San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Well now they are obligated to add that. It’s simply too good to pass. If they ever do… Kib and Vae totally get credit.

Man. Now I wish there were more canon Blood Princes. Or that we knew more about them. How were they in life? Did they have families? Did they get killed only to be used as a tool to shred the people they loved? Sadly they’re minor characters. We may never know. It’s nice to imagine sometimes any in depth any vampyr character. I got thinking today as I played through the patch.

The entire game, we’ve seen the sea giants, crab people, and gilgoblins as enemies. Never have we seen their personalities and never have we heard their stories. But… Now we get to look into them more. I’ve been having fun and it’s giving me hope. There are so many sides to every race. I hope we can one day see both the loyal/regal side of the San’layn working for the Horde AND their brutality toward enemies. Like orcs, forsaken, DK… any race really with a very dangerous side. I feel that they would fit into the Horde with a bit more lore and development. Some loose ends tied up too.

If Blizzard can show me the interesting and kind sides of the Gilgoblins(kelfin) then there is hope for us too. They like exploring multiple angles and saying not everything is black and white, good or evil.


Not to mention the void elves and lightbound! :o

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We do have that Murloc professor hunting a Vrykul Vampyr.


I’ve read just over 1,000 of the posts and have some new ideas but I’ll wait till I finish all 3.404 posts to add them.

That being said, I’d like to apologize to ALL the players that support this thread. I started from the very beginning and saw my very first post and it was an a-hole one, though not as a-hole as it could’ve been. Something about not wanting more elves. :sweat: I did say they need to be Horde and not Alliance but then came the “We don’t need more elves” crack. My humble apologies.

Also like to thank Fallynn for the rather kind reply even though I deserved a slap. I bow to the Blood Countess and beg her pardon.

Now, on to 8.2 stuff. I haven’t noticed any San’layn, has anyone seen anything that has to do with them?

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That’s Blood Queen to you. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Man, you’re more dedicated than even me. Granted… I’ve read all the posts simply because I run the thread, but you are going out of your way to do so, and you deserve major props for that. Wish the same could be said for Blizzard :stuck_out_tongue: Granted I have no way of knowing if they actually do or not, but lately I’ve been doubting it.

You don’t need to apologize. You were still one of the most polite people to come in here opposed to the idea. You didn’t insult us, didn’t say “No one wants your stupid emo elves”, didn’t say “You darn twilight lovers need to shut up” and the like. Compare what you said to some of the nastier things on here… though, you can’t, really, because some of it has been deleted. Trust me… there’s been some very, VERY nasty things people have said on the forums, and like I said back then, I appreciate you for being kind to us even if you disagreed.

It’s no problem at all, you didn’t deserve to be slapped or anything. Like I said, you were nice about it unlike many. Granted, that now seems to have changed since you really seem to enjoy the ideas now. It’s strange, I’ve seen people come around and say they were opposed to the idea at first but that it’s growing on them :stuck_out_tongue: I don’t know what’s changed, but believe it or not we’ve been here prior to any information about San’layn in BfA. About a month prior! So people cannot claim I made this due to the Dreven hype, huzzah! I actually do care about these ideas, hekhekhek :stuck_out_tongue:

Sadly, no, and I think we’d have seen that in the datamines. I knew as soon as there was nothing on PTR that we’d get nothing in live either. These days anything important is snatched up by dataminers. Which ruins surprises, yes, but also provides hints to stuff like this. The absence of it tells me that we won’t see anything to do with San’layn this patch, but I expected as much.

To be honest… I’m concerned a bit. Due to spoilers below.

Contains War Campaign Spoilers

They’re hammering home the “Sylvanas is bad” narrative. Which is to be expected, I mean, yeah, she did kind of do many bad things. But it seems like all the undead and ideas for them will be thrown under the bus as well. San’layn had a gateway to the Horde, they needed a home, through Sylv. Their connection to her might very well be the undoing of them and any of our ideas here. This is why we push so hard that they really need to be their own thing and stand as their own entity, not dependent on her.

But knowing Blizzard, if they do come back, I fear they might just be flunkies of Sylv because they want to hammer home that she really is terrible and so are the San’layn, because they might never want to explore the depth that intelligent undead could have, and want to go with the stereotypical “undead want all living to be killed” narrative.

I also could be very wrong. But needless to say, this war campaign is worrisome. Unless Thrall once again opens up his mind to the idea of another faction joining the Horde, of course… but again, with Sylv being the representation of them, it doesn’t matter who else tries to go against her, everyone might turn on her.

It didn’t happen with orcs because there were clearly many who opposed Garrosh. Plus, orcs are kinda the foundation of the Horde and always have been. Undead are the oddballs, the weird ones in the mixture. Along with elves, of course, but it’s clear that Lor’themar is going against Sylv now. Meanwhile, we see only one undead doing so, and that’s Voss. Not many else at all.

Edit: Yeah, I just finished the parts of the war campaign and cinematic. I just… wow. Just wow. I’m not a happy camper at all about what’s going on. There’s so much I’m miffed at. I really am starting to lose hope for any chances of getting San’layn, too, because Blizzard is obsessed with this black and white narrative, with legit nothing more than “Sylv BAD, undead BAD!”. We have to kill members of our own faction. We have to kill SUNREAVERS… the very people who had innocent civilians cut down by Jaina. And we have to work with the women that did that, too. As a Blood Elf fan, I’m just so unhappy about this. I’m losing investment in the story so much at this point it’s unreal.

I’m going to be really sad if San’layn really are just flunkies for the Alliance to feel good about killing. That’s what it seems like more and more. What a shame, because they’d have made a really cool undead race, playable vampires, all that. sigh Maybe I’m just ranting due to being upset, but my gods my hopes are stabbed and lying on the ground right now.


Just finished the second 1,000 posts and got less ideas from that bunch then the first 1,000 but they might have better quality ideas. A lot of the posts don’t have ideas or players come here to bump the thread so it went faster. I’ll probably finish the last 1,400 post by this weekend and have my list of ideas to post.

Working on a very, very basic San’layn model head but I have to finish the basic shape first and not sure if I’ll have the time. If I get it finished I’ll try to post updates and adjust the look to the communities preference. Might even make a couple models if I get into it. One for a more humaniod look, one in between and one more bestial.

Hate having to get a trust level in order to post.

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Wow o.o I’m honored that you think our thread is interesting enough to do that, to be honest. Granted, I do put a lot of work into my ideas, but sadly I can only write things out. If people want a scenario written out and enjoy my writing style, I will do so. Like an intro scenario, or another “Blood King” or “Blood Queen” creation. My ideas tend to revolve around either the direction lore could go, or how the San’layn could look.

I don’t know what to say other than that I’m grateful that you enjoy us enough to do things like that. I wish I could be of help or assistance, but with my focus being primarily on my writing either here, in RP, or outside of the game with my own novels, it makes learning stuff like that impossible due to no time. Plus… new patch. People that do model and art work are honestly heroes and celebrities in my eyes, because they can bring our ideas and characters to life. As a writer, I’ve always longed to be able to do that. It’s why I revere commission artists with styles I adore and sometimes get a tad bit addicted to getting commissions :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway, all in all, once again, I can’t thank you enough. As for the trust level 3 problem, you can put a `` on each side of the link and have it post. (example: From there, I can then repost what you said by copying your link and of course credit you (by quoting :stuck_out_tongue: people would just see the image or link since I do have TL3). I got to TL3 as soon as I could so that I could make the first post all neat. I heard you have to maintain it though and some are losing it x.x

As for the ideas and such, it’s a mix and match. There’s some of my own that I’ve lost over the time I’ve been in this thread–and this thread isn’t the first. It’s actually the ninth since its very first start, believe it or not! The first thread was posted by me about a month before any info came out on SL in BfA. My how far we’ve come, eh? Back then we were much more shaky.


You could always make youtube videos that just focus on an image for a few seconds and then link those. Anyone can link a youtube video without TL3.


Its tedious, but if you go the extra mile then it works.

You are undead proof that Undead can look great in skimpy mogs :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:



Aww. Looks like Alienaris really made Laeth’s day. Such a nice thing to say.


It did, thankies ^w^


I wish I did this on the Mok’nathal thread because they are my Most Wanted race but it doesn’t get the love or support and their are “We want Ogres not Mok’nathal” players so that kind of ruins it. I want Ogres too but I like the Mok’nathal look far more.

I can get on the vampire hype train though since Horde needs a counter to Alliance werewolves, even though I’m not an elf fan. And I thought they were so cool when I had to level an, ugh, Alliance toon to unlock the Horde war campaign mount, which I didn’t, lol. Shame Horde only players, like myself, that never play Alliance will never see how cool they are.

My modeling isn’t the greatest and it takes me more time to do it then say the person that did your video but I get there all the same. I just have an old orc model I’ve been fixing and decided to do the San’layn face and if it comes out good enough then I’ll finish it up.

And your writing is part of you and if you contribute any of it to this thread then maybe that will either help inspire others or get Blizz to notice, if they haven’t already. My tip would be to keep it short because some of us get bored of reading a crap load on the computer, even though I have a mini library of fantasy and historical books. :stuck_out_tongue: Maybe mark it part 1, part 2, etc. to keep it organized. And you could write a huge thing about San’layn but put it up little by little to keep peoples interests and possible get some feed back to make it more of what the community wants.

Thanks for the link tip. I actually saw something like that in an earlier post on this thread and thought I might do that.

And forget that about TL3, lol. If I was able to obtain it and keep it then that would be great but I’m not going to kill myself to get it only to lose it if I’m not always on the forum. I understand they want to limit the spammers and abusers but damn, too many hoops for me to jump through.

Glad you at least got it.

We’ll, I’m sure I speak for a lot of us in this thread, thank you for keeping it going. :wink:

Thanks for this advice. I made a video of an old orc model, long time ago, going through the animations I made. I could always give a 360 view and if it meets with community approval I could even animate it.

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Just me again with another weekly San’layn thread bump :grin::sweat_smile:



Eh it’s ok, we get the “no more elves” thing (I know you said that at first and that’s fine it’s no worries, it’s just as you can see the most common issue). We also get the: “San’layn are too evil to join the Horde” people as well that ignore my lore suggestions. Personally I think Mok’nathal and ogres could be added. Why not? Both would be good additions that people will enjoy. What thread? I say you should do it there too, you never know what you could inspire! Besides. Rexxar model has potential.

To this day we’re still talking about that and wondering why Horde players never got to actually see that. Someone pointed out to me that both sides of the story are revealed to players in every way…except for that one think specifically. We have to go out of our way to see the ship and have no idea otherwise what’s going on unless you see discussion out side of the game or are bifactional.

There’s two speculations as to why:

  1. The San’layn were meant to be slaughtered so the Alliance could feel like it was a good victory without inhibiting the Horde. This makes literally 0 sense however, because that wouldn’t be an Alliance victory at all, in that case. The Horde player has no idea about it, clearly it didn’t harm them all that much, and they still got the body they were after.
  2. The Horde will find out later about this, and it could even lead to an actual Allied Race. If the San’layn did achieve their mission, whatever it was (For example, if it was to distract the Alliance at all costs so that Sylv could get the body), we might be in luck.

The San’layn in the campaign are even cooler now than back in Lich King era. The whole sucking away the life of the gnome and then slamming the body down upon the ground to shatter it to a skeleton was hype inducing. To this day, I really wonder why they’d make such an epic scene, and why there was complete radio silence on the hype. Back when people first found out and saw this stuff, the forums wouldn’t shut up about San’layn. I was overwhelmed, as I had started the thread a month prior to this.

Things really heated up at the “San’layn need a home and are being given a chance to join the Horde”. More than a year later it’s been, now, though, and, well… we’ve had no further data.

Looking forward to it and any modeling is better than what I can do, which is legit nothing. We will be grateful to get anything at all, so give yourself all the credit where it’s due.

Oh I have! In the later posts, I’m not sure where exactly. I kinda forgot. But yeah I pretty much am doing that, shorter chunks, though I do have some long pieces that I just hide in those little arrow thingies. Eventually I’ll write something up again, when I get my muse back :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, I agree. I only got it for this thread. Since I head the community now, I figured I should put work into it, you know? I know many will say “Oh she’s doing too much for this” but I mean, I enjoy the game and the lore, so why not. It’s not like I’m going out and screaming at people that disagree with me or being toxic. I try not to be, anyway, and I’ve reduced my snark quite a bit.

Welcome back! Once again, it’s been a week? My goodness time really is passing rapidly. I feel like Blizzconn will be upon us before we know it.


Lemme ask you this. What if Blizzard came out with a Vampire race that has nearly exactly the same Aesthetic as seen in Fallyn’s Sanlayn custom video, but was a different faction. Does the faction in particular matter much to you or is it more aesthetic? I’d imagine lore would also matter to degree. Least to me lore is half of what makes a race fun to play.

I would be very angry if that happened. I’d probably not play it, and might even leave. Blizzard would have baited and switched at that point. It’s not like we see the Alliance having anything remotely connected to the San’layn. The San’layn are the most prominent vampire race there. We saw briefly those human vampirates, but after all this teasing and showing of San’layn themselves and then having them work with the Horde…

…If they were to do a complete 180, I’d just give up. I have my entire guild on Horde, I’m not switching to Alliance and leaving my friends behind. It’s why I’m still in the game. Alliance are boring as heck to me, and there’s many things I don’t like about that faction in general. I might be bifactional, but I am primarily Horde, and well, yeah. Alliance aesthetic doesn’t fit me. It’s why I rarely ever play my void elves.


Probably wouldn’t happen thankfully. Many of these factions that joined the horde had a long term existence.

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