Megathread: Ogres as Playable Allied race

So a bit of a flawed idea, but previously I mentioned the idea of a march in Orgimmar as part of an Ogre event I was considering doing in July. It’s far from perfect, and I wouldn’t expect a huge turnout, but I figured I would type out what I had thought of.

I had the idea of a “Stonemaul Clan March” in Orgimmar, where I would have a character that would act as an Ogre member of the Stonemaul Clan, announcing a march around the city while stating what all the Stonemaul had gone through and how they want to become full members of the Horde in order to repay their debt back to the Horde during the march.

Said march would involve about two laps through Orgimmar, where people would use Ogre illusion items and such to pretend to be Stonemaul Ogres while anyone else can just join in the march as themselves to show support. A small group of Ogre fans can start it and anyone interested in marching can join in at any point. This idea came from when I was in Orgimmar, and someone started a conga line march of people on the mammoth mount. It actually ended up being a long line and lasted quite a bit as they marched in Orgimmar.

The march would likely end in front of Grommash Hold, where the warchief resides in Orgimmar, and I did had the idea of ending off with an in-character pleading for the Stonemaul clan to officially be recognized as full members of the Horde and to assist the Horde with current events. It’s not like Sylvanas would just get irritated and blight us, but I figured it would be a fun way to end off the march.

Of course, one of the problems is that Ogre illusion items are limited in availability, aside from the Korvork illusion toy, and even then, they likely wouldn’t last the whole event. Plus, it might be confusing to see an Orc character acting like hes a Stonemaul Ogre.

Furthermore, I don’t want to be disruptive to the area. Shouting in-character Stonemaul clan related stuff would be occasional during the march, so as to not spam the chat. Also, I’d want the event to be both fun and be seen as a request for playable Ogres, which is a different posture of demanding Ogres to be playable.

As stated before, it is far from perfect and I wouldn’t expect a huge turnout for such an event. Likely, it could confuse those in the area as we engage in it. I’m open to suggestions and feedback to anyone that might be interested in organizing such an event, as well as completely different ideas for an Ogre-themed event or party similar to the Vulpera’s Foxtober event.

It remains to be seen if an Ogre event will actually happen. Right now, I’m just wanting to float the idea out and think up ideas in general, but for those interested, I would like to hear ideas and such. ^^