San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Sticking them on the same faction as the werewolves robs us of the possibility of vampire v. werewolf goodness. The pvp possibilities alone would be great!


Wait a second. I think we had a misunderstanding. I wasn’t talking about Alliance Vampires. I was talking about horde vampires. Simply a different faction than Sanlayn, but same aesthetic or close as suggested in this video. Like for example. Maybe they called them the Darklord Bloodcoven or something. I am bad with names on short notice.

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I mean that’s kind of hard to pinpoint right now. The San’layn are the only faction of vampires that we know of right now. Anything else would be a bit underdeveloped in comparison, so it’s really dependent on how much work they put into the lore.

Probably would get a similar reaction to void elves if it happened.

San’layn are also known as “Darkfallen”, I’d prefer them expand on lore we have for them though. If that means adding in another ‘faction’ of them, but they’re the same thing, I’d shrug but be like “well alright”.

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So the good news is that my last exam is Monday and Tuesday is when I present my team project with my teammate. If enough time is allowed for all teams, then Tuesday will be my final class day for sweet, sweet freedom, and I can support different race megathreads again! \ ^ o ^ /

Which means I should be able to find some time to write up stuff again. Currently, my goals are to do some San’layn writings, which I promised before, and also write a script for my “March of the Stonemaul Clan” Ogre player event that I want to do, hopefully sometime this summer still.

I’ll also need to catch up on the current WoW patch. So much to do, so little time… x- x


Void elves are alright because they’re a natural extension of blood elf lore. If there’s a new vampire clan that exists because they had a fateful run-in with the San’layn, from whom they get their curse, then I think that’d be alright too.

They’d also be a maligned race subjected to oppressive victimization, making them natural fits for the Horde.

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Aww. Looks like Alienaris really made Laeth’s day. Such a nice thing to say.

Its a crime to let such amazing beauty go unnoticed


Finally finished all 3,429 posts. :tired_face: And I have something like 45+ ideas I’ll need to order and then post. :male_detective: I will try to post them all tomorrow. :books:

All hail the Blood Queen Fallynn!

Fun fact that I didn’t don’t know about the royal hierarchy.

  1. King/Queen (Lana’thel)
  2. Prince/Princess (Dreven, Theraldis, Atherann)
  3. Duke/Duchess
  4. Marquess/Marchioness (San’layn on ship?)
  5. Earl/Countess
  6. Viscount/Viscountess
  7. Baron/Baroness
  8. Knight/Dame
    *There are more titles in between but they just add a prefix.

I would prefer San’Layn using the blood elf model personally.
I wouldnt mind having a blood mage spec/class skin for anyone to use in addition to the race.
Idk how I would feel about other race vampires. Blood elves are sort of vampiric with mana though. The San’layn are more in line with blood vampires and there connection to blood elves the name and there characteristics I think cements the identity.
There time with the scourge also exposes them to interesting magic and knowledge. Gargoyles for example can be used in there architecture and double as defensive units.

Blood orbs can be used as cameras/wards/ totems similarly to how they were in borean tundra.

They can probably help figure out ways to use the Anima blood elves have from ToT.

They can help study otherbraces necromancy such as the mogu. They’d be much more interested then the blood elves or undead humans of lordaeron which seek knowledge of other matters. Slyvannus seems to be the only character that seeks to improve her necromancy which is obviously an issue with the horde right now. (This would have to be cleared up for us to get a necromancer class right or dks dont count?)

Having done the Loyalty towards Slyvanas story line it saddens me to kill so many loyalists. They know we are on there side yet we still kill them : / They even give us potions so we dont get hurt. At least thrall shows he doesnt want to kill them either recognizing they are still horde. It just irks me to kill fellow horde again.

Nazgrim was a cool character. At least hes back as a horsemen. I fear we may lose more allies in a civil war. I hope 8.3 is not a civil war/ kill Slyvanas storyline. I hope she genuinely planned things out towards a greater threat. However unlikely it seems.

I also noticed a pandaren in mechagon today. Asking me to get something for his master. Which makes me think we may see others in the zones interested in the xones resources, magics and denizens.
The horde has elves to represent there former capital. I wonder if the San’layn had any connections to Nazjatar.

The alliance has mostly humans strangely.


Idea has much more effort put into it than most of the current existing allied races. Bravo. Unfortunately the decisions is ultimately on blizzard if it happens or not, but as of right now it’s a one off.


Threads like these are so much nicer than most allied race threads tbh. Because since there is the element of fan made work to this thread, people can be more open and flexible to ideas rather than just speculating based on existing stuff. That being said…

Unsheaths glaives Be prepared to face my wrath if I see any vampire fangs getting close to gnomes!


It’s too late for that.


Interesting. Seeing that kind of makes me want a vampiric/spooky looking gnome.


Do eet, vamp it up!


I’d be somewhat meh about it personally but probably just have to accept it. I’d rather them expand on the lore they already have for this than just kinda disregard it for the sake of a newish faction, unless it was a branch-off of the San’layn. Who knows, really, at this point they could do anything.

Wow that’s a lot, well I’m glad you like our ideas enough to provide some of your own. Yep, the hierarchy is fun! Truth be told, I have no idea what it means either. could be politics or it could include power too. I wish they’d actually expand upon that for San’layn. I think lately our ideas have evolved into being quite a bit more detailed. Personally I like making long thought out responses now and giving my opinions and feedback, which I feel helps more than saying “yeah I agree” or “I disagree”. I figured since I’m leading the thread, I should do what I can to keep the conversation going and provide insight ^^

Yeah same here, it makes the most sense. And I know people are like “Oh but we use it enough”. However, the thing is, we know the curse is a mutagen, we have a lot of creative freedom and so does Blizzard. Hopefully they take a look at their ideas. Void elves have So much potential to look more monstrous, like multiple eyes, jagged teeth, and the like. But I feel like what they are now isn’t as much as they can be.

I hope they explore more with San’layn if they ever add them, like bat-like ears, a full set of fangs in their mouth (all teeth), black/red eyes, long claws, scarring, and all of the works. There’s ways to look like a monster and be regal at the same time.

That entire questline pissed me off and I’m just not a fan of how hard Blizzard is shoving the Saurfang “muh honor” nonsense down our throats. I sided with Baine initially because I didn’t agree with Sylv denying that undead fellow free will. As an undead player, that’s an atrocity to me for sure. I’m also not a big fan of Teld, but that’s kinda said and done now.

I regret it wholeheartedly. I can’t believe I had to kill Sunreavers. It felt so off and I’m not a happy camper.

Yeah that pandaren seemed extremely shifty, I wonder what lore they’re going with that…

Thanks very much! YEah I know we don’t have as much of a chance, it’s a longshot, from what it seems like, but we’ll still be trying and sharing ideas nonetheless. Thank you for noticing the effort though, we appreciate the compliment :slight_smile:

Yeah, the thing is, we do have a lot of undefined lore to work with which is both a blessing and a curse. We can be very creative, because tons of it simply is open ended and not defined yet. I don’t think there’s as much freedom with others, depending on what you look at. There’s so many ways this could go, with the vampyr curse being a primary center. I really hope they expand on the origin and how it works eventually.


Thanks for the work you put into this. I hope blizz names one after you when they come out.


I’m sure Fallynn would thank you a thousand times, for being respectful, for being kind and politeness in this thread. I hope you have NPC in your honor :smiley:


So I read all 3,437 posts to get some ideas. Some of what I post below has been said by others in this thread whether by just bringing up the subject or going into more detail. I came up with these ideas before reading any post that had the exact same idea. The credit has to go to those who mentioned it before me. I’ve also got ideas from others and took that and went further. If I saw it posted before in this thread I’ll mention that I saw it posted.

(Posted in this thread about them looking different) Whatever they look like they need to be different then just reskinned BE’s. They have to be taller or shorter and thinner. I would say they could be heavier but they are dead so not many dead fat elves running around, lol.

  • Two hair colors (Posted by someone else in this thread). I think there should be a base color that is either black, silver or white. A second color that is the highlight should be either black, silver, or white for those that want one hair color or a dark red, dark blue or dark purple for those that want highlights.
  • Elvira style hairdo for females. I’ve always had a crush on Elvira and I think her hair style would be kind of cool to have as a San’layn. (Personal preference)
  • The Waltz. It is very refined and kind of what I expect of vampires masquerading around in costumes.
  • The Batusi. Kind of a weird dance I remember from my childhood and one weird enough for Blizz to use. Go to 1:50 for the basic dance.
  • Combine the two dances mentioned above. Start with the Waltz and make a complete circle and then start in on the Batusi, lol.
Heritage Armor
  • Gothic/Ballroom attire. The fluffy dresses, top hat, tux and ballroom masks. (Not really a fan of this because it’s more Worgen style imo)
  • Elvira dress with the slit. Add in a high, pointed collar that comes up to your head, black pantyhose or thigh high stockings and a long flowing cape. Could even add in some chandelier type shoulders. (Female only version which Blizz hasn’t done a separate male/female heritage yet)
  • Same as Blood Elves. They are raised Blood Elves so why would they not have the same class skills they died with?
  • Could always give them Warlock, Mage, Warrior, Death Knight but only if not an AR, Rogue, Hunter and either Monk or Priest though I think Priest might be too much light even though it has Shadow.
  • Illusion magic. When you near death, 5% - 10% max life, you create an illusion of yourself that takes all aggro as you disappear for 3secs.
  • Mark of death. Just like the ones that were with Dreven in the Alliance campaign. You mark an enemy and if you die they die or have it deal your max hp to that enemy so you can’t one shot a raid boss. Probably only for PvE and probably a 10 - 30 min cooldown.
  • Masquerade. You can turn into any target regardless of faction for X minutes. 10 - 30 minute cooldown.
  • Blood Worm. Every enemy you kill creates a blood worm that heals you for X hp or they attack enemy and heal you as they attack. Low damage and low heal so as to not be OP.
  • Blood Crystal/Globe. You pull out a blood crystal/globe and suck on it to replenish you life. Works kind of like Zandalari racial.
  • Gnome Slam. It is the exact thing we see that San’layn do to the gnome in the Alliance campaign. It works like execute for warriors. When enemy health gets below a certain threshold you can use that skill.

What if Sylvanas knew that Deven couldn’t be trusted and she figured that she would use him like he was trying to use her. Why would the San’layn join the Horde?

Reason for joining the Horde
  • Bolvar breaks free and tries to get San’layn to work for him. When they refuse he declares them enemies. They join Horde for self preservation. (Not my favorite)
  • Stuck up Dreven was the son of the Blood King. When he finds out that the Alliance killed him he seeks revenge and joins with the Horde since they know the Alliance better and have had many conflicts with them. (Good idea but needs more work)
  • The San’layn have an inner conflict going on also. Dreven was part of the San’layn that want nothing to do with outsiders. The Horde is approached by another group that wants to join the Horde and since the Horde was working with Dreven, even though he had no desire to help them, this group of San’layn consider that to be their best option. The Alliance is out because they killed a fellow San’layn.
  • Xal’atath either entered into a San’layn when she was freed, even though it looks like a void elf, or she swaps bodies and inhabits a San’layn. Feeling the power they possess she tries to lead them. When she sees that the Alliance kills the San’layn on the boat she tries to manipulate the Horde and so appears to be joining them.
  • Xal’atath was actually the very first San’layn raised. When she was freed from the dagger she returns to take back what’s hers. Her cruel way of ruling causes some San’layn to seek an ally in the Horde in order to defeat her. (I like this one)
  • Sylvanas becomes their leader (kind of posted by some in this thread). Maybe she becomes part San’layn on top of banshee. She also could use the blade of Xal’atath to steal Bolvar’s powers and raise the San’layn.
  • Since the Lich King had crushed the Nerubian Empire the San’layn had occupied some of the Old Kingdom. When the Lich King was defeated a lot of the San’layn were scattered. Over time they finally came to live in the Old Kingdom but the Nerubians also returned. The Nerubians occupy the Upper Kingdom while the San’layn occupy some of the Old Kingdom. Since the Nerubians have the power to reproduce the San’layn are losing. They come seeking help from the Horde. In return for helping the San’layn they will help repel the Alliance attack since they have attempted to take Silvermoon (Attack on Silvermoon was posted my someone in this thread). (I like this one a lot and it sets up WotLK 2.0 with Alliance getting Nerubians, which they won’t want)

Now where do they live. I’ve seen mentioned a number of Necropolis, En’kilah or Deatholme. Other ideas could be:

Possible Homes
  1. Ahn’kahet - They would battle the Nerubians for control. The San’layn dug out part of the Old Kingdom while the Nerubians have the Upper Kingdom. Could be fighting between them over the rest of the Old Kingdom. Also sets up WotLK 2.0. (This is my choice)
  2. Naxxanr and/or En’kilah - These have been mentioned and would make a nice little city with a Necropolis.
  3. Utgarde Keep - A San’layn is a boss there but that is the only reason I even mention it. Worse place imo.
  4. Malykiss - It is not finished but maybe the San’layn finish it and occupy it.
  5. Necropolis in Halls of Reflection - After the battle between Sylvanas and the Lich King there is a Necropolis chained to the ice cliff. Could San’layn be inside preparing for the war the Lich King is making. Fortunately the Lich King is defeated before they are used and they still occupy it.
  6. Zeramas - Only empty Necropolis I’ve seen or heard about in game. Could be free for San’layn to use.

Who would lead them? I’ve seen Kael’thas, Sylvanas, Blood Princes, Lana’thel, even Lor’themar . Here are some possible leaders:

Possible Leaders
  • Sylvanas (posted by someone in this thread). I think she could use the Blade of Xal’atath to steal Blovar’s powers and use them to raise San’layn. Then they would be loyal to her.
  • Lirath Winrunner (posted by someone in this thread). Maybe the Lich King had raised him to get under Sylvanas’s skin but never got the chance to use it against her.
  • Kael’thas Sunstrider (posted by someone in this thread). Decapitation does not stop one from being raised as a Forsaken or San’layn from what I read/understand. So that makes him a possible choice though I personally think that would backfire on the Horde.
  • Thalorian dawnseeker. He was Lana’thel’s good friend and the wielder of Quel’delar before Lana’thel took it. Could he have been raised as the Blood King? Maybe Lana’thel made him a Blood Prince?
  • Lana’thel. What if she possessed Illusion magic and just before she died she made an illusion that the champions killed instead of her? She is still alive.

I still have about half my notes to post but I’m tired of staring at the screen so I’ll end it here. Will post the rest tomorrow. It will include 9.0 xpac ideas, two Blood Princes, plot against Sylvanas, blood rituals and what they could mean, the rule of 3, quest chains to unlock San’layn and another after you unlock them, and other ideas.


Sounds good! I should go back through sometime myself and see what else I can bring up or fill in if we hadn’t covered a particular subject yet that I have ideas for. Lately I’ve been stretched thin however and with no lore additions for the San’layn at all, it’s been…well. A bit rough.

I would sincerely hate to have fat elves myself x.x if they were the only option, anyway, like with KT. It’s a personal preference, I like playing models I enjoy looking at and that are close to my body type, which is most definitely not chubby. And I’m not putting down anyone else either, just expressing that personally for this race, I really wouldn’t want a chunky look as the only think there. I think I’d be so disappointed and never actually play them, it just isn’t me. They could probably be either more lanky or more muscular depending on what you look at, honestly. The Blood Prince models are a mixture of blood and night elf, so that could be a start, and they do look really neat.

What did you think about Qualia’s models from the video? Those are indeed using blood elves but with a variety of many different options. If we want to go father, we could possibly get more muscular elves to show unholy strength. I don’t know.

This is hypnos’s model, credit in the twitter link:

Which is all we have for an idea on male San’layn. What are your thoughts on that one as well? Personally I’m a fan, but I understand some might not like it. Although I think he needs to have longer and sharper claws, and very distinct fangs.

I think red highlights or even blood spatters in the hair would make them stand out and be unique, along with of course giving that vampire aesthetic. Also good hair suggestion!

Why is it that I can see them doing that, haha?

I think one thing we should definitely see on heritage armor is wings on shoulders, or wings that activate when you jump (like on the lock set). Also, a mask for helm in some shape or form with fangs on it, since that’s so iconic.

Eh I think priest would be fine, the undead can use the light, it just burns them and they have to be extremely strong willed in order to be able to handle it. There’s also Forsaken priests, so I wouldn’t be worried about getting those classes.

Those are some new ones and I like them, yeah ^^ That blood crystal/globe could also be the orbs we see the San’layn channeling on the boat. It also could be flung at a target and explode, potentially, if they want to make that a racial idea too.

Anyway, those are some good ideas I can toss up into the front post for you if you’d like! It’s a well-written post and a good summary of some additional ideas that we didn’t mention yet in some cases ourselves.