San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Sure thing, so I’m thinking it’d be less of a thematics thing (As in Venthyr =vampires) and more of a practicality. “The San’layn are the lich king’s mighty soldiers”. Maldraxxas is a military sect of the Shadowlands. Wouldn’t it be brilliant to create a necromanic curse that renders the cursed one nearly living but extremely powerful, due to one fuel source: Blood of the living? The Blood curse could be a positive or negative weapon, driving the enemy insane from bloodlust or empowering them should you meld them into their army.

So the blood curse could have originated as a weapon, along with these soldiers. Rather than with the Venthyr (which would make more sense, yes, but we’re talking and speculating all possibilities) in which the curse would come more from a state of being rather than sheer intention. If it came from MALD, it would likely be crafted as a purely intentional thing for supersoldier creation or necro-weaponry. Possibly inspired by the other sect of Shadowlands themselves–the Venthyr.


I’m really hoping Shadowlands goes into blood magic more. We’re not really sure what it is at the moment, yet there’s several groups who use it. Blood elves have been seen using basic forms of it, Bonechewer and Bleeding Hollow orcs use it, the Nazmani used it (maybe, doubtfully, but maybe we’ll learn a bit more about G’huun), the different types of vampires use it, and some other minor groups I can’t remember.

The theme is pretty cool, in my opinion. Would like to learn more about it.


Yes, exactly this. Not to mention how the blood curse even works. We know Thalassian Elves, Vry’kul, and humans can be afflicted by the blood curse that turns you into a vampyr (which, I guess, is the ‘racial’ form of a Death Knight, in which you’re rendered this way like a Forsaken but beyond just a class).

It’s why I do like the idea (and it’d be far too much work on Blizz’s part but still fun) that special customization linked to completing covenants could be a thing for the entire account. Like vampire customization for all races, which would be like DK customization, but red eyes/fangs/claws. It’d expand on the lore too, and frankly the more the merrier imo. I’d never say “Nope only elves should be vampires!” To have that expanded would be super neat. I LOVED the Stormheim questline and would love to see San’layn and beyond expanded more.

I still think, when it comes down to it, the state of being a San’layn/vampyr is similar to a Death Knight or Forsaken, just a different type of undead, and widely expansive. (Note: Doubtful that worgen or forsaken could be vampyr come to think of it, as those are two different kinds of ‘curses’.)


I really hope death knights get red eyes. We’ve seen death knights with them before, but it’s NPC only. An unholy green would be cool too, but because of DHs I’m a bit pessimistic about DKs with green eyes, even if a different look of green eyes.

Class customization I’d love. As a former warlock main I’d love to get things like claws, hooves, tattoos, horns, fel glowy eyes, and being able to speak demonic again. Purple fire would be really cool, too. But there’s a hero class that’s allowed to steal stuff from warlocks and by the looks of it we won’t get any of that back, so I don’t see us getting something we’ve never had that they have.

Tbh tattoos are in general just cool looking in game. Demonic and arcane tattoos would be so cool. We’ve seen some holy tattoos before, and I think some void ones, too. Though because light and arcane tattoos are currently race specific I don’t see them becoming a class thing. If they do, they’d have to look different. I’m super off topic though, and ranting, so I’ll stop here.

I loved that whole zone. The intro is a pain but I enjoy the rest a lot beyond the intro and initial few quests.


Btw fallynn without glasses is scary
Why did they go?


Yeah I’m with you 100%. Fingers crossed for this sort of thing for sure. I’m of the opinion that demon hunters should be expanded to other races–and I’m an elf main. I just think it’d be super neat, and other should get to have this super cool race too. And yeah purple fire would be bloody EPIC. All of what you said, really. And I don’t mind the off-topic-ness myself, it’s customization nonetheless.

Yeah I agree, I think it was my favorite in Legion. ESPECIALLY the storm dragons. Ugh I wish we learned more about them and got more than just the mounts we do ;-;.

I logged in real fast to put them on again, but usually if I don’t have 'em on, I was doing something in game that involved me needing my real helm.

Fun fact: Those glasses are NOT moggable.

However, this time in particular they were off because in the character’s story (I roleplay), Falls removed the glasses angrily and snapped at someone for something or other. Was for emphasis.

Fun fact on the character: Due to San’layn being “Kill on Sight” in the roleplay community, Falls’s glasses are enchanted with illusions to make her appear like a normal Death Knight as opposed to vampyr. As such, removing them brings her true features. She’s also a chanter!


I like it better, especially so on Horde just for thematic reasons about everything being red.

Man, we see it everywhere and most warlock mogs are purple. It’d match so much better. Plus, I use purple floating soul shards as my glyph. I hope they finally let us see other people’s shards floating above their heads one day.

I miss glyph of nightmares too, I enjoyed waterwalking. Would love if dreadsteeds and felsteeds got updated like the paladin mounts (at least, I think they got updated? If not they should be).

Green fire is still great though, if we ever get purple fire my other warlock is gonna still use it. My main will absolutely use purple, though.

There’s a lot of Legion I wish we did more with. Expansion had its flaws but overall, it was just, good. Not amazing, just good. I personally really enjoyed it, especially 7.3. God I miss destruction’s artifact ability, you felt like a real, real, harbinger of destruction and pure chaos with dimensional rift (lord of flames was great too). I hope they bring it back some day, preferably baseline so it’s not on the same talent row as something better.

Hope we return to the Broken Isles in some form some day, or at least some of the content there in. It’s possible Helheim and the Halls of Valor are in the Shadowlands, certainly related to it in some form, with the afterlife and such. So if we do (doubtfully) do anything with those two, we might learn more about the storm drakes.

Can we get the sickly pale skin for mag’har that 99% of Shattered Hand NPCs use? Thanks. I know it’s male only and the 3D piercings make it awkward but it can’t be too hard to get around that.

More orc stuff soon please, even if it’s just like 2 things for the next month. We haven’t been heard of for a while. I know more stuff is coming and we’re not the focus at the moment, but most races have more than us by now. If we got the pre-existing Dragonmaw and Blackrock skin tones and that’s all we got for a month I’d be happy.

Oh by the way, humans get these cool magenta eyes. After crimson that’s my favorite color, would love to see orcs/trolls and maybe some others get that same color. It’d fit very well for Shadowmoon orcs. I don’t roleplay but I do sort of “self roleplay”, create themes and backstories for my characters and self immerse myself, and my main is a Shadowmoon orc, since I wanted to relate to my main more and the Shadowmoon are one of the most suiting clans for me personality wise.

Troll beards and curly hair, please. Troll NPCs have beards. Horde has like one curly hair style and it’s not even that good and female blood elf only. Alliance has a monopoly on curly hair. Even if it’s just wavy I’m good with it. Curly hair seems awfully fitting for trolls, especially jungle/Zandalari trolls.

I’d love some more jewelry for other races. Night elf leaf jewelry sounds really cool, especially if it’s hair related. Orcs and trolls could get some bone jewelry, and orcs maybe some painted rocks, like Saurfang’s necklace. When/if we do get it, please, please make it for both genders. By the way, I love the paints and feathers tauren are getting. And bangs but in my opinion those aren’t as cool. It’s great to see tauren finally getting some good love. Male orcs have had facial scars datamined, orcs have equal gender roles minus when it comes to parenting for obvious reasons. If male orcs get scars from being warriors females should have some too. I bet that’s on the way, though. Flowers for male tauren too please, they look great on female tauren. I hope we get some more colors, too, like red/blue/white instead of just yellow. I bet that’s coming to be honest. Could be wrong on that, though.

Thank you for making eye color seperate from faces, Blizzard. I can finally give my Frostwolf shaman blue eyes without him constantly looking pissed. I’d love if orcs could get some less wrinkly faces, too, and less “dry” looking lips, like how Thrall looks.

Make blood elf jewelry gender equal, please. I get female blood elves are the princesses of WoW but the jewelry is quite fitting for upper class blood elf males. Even lower class, to a bit of an extant.

Female blood elves look great though, they’re looking even more hot and princess-y than before, and it’s starting to remind me too much of myself hairflip

By the way, forest trolls pls
I wanna live out my Zul’jin fangirl fantasies

What’s something you’d like to see that’s along the lines of SL customization? I like most of your ideas so I’m curious.

I know, so dumb ><
Some transmog restrictions are so pointless, most level restrictions are going bye bye in Shadowlands though. All gear minus Shadowlands gear is moggable at level 10, and Shadowlands gear at level 50. I’m so happy about that change. I’m a huge altoholic and being able to immediately use my transmog makes getting into the character so much easier and leveling much more enjoyable. I made a Mag’har blademaster, couldn’t actually be a blademaster until level 58. I would’ve had a lot more fun in those early levels if I could’ve gone full swing on the mog immediately.

Most items like the Rheinstone goggles are still restricted as far as I know, which is dumb. Same with holiday items. Sadly. Oh well.

Edit: Can we have at least some helmets not delete hair, too, please? I know it’s a lot to ask because clipping but I’d like to see my orcish braids and wear a wolf pelt at the same time.


Have to very strongly disagree with you there, but it’s my personal preference I suppose. None of the new blood elf options, to me, look even remotely interesting at all. This wrist jewelry could be bracers, yet they’re praising it as ‘new cosmetics’. The new necklaces look ok, I guess, but I’m not going to use pretty much any of them. And the body jewelry… hard pass. Ugh.

Have to say, I’m so incredibly disappointed with what we’ve seen for blood elves so far. The only valuable thing that’s being added in my opinion is the different skin colors and eyes. But I play more gothic characters, not prim and prissy. (Why the heck do I play blood elves again? Getting lumped into this barbie land gets so tiresome.)

Aaaaaand this is why I’d favor San’layn being an allied race over customization even if we got fangs/claws too, by the way. Blood Elves have no gothic thematic, and unless they planned on adding such things, we’d have annoying princessy vibes which is fine I guess but ugh. The Alliance of all things got that aesthetic and I am still very very salty about it. Heck most of them don’t even like void elves and would rather have high elves (Which again, do not appeal to me personally at all. Happy for those that enjoy them! …Not my thing). Also not a fan of the Alliance as a faction, so not I’m not ‘just gonna go play void elves on the alliance’.

Sorry about my /rant :stuck_out_tongue: I just… augh women/men can be beautiful and fierce/deadly too, I yell into the void with that point but it seems like blood elves just keep getting pushed to looking like boring nobles as opposed to fighters in gleaming, shining armor that won’t back down (The body jewelry will likely clash/not be seen with most armor -.-)

Anyway, the other stuff you said sounds pretty valid to me for sure. I wish we got facial piercings on blood elves too, but I suppose that isn’t ‘proper enough’. ( -.- )

So IF we got San’layn customization, aside from the Required fangs & claws, I’d love to see more gothic/punk themes added to blood elves too. Give us some of the forsaken/voidelf hair styles! In return give them the blood elf stuff too, share the customization around! I would LOVE Blood elf half-mohawks, facial piercings, etc. Make up! Like eyeliner, dark eyeliner and all that too (on men as well please <3 guyliner is extremely underrated). Or troll/orc hair styles too, and trolls/orcs can have blood elf styles as well! The possibilities are endless.


I always like to stare at the pretty art at the top of this thread. :relaxed:


I’ve been thinking about San’layn and making them more of a tragic race rather than just angry and evil with the depth of a rain drop. In other words, possibilities of what you can do with them with Horde players.

What the Alliance sees of the San’layn in the war campaign, to be more fair, does make some sense. The Alliance have always been picky with their race interactions, so of course they would view San’layn as heartless monsters without much of an afterthought. Like with most Horde races, they’re quick to judge and not give much of a chance.

Interesting to note is that playing on both sides, things can be a bit bias. One example is going through Pandaria, where the opposite faction has made some of the Pandaren citizens more or less “indentured servants” in the Jade Forest. What we see through the Alliance’s eyes is that the San’layn were monsters who just cared about power.

So what about the Horde side? Sure, they can be miffed and seek some form of power. I mean, they’ve been slain, raised as undead, cursed, and made into slaves for a long time. I’m sure you’d be miffed if such a thing happened to you.

A good way to give them some character for Horde questing is to at least show they have a tragic side and…hmm, hang on. I think we need some sappy, depressing music to go with this. One sec…

Ah, perfect. Now where was I? Oh, right! Tragic storylines!

We can start with how San’layn died previously to begin with. Not all deaths are equal, but I’ve brought up the idea of some of the San’layn, in particular whoever the San’layn leader would be, dying because of the Alliance. Whether they were abandoned at their post or sent places to die, much like Garithos did back in the day,

If we direct the Alliance as a reason for many of the San’layn becoming who they are, it gives the San’layn a good reason to fight against them and a big reason why they would seek to join the Horde. I have no doubt that the Horde and Alliance will eventually fight each other once again, and it gives the San’layn some meaning for why they fight. The Alliance certainly wouldn’t give them the time of day, even if the Horde and Alliance made peace with each other. They’ll just seek to slaughter them like the monsters they see them as.

We also have a number of quest possibilities. Imagine a short quest where a San’layn NPC asks you for some help regarding their still living family or loved ones. Lots of potential here, even if it didn’t end up happily ever after. Helping them finding where friends and family were, helping to gather things for any that have passed away’s graves (knowing the San’layn may never see them again, even in death), having tearful reunions in Silvermoon, some just happy to know that their friends and family found peace and are just fine.

In some cases, especially if you make these storylines tragic, it can bring the San’layn together closer than ever and give them a reason for withholding their identity as one:

San’layn Leader: I know in that Silvermoon and the Blood Elves will always have a place in my heart. However, it’s time that I stop trying to pretend who I am. I am now a Darkfallen, and our people need each other in these dark times. Together, we can survive in this world that wants to annihilate us completely, but so long as we stand strong, we will prevail. I will always love Silvermoon, but I can not deny what I am now…for it just took time to figure out just what I am. We will always watch out for our brethren, and we San’layn will stand strong in the face of opposition. Our people need us, and I will lead them to a better tomorrow.

Something akin to this would work fine. It gives San’layn a personality other than just making them evil beings who wake up feeling evil and do evil things because EVIL! It certainly gives them a better resolve than just becoming Sylvanas’ walking loot pinatas and mooks to mildly annoy players in dungeons and raids.

These are a few examples of what you can do. Sure, it’s a bit of a redux with the Forsaken and Humans, though it’s still tragic in its own way. Blood Elves and San’layn would be on the same faction and be able to walk around in Silvermoon, but remember, a lot of people did die to the Lich King in Northrend, with the San’layn being some of the causes of those deaths.

Some San’layn would find ways to reconcile, some would not be welcomed, and some would just remain distant doubting much good would come to trying to reconnect. It also gives a reason why they would set up a base in the Ghostlands, and considering Alleria could always try to take Silvermoon “for the Alliance,” it gives them even more of a reason to be on standby if the Alliance were to ever try something to take them over.

Storyline potential like these examples I give are why I support San’layn as a playable race.

It’s not because they’re elves.

It’s not just because they’re vampires (though it is a cool reason).

It’s because of what you could do with them in the game. The chance of different questlines that may not make an impact on the main story but makes an impact on you personally.

All I know is that if the Horde gives me a voice, I’ll speak for the San’layn. :bat:


I’d love more diversity as well!


I’m honestly really wondering what orcs will even get for hairstyles, I can’t really think of anything. Maybe Grom’s hairstyle, that’d be cool. What we have is good for me, though. I love the braids orcs get. If we did get the Grom style I’d totally rock it though.

Poor, poor taste they have. Void elves are one of my favorite races despite being so new. I’m jealous Alliance got them.

I liked BC era blood elves much more (popular opinion I know). I get redemption was a part of their story but they’re so “perfect” now and don’t feel very suiting as a Horde race. I hope at least some of the elements from BC are either brought back or are used to inspire new things. For years I’ve been an orc main but now that I’ve realized switching mains can be great after finally switching from warlock I could easily main something like a tauren or troll, but not so much blood elf with their current theme.

I enjoyed the sucking from a na’aru thing since I dislike the na’aru.

Anyways, blood elves have been seen using blood magic a few times before, using more of that would create some tension with the trolls (especially Zandalari but others too), but it could also add an evil element. Accepting San’layn back into their own society instead of them being a complete group of outcasts is another thing to consider, as was done with a lot of forsaken blood elves, though I personally dislike that idea, I like San’layn remaining separate.

Forsaken look so emo with the datamined hairstyles they’re getting. I love that even more. I’ve never been a huge fan of them but I might make one now.

I totally loved the Crimson Hall (?) in ICC, my vote would be to have them have a pre-existing base in Icecrown outside of ICC. If that turns out to be true, the pre-patch could be the perfect chance to introduce them again in some way. We can go straight to Icecrown and have “natives” help us with the Scourge going crazy.

Pre-patch is also a great time for Frostborn and taunka to be added but I don’t see that happening for various modeling related reasons.

However, yeah what you said is right. Alleria and Umbric both want to retake Silvermoon, Umbric says he prays Silvermoon will be brought back into the Alliance fold during the 8.1 war campaign.

There’s also Vereesa but her affiliations are debatable.

Side tracking myself though, your point is valid for Ghostlands. It’d also be a great excuse to revamp Quel’thalas and map gore it to the Eastern Kingdoms at last and allow flying. But that’s a lot of work for something that isn’t SL. There’s also the issue of the Amani lands. At the moment it’s just mountains and pine trees. You can explore them with something like heroic leap/demonic gateway.

That’d be a great excuse to make their lands a thing in game and have them rejoin the Horde, and we could get more playable green people which is also a big +++

Male orcs are the definition of this. Sexy and strong ;)­
Again, my points on Silvermoon and blood elves. I love the way it looks. I just wish there was something more offputting about it if it’s going to be so developed and regal (like that blood magic elves use).

­+ My support just for options, though they wouldn’t be up my creek, I’ve never been a huge fan of piercings, though I do like tusk piercings on tusk races.

Agreed, especially for gothic. There’s the idea of merging vamps and normal elves but again, not a fan of that idea myself.

Bat earrings with a ruby at the center, I’d love that. Tiny but very much appreciated on my end.

Rant whenever you want, it’s great. I love ranting, especially when other people are “forced” to listen to me.

I hope they get some more full beards. The beards they got look pretty great. They day I can finally look like Lor’themar will be a great day.

I get that, I like more “primal” races, if that makes sense I guess. Not living in castles, but can still make cities made of metal/stone. The orc architecture we’ve seen in BfA and WoD is so great and I’m digging it, I hope if they ever revamp Orgrimmar they use more of it.

Trolls and tauren are also favorites of mine. Not uncivilized but not the most morally perfect everything is super developed, either. I’m more of a troll fan though.

I’d certainly like it less if I played blood elves frequently and that was my only option. I play orcs mostly and sometimes others, but the mud hut and eating rocks jokes get old fast and I have no idea where they even started. Orgrimmar is a spikecon, why do we call it mud huts?

For more it’s more of an option than a requirement though, that is the blood elf theme.

I’ll voice my support but whenever I talk about races I’m not knowledgeable about it generally really shows. I can only talk, one troll tribe and an ogre clan knowledgeably. If I knew more I’d be more vocal. Thought I’ve been working on that in several areas in my defense, recently.

I will voice my support though, I’d play more vamps than blood elves for certain.

Two big trues in a row

I love dark eyeliner, would love to use some of it somehow in game. Stereotypes are a bit strong on me using it IRL though, but that’s way too off topic for my liking to discuss here >>
Plus not in the mood for that talk at the moment, I just woke up and I’m hungry.

Righto, so I wrote this post in a really disorganized fashion, I feel some parts might be lacking in detail and/or that I forgot something(s), so I apologize if any readers get the same feeling.

Edit: Totally unrelated but I asked if trolls could get the purple/magenta eye color humans get and turns out they (sorta) do!

Not identical but they’re pretty similar, I love them. Hoping my orcs get them now.


I admit at times I have a hard time coming up with things to say in a lot of megathreads. My heart primarily is with Ogres and Saurok joining the Horde, though with races like San’layn, which I heavily support, I still need to do more research on them. There are plenty of other megathreads where I can’t really do a whole lot other than show off support of some sort, but sometimes that’s all you need to do.

Some people are just more passionate about certain races, which is great. They offer a lot of good insights, thoughts and ideas that may not have been considered, and go above and beyond to show their support. This is something I like to see when I go to different megathreads and it really makes for an interesting community. At the very least, engaging in discussion and learning about the race the megathread is based on is still fun, along with sharing the occasional idea here or there.

Please don’t feel like you have to put in a lot of work and research to show support if a race particularly interests you. As I said, showing support of some sort helps a lot, and it’s what I try to do for megathreads in general despite specializing in two specific races.

We all have races we want playable, and it’s cool to see people come together in supporting each other. :smiley:


Orcs are green and like axe. Forest trolls are green, and like axe. They have the founding principles of the Horde and there’s a tribe of loyal forest trolls in the Horde. Some races like high elves can very easily make people feel like their toes are being stepped on, but forest trolls don’t do that and make absolute sense to be playable in some form.

Ranting and I have my own megathread :crazy_face: The state of myself


It certainly makes the runners of megathreads feel a lot better, even if it’s just one comment ever.

I tried talking about elven eye colors once and my knowledge of elves showed quite well, it burned.

That said, whenever I see people talk forest trolls it feels great knowing everything and being able to correct everything, especially when I dislike the posts, I feel like a genius. There was that thread about forest trolls on Alliance the other day, so many wrong things but the OP was a forums troll so I didn’t bother.

That thread drove me crazy though.

Aside from high elf threads people are generally really nice and supportive, it’s a different showing that that of most of the forums.

High elf threads can be great but there’s so much toxicity on both sides and it’s such an unnecessarily volatile topic.

It took me a while to show support for the ogre megathread because of the creator, I do wish sometimes the thread would go necro and I could remake it because of that. I do want ogres quite badly, though. I would play a few, they’re not my absolute favorite race but they’re the race I feel would help restore a lot of Horde theme if playable. I do still love ogres, though. Same feelings for forest trolls but they’re my favorite variant of troll and trolls are my favorite race after orcs.

Ogres have some modeling issues regarding armor, women, and animations, but I don’t see those being too difficult to get around. Forest trolls could have problems if we went the hard route, but the easy route, there’s not really any reason they shouldn’t be playable.

Taunka are another race that make perfect sense beyond modelling issues, and again, I feel they’d restore a lot of theme.

There’s a lot of races I want, but I feel those three would be the best overall because they already make perfect sense and have been wanted for a while. Personal bias would have me state a different list of the races I want most, though.

I also love the ogre dance. They seriously look like they’re ♫ jammin ♫

I love using the Kovork Kostume toy while listening to music and /dancing, they feel perfect together.


This is gonna be a long post, I know it. Here we go >:D

Thanks so much! I’m so grateful for the art, and addicted to art myself. Heck, one day I hope to be an artist too (though a digital artist, not with character models).

I LOVE this idea, it sounds like a major tear jerker to be honest. And yeah there’s already a tragic storyline to be had with the San’layn, remember they’re without a home and utterly hated, and it isn’t their fault that they ended up the way they are.

Yes THIS. It’s all about what I constantly say, we can have tragic undead that are not mindlessly evil, and no, not ‘LOL SPARKLY VAMPIRES THAT DO ONLY GOOD’. I’ve never said “Let’s remove all that makes them deadly!” Far from it. People need to understand that you can be highly violent and a horrifying monster but direct your powers for the good of the innocent. That’s the definition of anti-hero, in some cases anyway. Look at Death Knights!

So yeah I enjoyed reading your entire post, there’s so much rich storyline you have going right there. As usual, you blow us all away with your ideas and depth you add. I think you should be hired as a Blizzard writer too, to be honest (and I’ve seen others say this too ^^)

Yeah fair! I’m sure they can come up with something. Perhaps some Vry’kul hairstyles if it doesn’t impede too heavily upon the lores, but then again I’m in the ‘there should be hairstyles shared across races’ camp.

Another reason I’m so salty! I wish horde got them, and Alliance could have gotten Nightborne. I dunno. I love Nightborne lore, but I love void elf aestetic. Can’t have both :cry:

And it gives more fuel for the fire of “LOL THERE’S NO SUBSTANCE TO ELF OR ELF PLAYERS” too, it’s so obnoxious. Now, I get it, I see roleplayers that play elves as that stereotypical stuff, which is fine. But the way I play mine is very different from what many see as ‘yuck boring elves just humans’.

War-mongers or those that will do anything to protect their people and territory, are not against using dark magic, and are not against bringing utter destruction upon enemies in horribly grisly fashions. No fear.

True, but I don’t see it as ‘evil’ so much as using a magic type not widely accepted to get the job done. Just like how the ‘light’ isn’t a force of pure good like people relentlessly try to preach. Even ‘life’ has its evils (see Draenor lore!)


Yeah I like this idea, because San’layn are some of the intelligent undead that no doubt would have their free wills still.

Gods I hate this character so much.

Fair :stuck_out_tongue: Now, I personally don’t favor orcs (though you’re one of my all time favorite orcs), I do enjoy their lore but like playing elves more. And yeah, exactly, I love the way elves look (call me superficial or vain, you’d be right in some way, but hey I guess that’s how it goes!) and wish they could be more than just…well.

Like, I wish we could see some muscular elves, elves that would rip your head off if you say something wrong, elves with deep seeded rage for what they’ve gone through, elves fighting alongside orcs/trolls just as violently, ripping people to utter shreds with their magic, having no mercy…

I could go on and on.

Really not surprising that I lead a “vampire” thread, is it, with the violent stuff I spout? :stuck_out_tongue: I’d be more suited for a player of a more violent race but then again… looks at San’layn Yes please.

Very fair! I have a lot of toons with such piercings, but that’s only seen on their art of course.

This would be utterly glorious, I hope so.

I like the way you think and 100% agree :stuck_out_tongue:

Very fair! I know tons are excited about the beards. I’d love a 5 o’clock shadow :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah the lore of orcs/trolls is something I favor quite a bit. Arcitecture-wise, unsurprisingly I prefer Northrend/Vry’kul structures :stuck_out_tongue: Big surprise huh?

It’s so odd because I love trolls and troll lore but don’t play them/don’t want to. I love playing with trolls though. The loa and entire spirituality around that is something I adore soooo much. My elves actually honor trolls and look up to them, believe it or not, when usually elves are played as looking down upon them.

THIS. I CANNOT STAND RACE STEREOTYPES. THEY DRIVE ME UP THE BLOODY WALL. See just like with the ‘mud huts’ thing with orcs, blood elves are stuck with: “Uncaring xenophobic nobility with no care for you, highly vain, and WEAK. Who would wanna fight alongside an elf”?

When I see an orc or troll, I see a fierce warrior, someone that will rip you limb from limb if you’re an enemy, and I love that. They will not hold back, and they are powerful. I wish elves could be seen that way too.

Same here but your input is entirely valid and appreciated nonetheless. Heck I’m the same way in threads like ogres or forest trolls. I know very little but want to support :sweat_smile:

That’s very fair. Personally (again, personal preference) guys with guyliner are very nice-looking :smirk: I think it’s an unusual thought to have as a woman but hey who cares. I am goth so it makes sense

Heck no, I think you did amazing! I enjoy conversing with you quite a bit, your insight is awesome!

Oh wow niiiice, that looks fabulous. jealous


Sign me up for vampire elves becoming playable.


Speaking of Forest/Ice Trolls.

If being beefy is 100% necessary then it’s possible to make them a Skin for Zandalari and give them the option to hunch over.

As for San’layn, a way to get them into the story could be to simply have a group of them trying to reenter Silvermoon post Sylvanas and you’re sent to deal with it.


Grom in the movie was pretty scary looking, I hope we can look more like him. I love his hairstyle, I don’t know style names, but he had most of his hair flowing down but some in a tail. I hope we get in game Thrall’s looks more too, he looks less wrinkly and his lips aren’t all scarred.

I love nightborne too, but void elves could finally give Horde a cosmic race. Alliance has 3 and Horde 0. I love the void cosmic theme, having void elves on Horde would’ve been great for me.

Also, tentacles.

Right right, bad wording on my part. I hope we learn more about bad life some day, I loved the Everbloom on Draenor. It’s the indirect reason I have blood fury as a racial, and I love blood fury because it lets me RP in real life whenever I use it.

Me see puny Alliance

I used to RP hard enough to get headrushes. It felt horrible and great at the same time.

Zuro memory ;D

I’d enjoy hanging there in the prepatch. Generally I’m not a big one for elf music (minus Suramar dear lord I loved it there) but I do like the Crimson Hall music.

I love the dark and rhythmic music in Tanaan. The music in Sholazar is always fun too. Warsong Hold, Borean Tundra. That place has amazing music, shame it’s literally only used there. Would be perfect for Orgrimmar. Though, it is more fitting up there.

That was a pic of my face IRL when I read that. A pretty lady once told me I have nice teeth and a hot jaw, is it true?

This post is giving me a slew of emotions.

I like when people agree with me because I’m always right so it’s always good seeing people thinking correctly

More choice for male belves, we need more of them, I once heard they were presumed extinct.

It’s the same architecture that used to be used where I’m from so I always appreciate it a bit, plus personal bias and I like it too.

It’s imposing and civilized at the same time, I feel green IRL whenever I go to places like Ar’gorok.

Typo here. I meant to say, the racial stereotypes of blood elves doesn’t effect me much and it’s more of an option since I don’t play them often. Orcish stereotypes I hate though, I just think they’re dumb. Mud huts when it’s really a spike heaven.

It’s worse in some places than others. Much worse in the United States where I’m stuck at the moment than it is back home. It still’s getting better though.

There’s still a stereotype back home for me too, just not as bad, especially since metal music is one of our main exports.

This is the right attitude

If you want a usual thought, just call male orcs the sexiest men in game. Everyone knows it’s true deep down.

Nobody can resist the green.

I didn’t know this was an emote and I like it. Reminds me of when I was twelve.

Good times then. Though now looking at it it was middle school and whenever I think of anything I did in middle school (or just about anything) I make that face I don’t need to describe since you make the same.

Accurate depiction of how I’ve been feeling about anything I’ve been doing of late.

I hope orcs get the color now so I can be more Shadowmoon than before.

All you need to know is that it’s not easy being green.

Dittos tho


The quest when you find the locket in the Ghostlands at Windrunner Spire and take it to Sylvannas is one of the greatest quests because it’s that darkness of war and emotion. People will never forget Runas either because of the quest chain you do with him in Azsuna. Emotion and feelings really make things memorable to players. The San’layn would have that in spades if we get them.

This is a very interesting thought. That would make sense as Arthas/Lich King only uses the military might of the Maldraxxus even though he would’ve known about Bastion, Revendreth, and Ardenweld. We did just get a small peak into Mald with a blue post preview. It will be interesting if there are hints of it in the zone somewhere.


Throwing in my support for San’layn/Darkfallen Elves, among other things.


I’m flattered, but I don’t think what I write is perfect. I’m sure there are things that could be argued or something I missed somewhere.

Also, I don’t know how useful I would be on any of the writing teams at Blizzard. On the forums, I’m free to type whatever I want. I could even have the Horde and Alliance settle their differences with a dance-off and a pie eating contest and have it both make sense and be a thrilling epic adventure.

However, for the actual writing teams, they’re married to the concept of business and have to write around certain things with lots of restrictions, even if they may not make much sense or seem like a brick wall to work around. It’s also done by multiple people, so it isn’t like I’d have a lot of control over a lot of things, and certain areas, themes, and characters I would likely not be good at writing for.

Despite that, I do type up these things for megathreads in hopes it would inspire them to consider these races we want to be playable at some point. I would honestly be surprised if anyone at Blizzard actually read and liked what I typed, and if we got certain races playable, I would not take credit of any sort. Still, I gotta try to show support somehow.

…though I would love to be able to sweet talk Ogres, Saurok, and San’layn as playable Horde races if I had the chance. I’ll keep on trying to show support as best as I can in the meantime. :japanese_ogre: :crocodile: :bat: