Nah I think this is a fine idea, naturally we want an Allied Race but if this is what we need for compromise, that’s fine. My thing is though, and I will say this constantly, I want something more than just red eyes–as vampires they should have fangs and claws (blood princes have claws!). Fangs is the primary thing, though. Bat-like ears would also be very nice, and they’re giving ear options to elves, so there’s that.
I shared this idea too that I’ll bring up whenever someone new comes in and says this, which can actually work for a wide variety of races people want and could be done for added lore for High Elves too: San’layn/vampyr elf Customization (and Allied Race idea) Coagulated Megathread {Re-VAMPed} - #5284 by Fallynn-wyrmrest-accord
Fallynn…if you went to see the datamined Ear Sizes, for Blood Elves, in the Shadowlands Model Viewer, on wowhead, you’d notice the smallest of the sizes, are very much bat-like in nature. This says something to me. I don’t know about you, though. What does it scream out to you?
Looks like people are looking forward to the upcoming news. I hope we learn more than what we already know on Alpha in terms of lore, and other customization options. And yes the ear options are pretty exciting, I like shorter ears on elves way more than the long ones, as much as people judge me for saying that. Just a preference thing. I don’t play half-elves but will use them anyway because I can, and no one can stop me.
I like this attitude. It reminds me of me.
Forest trolls
Pls blizz
Heck yes highfive!
With rich stories and quests too, here here! (if only they cared about lore like we did
Speaking of which, these timeskip rumors are very worrisome to me. It’d actually be the final straw and I’d quit the game for good if there was a timeskip, because as a roleplayer (the part of the community virtually no one cares about including Blizzard) it’d shatter ongoing and important storylines.
Or it could expand current storylines. We wouldn’t have to wait to find out how they resolve. But it seems like our characters and the leadership of all the factions will be in the Shadowlands until next xpac possibly. So the political climate of Azeroth could be vastly different when we return. Or who knows, overrun by the dead. ![:man_shrugging: :man_shrugging:](
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Not a fan of the idea myself. At all. I’m likely in the minority but yeah if it happens I’m flat out done with the game including if we get San’layn. I only play the game at this point for the stories I’ve formed via my guild and characters. A timeskip would pretty much destroy that unless an epic was written for each character.
Not to mention not everyone plays frontline heroes, and it’s doubtful most of our characters would even go to Shadowlands.
The more I hear about this upcoming expansion, the less I like it, not going to lie.
See I’m hoping the time skips are more gradually integrated with the patches through Shadowlands. Like the war campaign progressing the story. So we as the Maw Walkers can travel back and forth, we get to interact with both sides and see what’s happening and aid in that endeavor. I think that would be the best way as to not leave the story empty feeling to a lot of people who have enjoyed the side characters we’ve met and learned about on our journey.
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I find it hard to believe that a significant amount of time will have passed during our time in Shadowlands. Something that drastic would likely require a whole new game set in an alternate universe, similar to how Everquest 2 handled it.
I mean, we already go back and forth through time as we level through multiple expansions. Are we now going to handle a future too that would likely have multiple timelines as well as we go through expansions? I’d be surprised if the Bronze Dragonflight managed to keep their sanity and not just go haywire with all the timelines we have to deal with. Where’s Scott Bakula when you need him? Feels like I keep having to perform Quantum Leaps just to progress through the world (of Warcraft!).
Much as I want to type more, I’ll have to again try to reserve judgement until we see what actually happens (whenever that will be). I’m honestly expecting timeskips to be more of “brief time has passed” progression rather than a drastic 100+ years in the future type deal. However, the sooner we actually see things, the better.
…though I will admit, the chance of teleporting to a potential future of playable Ogres, Saurok, and San’layn on the Horde is a mighty tempting thing. <- <;
Honestly, I feel the same way as well. I’m trying to hold judgement until I actually play through it myself, but the setting really isn’t doing much for me. I feel like I’m getting WoD vibes as well, which doesn’t help things either.
I’m more of the type to want to see the actual world (of Warcraft!) evolve and develop. Seeing new continents and stories taking place in the living world and such. Going to an afterlife that we’ll likely never go back to once we’re done with Sylvanas running amuck and causing the whole situation just isn’t doing much for me.
I’ll at least try to give it a fair chance before dismissing it, but I can’t say I’m extremely excited for it.
I hear some rumors that our planet might wake up. So I have to wonder what would mean to our planet after Argus happened and left all that space…
I personally really don’t like the idea of that happening. Having the world that the heroes spent years fighting for getting decimated by the awakening of a titan doesn’t sit right with me. That and the whole problem with how are we going to even evacuate everyone. Spaceships like the exodar ain’t easy to make.
Well we will learn lore that is older then the Titans know. Shadowlands beings predate Titans and the known knowledge of the Chronicles. We are entering new territories. We dealt with most of the iconic old villains. They will have to make new villains and enemies and sow the seeds in the writing in plot now and in shadowlands. I never said that Azeroth would be decimated. But we don’t know what would happen if Azeroth were to “hatch” or something.
Right? I didn’t play this game for 15 years to have the world change without my being part of it.
If there is a time skip I hope it’s relatively short and used only to really advance the older world so it’s updated since Cata.
I could be ok with coming back from SL and finding the world no longer on fire from Deathwing flying by ten years ago, yeah. Maybe some bridges made? Orgimmar actually finished for once. But yeah, if we’re not there for major world changes count me out.
Yeah. Make the world up to date sure.
Big world shattering everything is changed? Nah man.
Though uh… If they want to add San’layn in the process…
Wow, cool I din’t know this was still on, but it makes sense since we are dwelling into the SL! ![:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:](
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Happy to see this thread still around. Hope you’re doing well Fallynn, how have your thoughts been on the current customs?
Yea, I’m not a fan of my characters I roleplay with getting time skipped. Because I’d basically probably have to rewrite an entire story for said characters based on the time skip.
Yea I don’t think anyone is really interested in the world being shattered and everyone just becoming planet hoppers. Some Sci-fi elements are fine. But planet hopping isn’t something I play WoW for. I play WoW for the current world and all the world building. I have no interest in seeing it all be destroyed .