’layn Undead Features were added into Blood Elves. Well I’ll have to wait until june 9 that’s where the Big News of Shadowlands is happening.

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I sincerely hope you’re right. Though the rumor mill is now talking, and quite possibly it’s worse than Lightforged undead, because that would actually directly effect how I play the game.

This is what I said in the 'layn discord, and I’ll repeat it here:

"My stories occur in the moment, every plotline is important and my guild is saturated with dark/action heavy roleplay. There’s never a long span of time where something doesn’t happen, it’s how I roleplay and add to the character arcs of whom I play. It’s not like writing a book, there’s many cogs and wheels to what’s going on, especially in a large guild community. For a large time skip to occur, I’d need to write an epic for each character, and the guild story I have going would pretty much be shattered, along with roleplays in progress that have occurred long term.

A 2 or less timeskip would be OK, I guess (not really but I’d have to grit my teeth and accept it IF AND ONLY IF the rest of the game turned out to be amazing at the time), and the time could be accounted for. But my characters and guild wouldn’t just be sitting around for ten years, and asking a large group of people to coordinate what ends up happening in that span to each and every character and event is too much.

So, from my perspective, this would be a terrible thing, and many stories would end up going completely under the rug/untold/interrupted, and having an old world thing in place wouldn’t fix the issue because people play current timeline in Azeroth, you’d never in that case ever be able to public roleplay."

This isn’t the case with every roleplayer, I’m sure, and the rest of the community most definitely wouldn’t care. And so I know I’m in the minority here, but it indeed would just make me up and leave. The only reason I still play the game now is because of the stories I’ve built, to have just 10 years vanish like that would be horrid.

Nah, see I’d still be entirely gone if we got everything we asked for in this thread but they added the 10 year timeskip. That’s how much I oppose the idea.

Exactly. For those that are invested in storylines, we’d have to write entire epics, especially for action-centric toons.

Like I said above though, it’s the one thing even San’layn or playable dragons wouldn’t mend for me. I wouldn’t see the point (again, this is a personal thing though) of me bothering if all of my characters just… lose a huge chunk of time and story that could have advanced arcs.

I’m happy for people getting these customizations though I won’t be using many myself! (aside from short ears). Blue eyes I have no interest in, though the scarred ones do look cool. Blood elf body jewlery is a hard pass for me, but I know many are excited for that. All in all, it’s a win for most people though I personally won’t be using much of what’s being added! (Including the new hair styles, they… I’ll just say I dislike them and won’t be using them for my toons sadly.)

Yeah see you guys are on point with my thoughts on this one, I agree. It… ugh ><


I think Ion hinted at us potentially visiting the Titan’s homeworld. Probably there planet or realm in a patch… so more cosmic stuff is bound to happen.

I totally get that. And yeah it would be a shame. If they can keep it short enough they might be able to still pull it off and not harm player stories like that. But yeah. That would be hard to do without messing some things up.


Opposed to the time skip(s) happening through patches though?

Yes, even more to that. Again it’s just my personal opinion and I’m one player. Me not playing any longer in the grand scheme of things does not matter. It would be a case of at least I got my ideas out for those that can enjoy the game.

From a game design point-of-view, I don’t really see the practicality of a major time skip when we get done with Shadowlands. I assume also that the undead would’ve been ravaging the world (of Warcraft!) while we’re in Shadowlands. I can’t imagine the undead suddenly stopping, Horde and Alliance just shrugging, and then eventually war happens again because reasons, forgetting that Shadowlands was a thing.

The world could use an update, but I find it hard to believe that they would just do a major timeskip to the two main continents a la Cataclysm, even if the expansion after Shadowlands allowed them to do so. Not to mention the question of if we’d still have access to the Cataclysm revamped areas and then the older expansions who are all in different timelines. It’d be such a confusing whiplash, even Mr. Peabody and Sherman would likely find new careers rather than make sense of it all.

I can’t imagine how the narrative would benefit from such a timeskip, unless it’s suppose to be some way to press the reset button. Seems like it would be better to just have expansions that naturally progress in time and show off things instead of “Welp! 50 years suddenly passed! Horde and Alliance are at it again, they have new racial members which you can read briefly in lore items strewn across the game to see bits of their story, noone knows why war started, Anduin has a beard and his nameless wife came down with a nasty case of plot points!”

I also am not fond of the idea of Star Trekkin’ across the universe. I’m kinda expecting a swords and sorcery type game, and while I don’t really expect to suddenly man the USS Ogresandsaruokforhordeplz, I don’t really want to explore other galaxies. I’d much prefer to stay on our home planet and have our stories continue there, find some more continents, and see the Horde and Alliance grow as civilizations.

Those are my initial thoughts, and I’m sure there is more I could go on about in more detail, but the problem is that so far…these are just rumors. We don’t know what is going to happen, and I doubt we’ll learn what happens in the end of Shadowlands anytime soon. Much as I’m not really fond of what I’ve seen of Shadowlands as a whole, I don’t really want to criticize it until I actually play through it and see for myself what it involves first.

I will say the sooner we get more information, the better. I’ll try to keep an open mind until I see what actually occurs, though I am honestly cautious to begin with.


Bazgak made a great thread few hours ago, and I feel it’s relevant to this thread, so will link.

I’ll let someone more knowledgeable on Darkfallen twist it into how it could work for them.

Perhaps most of that has been discussed here earlier in the thread, but I’m still new to following this one, so I’m not sure.


I took mostly what I typed in here and added a segment about tabards. Even though I use San’layn as an example with regards to customization races, I still support them being their own allied race slot as opposed to just plopping them onto Blood Elves.

Speaking of, I was thinking about bat forms and figured that linking models of bats currently in game would be a good start. At the very least, Petopia shows off the different models of tamable bats in the game:

It does raise the question of how customizable bat forms should be and what it would include. Colors are a given, but maybe some accessories like armor for some classes, such as San’layn Warrior bat forms having a helmet on and its body armored in some way.

If it’s possible to code, the ability to perch upside down on ceilings would be awesome for taking screenshots or role-playing potential as well. I’m sure others would have some good ideas regarding how to customize bat forms as well, so please be sure to list any ideas you have! :bat:


Partially related but here’s a compilation of suggestions for Blood Elves that includes San’layn stuff.


You guys know how San’layn are war machines?

I’ve been thinking, wouldn’t it be downright ironic if the blood curse originated in Maldraxxas as a weapon of necromanic war as opposed to with the Venthyr? Sure, it’s a blood curse and vampiric, but San’layn are indeed weapons of war and were used as such by the Lich King.

Something to think about for sure!


I actually prefer that explanation, makes more sense imo. I’m loving how Revendreth is looking, but Maldraxxus has really grown on me since, so more Maldraxxus I have a bias for.

It also helps my favorite character’s mom happens to be there, I hope his dad ends up there too. I’m excited to see MU Draka.

Also, more female blood elf stuff today. Bracelets datamined. I hope male blood elves get the same jewelry, if they do I might cosplay overly affluent men. Nothing regarding San’layn/undead blood elves yet, though. Sadly. To be fair female blood elves look like total princesses though and I’m loving it and will be loving it even more when it becomes playable. Still waiting for other races to get some more good stuff, though.

Completely unrelated, but more tauren stuff today. Beyond well deserved for tauren, hope they get more (they almost certainely will). Still hoping for taunka/yaungol but I’m pessimistic. No more orc stuff yet, me sad ;( Would be happy for a month if all we got for the next month was the pre-existing Blackrock/Dragonmaw skin tones and the glowy Dragonmaw eyes.


Another thing to consider is the likely possibility of running into Arthas in the Shadowlands. I’m sure many of the San’layn would love to give him a piece of their mind and would give them a good reason to help the Horde in the Shadowlands in the first place.

Just a fun thought I had. :bat:


Considering we were talking about Maldraxxus here, I found out just now the Shadowlands preview for the zone came out today. If you’re curious here it is:

I’ll let someone more knowledgeable on San’layn read the article and talk about how San’layn could poosibly relate to any of it. I don’t know enough to make any connection more meaningful than something that’d boil down to “uh, scourge. right?”