San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

It’s mostly just salty High Elfers. There’s a scientific correlation between the High Elf threads being locked, and this one suffering a rise in toxicity.

It’s why it’s called “containment thread” in the first place.

Honestly I’m just trying to find the parts where people are calling us toxic at this point, because I’m baffled. The latest posts have been detailed ideas of things like racials, potential leaders, possible things that could have happened in lore (for example, the blood orb), questions we’d love answered, racial mount ideas… the list goes on. (Headcanon is something people claim as true but really isn’t, I wouldn’t be claiming any truths :stuck_out_tongue: )

I can’t find where there’s claim to be toxicity unless I’m just blind and not seeing it.

Well, more to the point, anyway, I might write out a couple of scenario ideas for how the San’layn could get/already have a leader. Yes, I know, people will claim “Stop your silly headcanon nonsense” which it’s not headcanon, it’s 100% fiction, not real, just my ideas, with hopes to inspire thought is all. I communicate my ideas via story sometimes.

The two scenarios I’m thinking of writing out are alternative possibilities. One is the ressurection of Kael’thas, the other is the ressurection of Lana’thel.


In general the people against the idea are the “No more elves!” crowd or the ones who want their Allied Race to come first and for some reason fear another race will remove them from the theoretical table.

Ironically the people who are against High Elves anyway…

Also a small amount that want Dark Ranger type Undead Elves and a smaller amount that think it would take away from Void Elves as the “Spooky Elf.”

As for the “Headcanon” Scenarios. People need to understand that a lot of people talking the ideas out for any Allied Races are fans of the Story or are RPers. It’s only natural for them to come up with lots of story ideas. It’s just them having fun with the discussion.


Why do you even waste your time with something what’s not wanna happen anyways? If Blizz said that there are too less High Elves than it also means that there will be probably to less San’layn too.

nice alt account lol, such a mystery who this could be

To me, this isn’t a waste of time at all. I’m sharing my ideas and I will continue to do so. I disagree with that statement, as San’layn and High Elves are different just as Forsaken and Humans are different. We have no definitive numbers of vampyr regardless.

If you disagree, as I said, that’s perfectly fine. But I’m not going to stop sharing my ideas, and again, to me this isn’t a waste of time.

Edit: …Why are you posting on an alt?

  1. Vampires can always make MORE vampires. That was even the main focus for the War Campaign quest, preventing more from being made.

  2. There are a number of already playable races with as small or smaller than High Elves.

Including -

  • Draenei said to number in the few hundred at most by Velen in Rise of the Horde.
  • Darkspear Trolls almost wiped out by Murlocs before Thrall saved them. Then almost being wiped out by Daelin Proudmoore. Before having a Civil War. All before becoming playable. (They are even stated to be almost extinct in their racial description.)
  • 1ship of Goblins and one tribe of Tauren. (They appear to got more members though)
  • Lightforged Draenei only coming from 1 ship that got destroyed by the Legion.
  • The Students of One School on the Back of a Giant Turtle becoming the playable population of Pandaren for Both Factions.
  • One Bumrush of Mag’har to the Portal from AU Draenor.
  • “An Elite Crack Squad” of Void Elves. Consisting of one Magester and his followers.

So San’layn do not need to start out with a large population when they became playable. (And they can make more.)


I’m a guy from the EU forums and created this Orc to be able to post here.

It are Elves and I not think that we get 2 Blood Elf models again.

Read Wowpedia. They recruit Blood/High Elves now to fill their ranks.

I saw nothing of this but you can probably link a source for me.

Maybe a few hounded like the Blood Elves are. And don’t tell me about the thousands of armies which we see ingame. We both know that Blizz don’t care about numbers.

There are a few more Troll tribes in the Horde or do you think that previous Gurubashi Trolls are green?

And we saw how Dranei turn into Lightforged.

And don’t forget that we get more allies in Pandaria aswell!

All Mag’har which survives the Lightbound and many other creatures from AU.

That’s fine. I respectfully disagree.

Not to mention, I wonder if the Blood Curse works on the already dead. If so, yeah, there’s 90% of the blood elf population that could be risen. Could you imagine just how big an army would be, in that case?


That was proven to be wrong. Blizzard said they are not recruiting and there is no current way to make more.

Someone just wrote that in based off of early beta assumptions. It needs to be edited.

All current San’Layn started out as Kael’Thas slain troops.

And recent lore involving Dreven suggest that there is some sort of transformation ritual or process.

But yeah, they have potential to grow 10 times the population of all living Blood/High/Void Elves VERY quickly.

Population is less of an issue for them then most other races IMO.


I really love those Sanlyn models. Whoever did that did an amazing job. If Sanlyn were made playable I’d probably roll one.


Alrighty, the time has come, I’m going to write out two scenarios novel-style of which could be the depiction of a new Blood Queen/King. Might have a short bonus story as well, showing what I would think is most likely of course. These two scenarios are also possible. Who knows!

Ressurecting Lana'thel

The rumble of thunder was deafening, but it had little effect on the ears of the damned with such an important purpose. Two pairs of deep red eyes gleamed the night, exchanging a glance before happening upon a seemingly unimportant corpse on the shore. Leaning down, one of the Blood Princes, Theraldis, flared his nostrils and took in the corpses scent a moment before nodding. “Good. He did as he was told. Hopefully he gained favor of the Horde. We shall see,” he growled. The other Blood Prince, known as Atherann, provided a slight smile, reaching down to his robes and feeling around. From out of them he pulled a well-secured soulstone, one that glowed with a bit of blood magic for a rather potent mix… He handed it to his comrade and stepped back to observe.

The body was at sea for a bit too long for the soulstone to work as intended. The blood orb could not work well in this scenario–they needed it for a very special plan once this one could go through. But Theraldis knew that Dreven was going to be sacrificing himself to gain favor of the Horde. It was the only way to ensure their people had a remote chance of survival now. Otherwise, they might be all hunted down and destroyed. But they were no longer the Lich King’s puppets and did not fear repercussions of going against him. Anyway, the ritual needed much more put into it, therefore, and the two blood princes had planned this ahead of time.

Taking the stone gingerly in his claws, Theraldis took a step back and spread his hand. “This ritual will take much from us. But without the power of a third, we cannot bring our Queen back. Sacrifices must be made to ensure our people have our queen.” With that, he extended an index finger from his right hand while still holding onto the stone and sliced into his other palm. Then, he raised the stone over his head as the blood from his left hand welled up and began to form spindles before connecting to the stone and flowing about it like blood through the veins of a living creature.

Blood Prince Atherann did the same, soon enough contributing his power to the ritual as well. Wires of blood began to whip around and latch onto the body of Blood Prince Dreven, pulsating like leeches sucking away his life. However, this process was doing the opposite. The glazed-over look in his eyes slowly began to fade as a dark red hue fell over them. Finally, they reached the point in which they were as lively as the other princes, and slowly Dreven lifted a hand, placing it onto his forehead and letting out a soft groan.

The blood spindles dissipated, and the soulstone lost both its glow and hue. The ritual was complete, just in time for the pouring rain to increase in intensity. For the moment, none of the princes paid that any mind. A pause in time occurred right then. Dreven took his time to awaken, flexing his fingers, sitting up and rubbing at his face, his neck, his arms, just to ensure he could feel again. In dead silence did Theraldis and Atherann watch, until finally one of them broke it.

Softly, Theraldis purred, “Welcome back to reality, apprentice. Tell me. Did you do as the Horde asked you?”

Dreven’s eyes glimmered a moment in thought. He was hesitant, but slowly he nodded, getting to his feet, the entirety of his robes drenched. He looked quite like a drowned bat, to be honest. “…Yes. The warchief commanded me to, at all costs, keep the Alliance distracted. She did not inform me of her objective. A fragment of our forces were sent out on a boat. We were ambushed by the Alliance during this process, but her words, they echoed in my mind. At all costs. At all costs. I do believe I have made a mistake, my lord.”

Atherann spoke up now, stepping forward. There was a hint of concern in his voice. “Apprentice,” he hissed, his ears flattening. “Our people have no home. We are seen as wretched, disgusting creatures not meant to survive. We are shunned by our own people. This was a chance to finally have a place to go. The Forsaken were granted that. As I heard, so were some of the Death Knights. We need allies, we need to integrate, otherwise we will be wiped out. How I long to aid my people after the atrocities I committed. My intent following that Demon Hunter to Northrend had not been to become this monster. Therefore, please. Tell me you did not ruin this for us. Tell me we still have a chance. We can use our brutality, we can use our fangs to aid the Horde and most importantly, our city. No doubt the Alliance has their eyes on the Sunwell, that much is obvious. I hear the whispers, I know of those disgusting traitors, the Ren’dorei, and their objectives. All that we love or used to love will be eradicated if not given enough help. We must be there to rip those Alliance dogs to shreds and gorge upon their blood. Otherwise…” The Blood Princed paused, a scowl on his face.

Dreven sighed, avoiding either of their gazes for the moment. “I gorged upon some forsaken. They had not nearly as much power as a Kael’dorei held in their beating hearts. The taste was not palatable. The warchief ordered me to do it at all costs. I was going to be slain! They would have not been given enough time! I powered my shield with the blood, managed to hold on for a few minutes longer, but that wretched Kael’dorei, Shandris invoked some power and disposed of me. I tried to survive. I tried all that I could, and I still failed, my lords.”

Blood Prince Theraldis and Atherann exchanged glances. Their wore hardened expressions, and both looked a mixture of wary and hopeless. Finally, Theraldis spoke up. “And does the warchief know what you did?” he asked in a whisper. Dreven slowly shook his head, his hair clinging to his skull, neck, and chest due to the constant soaking from the rain.

“They do not. Only Shandris and the Alliance Hero bore witness to my betrayal,” he replied with a sigh. Somewhat relieved, Theraldis gave a nod, turning away from him and motioning for the other two to follow.

“Well. We will have to hope that the secret remains just that, then, Dreven. Otherwise, you have doomed our people. Both the living and the dead,” Atherann replied. Together, the princes dissolved into bats and flew off in a flurry, taking to the night and vanishing into the dark clouds.

Intel from within the Citadel rendered this the one and only opportunity. There was no window for failure. The San’layn had eyes everywhere, and when they heard Bolvar was to be distracted a few months later, they had to make their move. During the time in which he was being questioned by the champion as to the warchief’s purpose and who granted her the mantle, the three blood princes breached the citadel and quickly extracted her body.

All went well until the very end. A booming voice of anger rang out right as the princes were halfway through rushing out of the building. It was Bolvar’s. “HOW DARE YOU DEFY ME! I AM THE JAILER OF THE DAMNED! YOU ARE MINE! THE SAN’LAYN WILL NEVER ESCAPE THEIR BOUNDS!” A rumbling occurred over the three princes, causing Theraldis to gasp.

“Run. RUN!” he shouted as pouring out from every corridor was an army of ghouls. “We must get out of here before the abominations emerge, for we are trapped forever if we do not.” A mad cackling occurred from Bolvar, not exactly all that reassuring.

“You escaped me once. You will not again,” the Lich King’s voice snarled into their ears. Atherann hissed in worry, flattening his ears and bowing his head. He looked behind him, muttering a spell and sticking out his hand. Spears of blood flew out and impaled several ghouls, melting them and creating a sickly substance. The blood and other goo coagulated into more spines, piercing more and dissolving them rapidly. This action, however, was not to be enough. Groaning, Atherann glanced to the other two princes. Theraldis was carrying Lana’thel, so effectively couldn’t do much here.

“We are running out of time. Soon, they will be upon us, and we will be in chains once more. There must be something we can do. Hurry,” Atherann gasped. Dreven paused for a moment and nodded. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, now using his nose to guide him where to go via the scent of the other princes’ blood. Now, he focused, and a shield of blood formed around them. This was at a great cost, however. Blood poured from his veins to allow this to occur, and he was losing power rapidly. But perhaps it would work this time.

The ghouls bounced off of the shield, mercilessly trying to claw their way inside but failing to get to their prize. Soon enough the way was in sight, but an abomination moved to block their way. Spilling out of his hollow belly were bloody guts, and he reared his ugly head to let out a deranged bellow. There wasn’t enough time to fight him, either, but Dreven had an idea. He snarled and slammed his foot upon the ground. The shield exploded outward, shattering anyone outside the shield in a ten meter radius, including the abomination. Unfortunately, Dreven fell to the ground after this, passed out by such a short burst of power and not enough recovery or build up time.

Quickly did Atherann dart to him, throwing his arm around his shoulders and dragging him along. Luckily the San’alyn had unholy strength, so this was no problem. The moment of pause to do so however used up time, and once again were the ghouls closing in. The explosion however had cleared the way, and soon enough the Blood Princes emerged from the citadel. Gargoyles landed before them, trained by the Princes themselves.

With a great leap, Theraldis and Atherann latched onto the gargoyles, holding the either dead or passed out body of the San’layn they carried in front of them. Bolvar didn’t bother to pursue them, not now. By the time he gathered the proper forces, they’d be long gone. Well well. They would no doubt he a target of his regardless, for the San’layn, in his eyes, were meant to be locked away. He would see to it that this would occur eventually.

Finally the three Blood Princes gathered around the body of their queen. Blood Prince Dreven had never actually seen her in the flesh, for he was a new Prince courtesy of Theralis and Atherann. He didn’t really remember his origin, other than he’d been on the brink of death when happened upon by the two. But that was a story for another time.

They were in the underbelly of Dragonblight, Ahn’kahet the Old Kingdom to be precise. The bugs had been cleaned out, replaced by regal banners of the San’layn, where they’d hidden out for a decade. They had a very long time to build up this Kingdom and create more San’layn in secret. Bloody spires and buildings with gothic architecture mixed with that of their origin, the Sin’dorei, could be seen. Rather than crystals of green, however, the area was decorated with crystals of red. Dark red fire lit the way, setting a more gloomy and dark scene, much different from the bright of Silvermoon City. Royal red carpets were draped along the ground as they walked to the top of a temple-like building, where what looked to be a sacrificial table was set up.

The first thing to notice about this temple was the amount of blood spilled upon its floors. So much so that it was stained red. But why? Well… glass orb upon glass orb was filled with many different types of blood. Unwary travelers to Northrend, though only the Alliance races, as naturally the San’layn made a decision for an attempt at peace with the Horde, many Vry’kul, and the occasional dragon’s blood too. In fact, there was a struggling human in the corner right there, prepped to be an addition to this ritual rather than just food.

Atherann walked over to the human, catching him under the jaw and smirking. He snarled and spit into the San’layn’s face, but the Blood Prince paid no mind. Rather, he squeezed his hand, sinking his claws into his cheek and causing him to cry out in pain as it felt like tiny daggers were ripping through his flesh. Suddenly blood began to gush out of every pore on his body, and screams of agony filled the air. The blood pooled and coagulated, forming into an orb, of which Atherann grabbed, releasing the now drained human’s chin and delicately removing a bit of glass from his bag. He placed the substantial amount of blood into the orb, using his arcane magic to allow it to float, as the glass orb and the blood itself was far too much to just hold. Successful, Atherann turned to the others.

“We are ready.”

The body of Lana’thel was placed on the table, and the princes gathered around. Above them was the true blood orb, glowing a bright red, but currently a dud since it had not yet been restored. That was about to change. The shattering of glass was heard as the collected blood poured upwards in a very strange fashion to meet that of the orb, filling it and empowering it. The orb remained the same size, of course, converting the blood directly into the magical energy that it would need for this ritual.

Finally, spindles of blood shot out at Lana’thel, and Theraldis stepped forward, a soft smile on his face. “The San’layn are our own immortal soldiers. Now our enemies will face our Kingdom’s might. Rise up, sister… and lead us to our victory!” he snarled. The blood orb bled power into Lana’thel and suddenly went dark. Everything froze in time, and for just a moment, the three princes wondered if they had failed.

That was when slowly her pure-black eyes began to open and fix upon them. Her wings spread a bit, stretching like a bat waking up from a long, long rest. Sitting up carefully, she looked around, somewhat hazy. After a pause, an excited smile spread across her face as she flashed her fangs in delight. “Well well well,” she purred softly. “It looks as though the game has not quite ended for me. The Citadel was ‘only a set back’, as it were, hmm? You did well, my brothers. Very well. Now I am ready to play once more.”

The next one I’ll write is the concept of Kael’thas being brought back. That one will be a bit more complicated, and I might of course be getting the use of various magics wrong, or how they intend the vampyr ritual to work. But who knows!

As you all know, I’m a huge fan of story writing, so I voice my ideas in this fashion. If it can inspire some of the devs and how they could write lore for our vampyr here, I’d be thrilled. I might not be able to create art. But I have my writing to back me up. :slight_smile:

Edit: Ooo, I found another story I’d been looking for that I wrote a long time ago. Here it is, more fun concepts and personality ideas. San’layn/vampyr elf Customization (and Allied Race idea) Coagulated Megathread {Re-VAMPed} - #1868 by Fallynn-wyrmrest-accord



This right here is a perfect visual. I love it :smiley: Yes yes yes, thank you!


Some ways to get San’layn…
Dreven being brought back by Slyvanas. She sees he did his mission and brings him back and adds him and his troops to the horde. Her necromancy powers are growing especially with Azerite. (this implies she stays our ally and is not Garrosh 2.0)

A San’layn envoy awaits you at the embassy to help save there coven/pack/ nest from a threat in northrend. (new assets have been made I think and posted in the thread)

The lich king becomes allies of the horde for whatever reason, the horde unites under forces of death, the alliance has forces of light and void.

One of the sin’dorei has connections with one of the San’layn they try to work out a pact taking you into another adventure. They were Kael’s troops meaning blood elves may have family that are San’layn.

Slyvanas learns how to raise the undead high elves as darkfallen and san’layn with the help of dreven. This would be a very good story for a silvermoon warfront led by Slyvanas and the blood elf forces vs Alerria the void elves and night elves. Slyvanas raises the dead and happen to Raise her younger brother (my personal hope since he was in the comic and would represent san’layn from the windrunner siblings).

Finding out that the San’layn had used there polymorph and disguise magic to make a crew look like San’layn. This would show that they have powerful disguise magic and add flavor to them. Make them unique for espionage missions as shown by the alliance campaign.

If Lillian takes over the forsaken she could be interested in getting them to join for whatever reason. She is quite a potent magic user and expert on many different forms of combat. She may be interested in the San’layn and have Sympathy for them.

We go on a mission to recover the dead loa’s body and other magical objects to resurrect dreven. He tells us about the darkfallen orb to raise back the neophytes and tells you were more of his kind lay in hiding. You see them in an unexpected location hidden by magics. Your surpised they are so close to alliance settlements taking bodies from the nearby alliance hub.

The Mag’har know how to conjure the blood moon and have a pact with the San’layn. They use it to help sate there blood lust. They are glad to sate it with alliance soldiers!!! Similar to death knights.


I mean at this point, just take everything from Skarlet in MK11 since thats peak blood magic usage (even the Sanlayn teleport is there)


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Love these ideas, all of them are very good ones :slight_smile: I can pop this post if you want on the top one as an important post to keep note of!

I haven’t actually had experience with that yet, to be honest :stuck_out_tongue: Which is odd, because you’d think I would.

Alrighty, well time to tackle this challenge, oh boy. I went back and read about Kael’thas, and needless to say, this scenario would be much, much more dramatic than that clean cut one. Inner turmoil indeed. Now, you’ll see why.

The Rise of Blood King Kael'thas

A lonely necropolis floated along the abandoned scourge fortress formally known as “Temple City of En’kilah”. Not many mortals dared to visit there, as there were rumors of tormented spirits wandering about this place of which attacked anyone and anything that dared get too close. There was some justification to these rumors, for this was the home of the San’layn, of whom had hidden themselves for over a decade after Arthas’s fall.

One lone Sin’dorei made her way across the icy terrain, staring up at the looming gate of the city. She shuddered in fear but pressed onward. Bouncing along her side as she walked was a bag filled with something rounded and hard. She had to deliver this object to these people, otherwise, well. There would be no hope left.

She’d heard the rumors of the Ren’dorei and how they planned on attacking the Sunwell with a large group of the Alliance. There was to be no mercy. Intel told her that the Horde forces were focused upon the warfront in many other areas, and not many paid her any mind when she tried telling them about these attacks. She was just an apprentice. What did she know?!

Unfortunately, The Shattered Sun Offensive had fallen to corruption and politics over the years. The Sunwell was restored, yes, however methods on how to properly protect it from falling into the wrong hands were a constant debate on everyone’s lips. The rift opened further at the shocking betrayal of the Ren’dorei, too. Their own people, not understanding the apathy of the Alliance. At least the Horde stuck together, outcasts just trying to survive. Well, that was before the warchief’s reign, that is. And that’s what was creating the second rift.

Two sides held onto this story. One in firm belief that Sylvanas would come to their aid should the Sunwell be attacked. The other under the belief that she would most definitely not help, and potentially even use an attack to her advantage to raise undead Sin’dorei even if Lor’themar protested. Ah… Lor’themar. He was going against her too, which just ripped things apart even more.

Which all lead up to this. Fae’rine Brightfyre closed her golden eyes, recalling the time where she’d been approached by that terrifying elf.

She’d been in Nazmir, casting blood magic to fight against the Alliance, but unfortunately her camp had been ambushed. They fought long and hard, but it hadn’t been enough. Cornered, she was ready to die.

But death never came. Among the last of the blood mages to have survived, she bore witness to something peculiar. A cloud of bats converged together to form a tall elf with deep red eyes, bat-like ears, and gleaming fangs when he snarled. She shuddered in fear as she saw him rip to shreds every single Alliance solider that had her trapped. Then, he turned to her, Blood pouring from his lips…and held out a hand.

“It appears as though you needed a little bit of help, dear,” Blood Prince Theraldis purred. She didn’t take his hand, rather stared at it in confusion. As far as she knew, all of the San’layn had been wiped out many years ago. This was coming upon her as a huge shock. Her eyes stared into his, and she remained silent for just a moment.

“Is it really you?” she finally whispered, her voice broken. Slowly, the Blood Prince gave a nod.

“Yes. We must hurry,” he replied. Fae’rine was absolutely stunned, and Theraldis wasn’t about to wait. He lunged at her and swept her into his arms, teleporting away to where it was safe, away from all of the action. Placing the terrified elf upon the ground, he stared her down. “Let me explain, Fae’rine.”

As it turned out, Theraldis had gone off to the Northrend front with the other forces of Blood Elves fighting for their city by joining Illidan against Arthas. He’d been slain and risen, presumed entirely dead, for he never showed his face during the Northrend campaign, not even once. Only the champion knew of him, and that was from a vision. When he fell, he left at home a wife. That wife was Fae’rine. She’d given up hope that he’d survived long ago, and dedicated her life to fighting for her city in his name. Well, this was quite the surprise, then.

Theraldis had fallen before Kael’thas had displayed his insane behavior, whereas Fae’rine had seen it all. For months did they argue back and forth, then, about the intentions of the fallen prince. Fae’rine had joined the Shattered Sun Offensive to protect the sunwell, serving a while before joining the army due to growing tired of the rifts and corruption. She didn’t want to believe Theraldis’s words. Finally, though, did Fae’rine begin to see eye-to-eye with him. She really didn’t want to accept it. But, well, she did. And she was the key to something really, really dangerous.

Kael’thas. How could his behavior be justified? Illidan was brought up time and time again, but Fae’rine told herself that he wasn’t nearly as corrupted as the fallen prince. So why was she standing here, gazing at the nest of San’layn, with his skull in her bag for a ritual to bring him back?!

Well. Deep down, she trusted her husband. She knew his intentions were for their city. He told her that Kael’thas was corrupted by the fel, but like a phoenix, would be born anew in this ritual. He would be a Blood King. What did that mean? He would be like Lana’thel? She shuddered at the thought. But upon looking into the eyes of Blood Prince Theraldis, she knew that he was right in the mind. More violent, more brutal, and extremely bloodthirsty. But…loyal to his city. He’d never risen a hand against her. Not even when she shouted at him that he was wrong, that this plan would never work. He remained calm and talked to her, trying to get her to see from his perspective. It worked. Here she was.

From behind her, Blood Prince Theraldis appeared. A hand fell upon her shoulder, and she shuddered, jumping in surprise. A soft chuckle sounded in her ear. “Have no fear. You are safe here, under my order. Trust me, Fae. I want what is best for our people. We are stretched too thin. The Reagent Lord has unknowingly given intel on how to breach our city to the enemy by working with them. My bats have caught the whispers of the Ren’dorei plans. We haven’t much time.”

The Sin’dorei flicked her ear, strands of her brilliant red hair glowing as the sun set in the horizon. Finally, she nodded. “Alright. Take me up there,” she sighed, holding the bag tightly to her chest. Theraldis gave a kind smile and took her into a hug. However, blood dripped onto her cheek, causing her to shudder. “…I assume you’ve just eaten?”

Sheepishly, Theraldis cackled. “Why, yes. Wouldn’t want me losing control and ripping your throat out now would we? Come. You can join us if you’d like, as a representative of Silvermoon City.”

“I will be seen as a traitor, Theraldis,” she replied in a broken tone.

“No,” he purred softly. “Some extreme measures must be taken for the protection of our people. Silvermoon City has no idea the danger it is in. But we do. And we will not allow our city to fall.”

From here, Fae’rine took the hand of her husband and allowed him to bring her up to the necropolis, and boy was it a sight to behold. Gargoyles flew about, their wings tinged with blood, as if permanently stained. San’layn Neophytes, fresh from having fallen and being raised from the front, were being trained by Blood Marquis and Marquees. Banners of the San’layn sigil were draped everywhere, and regal carpets littered the floor, along with crystals of blood. Various blood orbs held on pedestals glowed menacingly, filled with the fresh crimson liquid of their victims and stored for later consumption.

All in all, this area was extremely regal and haunting at the same time. Theraldis lead Fae’rine to the center teleporter. The other San’layn in the area turned to stare her down almost hungrily, but at a steely glare from the Blood Prince, adverted their gaze. Together did Fae’rine and Theraldis approach the center of a large ritual room, where corpses were strung up by a great amount. Elves, not having been used for San’layn and slain by being cut down on the front by the Alliance, would be utilized for this. First, their new blood king needed a body.

Standing there at a ritual table was the warchief herself. What?! Fae had no idea she was involved… Next to her was Blood Prince Atherann and Blood Prince Dreven, of whom had his body retrieved and brought back by Sylvanas after the unfortunate run-in with the Alliance. The warchief smiled ‘kindly’ upon seeing Fae’rina.

“You managed to obtain the key piece to this puzzle, hero. Good. Our army will be extremely powerful with the addition of the San’layn,” she mused, nodding in approval.

Atherann’s glare locked upon the warchief, and he said without pause, “You are sure this process will aid in the protection of our city and people, warchief? We do not want our Blood King to be raised just to be ordered away for other purposes.”

Chuckling, Sylvanas nodded. “Why, you have my word, little bat. Your city will be safe. My army, of course, will be even stronger with your aid. You know my price. In exchange for my service, I need soldiers. Powerful San’layn to be risen and utilized on the front.”

“We are not tools for your use, Sylvanas,” Dreven growled defiantly, but this only caused the warchief to snicker.

“But of course not. You would do well to listen to my order, however, as your people rely upon me entirely. You will always have your will, and can always refuse to do as I say. But I cannot promise protection in every scenario if you do not obey. You are your own people, you will protect your city. But you will also serve me,” she replied. This caused the three blood princes to go silent.

Fae’rine was uneasy about this. More and more did she hesitate, until finally, she took a step back. “No. This is a terrible idea. I should have never gained the Offensive’s trust, I should have never stolen the skull away when they were busy arguing as they always do. I am betraying my city. Something is amiss here. But I can stop it, here and now!” Suddenly a shield of arcane surrounded her, and she stepped back, chanting a teleportation spell. The entire room froze–action needed to be taken here and now. Atherann lunged for her, but Theraldis cut him off, hissing loudly.

“FAE! NO! Please… this is our only hope. You have to trust me. Please,” the Blood Prince growled, staring her down as she began to reach the final words of her spell. Meeting his eyes, Fae paused. The spell slowly dissipated in that moment–a moment’s pause was a pause too long. That’s when Theraldis lunged for her, pinning her down and snatching the bag away. He tossed it behind him, where Atherann caught it and set it upon the table.

Fangs plunged into Fae’s neck as she cried out, slowly being drained. Theraldis didn’t kill his wife, however. He weakened her considerably before dragging her off, placing her into a cell and wiping his lips of her blood. Weakly, she stared at him, betrayal glimmering in her eyes. “…I’m sorry,” Theraldis sighed, but straightened up, a cold glint in his gaze. “But you cannot interfere, Fae. I will see you soon.” That wasn’t reassuring for the poor Blood Elf. But he had no time to dwell.

Returning to the ritual site, Theraldis noticed that Sylvanas looked less than amused. “Pitiful girl, thinking she has any power here. That minor upset will do nothing, however, not a thing at all.” She looked over to see Nathanos approaching, bowing to her and holding out a dagger. The warchief accepted it, approaching the table with the skull.

Now, the ritual began. Only the skull was needed here–besides, the rest of Kael’thas’s body was lost. But that mattered little. The flesh from the dead elves hanging on the walls began to coagulate and ball up. Slowly did it creep toward the skull like a bunch of hungry maggots, latching on and building something new. Taking on the biological data of the body, the flesh began to modify itself into Kael’thas. This took several minutes of fleshcrafting until finally he was complete. His skin was abnormally pale, and he had a very large hole in the center of his chest, where the fel crystal used to be. The residue of his corruption, of course, could still be seen in that case. His hair was purely white, having lost all of its color entirely. Not one strand of it was golden any longer.

Off to the side, a Val’kyr groaned and fell to the ground. The fleshcrafting has used all of her power, and just like how Nathanos was restored, used up yet another one. However, just like when Nathanos had been restored, she was not entirely dead, rather likely out for the count for many years. Just so, she might as well be. There was no relative required for this sort of fleshcrafting due to a different ritual occurring, however, very soon. This is where the San’layn came in. They needed a new ruler, a Blood King or Queen. A simple forsaken, though powerful, would not do. No, they needed a master of blood. Kael’thas was simply perfect for this ordeal, as he had originally been their leader back before they were slain.

Now, it was Dreven, Atherann, and Theraldis’s turn. Slowly did the Blood Princes approach, raising their clawed hands upward. The blood orb that had restored the previous Blood Prince council had been obtained, but this time injected with much more potent blood magic. Everything had come down to this. All of the remnants of fel would be flushed away and replaced with blood magic, for he was to be king.

Tendrils of blood lashed out of the orb, attaching to the body of Kael’thas. Slowly did he begin to mutate… for the vampyr curse, especially one this concentrated and potent, was a mutagen. And my goodness, it was glorious.

From his back ripped out a new formation of bone, spreading out to form limbs of a new kind. Wings, giant bat wings, spread out, stretching and contracting slowly. His lips opened widely, and all of his teeth sharpened into points, his canines longer and more deadly than the rest. His nails shifted into long, dagger-like claws, dangerous weapons to disembowel his enemies if he wished. His ears became wider and more bat-like, some flesh ripping and tearing from this process and chunking some bits of it, as this wasn’t perfect. He was therefore left with ripped ears. The center of his chest filled with blood, but it still wasn’t completed with pure flesh. Rather than a gigantic fel crystal, a huge orb of blood formed swirling forever in that area.

Then, slowly, his eyes began to open, as the blood curse pulled his very soul from the Shadowlands. These eyes were purely black, the eyes of a hungry predator, wanting to strike and devour whatever he could get his claws on. Despite being undead, there was almost a life-like glint to this dangerous, pitch black gaze. A look that was starved and very much wanting to gorge. Slowly, he sat up, his wings opening gloriously for a moment before draping down, quite like Lana’thel’s had at rest. Slowly he looked about, many strands of his pure white hair falling into his face. His mouth was partially opened as he appeared to breathe out of habit, though he needed to take no breaths. A long tongue lashed out and swept over his fangs. He was hungry.

Theraldis did not hesitate to hold out a broken blood orb to him, offering him blood. The Blood King accepted it and began to drink…and drink… and drink. His hunger was not sated with just one. After having gone through several more, finally, he spoke. His voice was soft, tired, and cold.

“Well well well. It has been a while, hasn’t it?” he chuckled. “It appears the only setback was not just Tempest Keep. What have I been made? How is it that I can think so clearly… my head is not fogged with madness… only hunger, at first, which is sated for now?” Around him did three orbs of red float. One over each shoulder, and one over his head. He would be given royal black and red robes for proper garb, much darker than he used to wear, soon enough, to complete him.

“You are the new Blood King of the San’layn, of whom are quite loyal to you, Kael’thas,” Sylvanas replied, and approached him, leaning into his face. “Therefore, you are owned by the Horde. You are owned by me. You will have your chance to protect your city. But dear little bat, I hold the chain.”

The Blood King paused, and the Princes looked quite concerned. Slowly, Kael nodded. “Understood, Banshee Queen. For now. For now.” This was followed by somewhat of a dark cackle.

The Blood King had risen, and soon blood rain would pelt the Alliance in ways that they’d never seen before…


So, whatcha think Kael’thas fans? Blood King Kael, as you requested. Now, I know me bringing the warchief into this is a bit dark, but hear me out. We see reflected in this story that the San’layn are willing to work with her, but they have free will, and they will be making their own decisions. As such, well. If they do not agree with her, and if she betrays them, she won’t be able to properly yank the chain. Their objective is to protect Silvermoon and gorge upon their enemies. Who’s to say the warchief will hold up her end of the deal if she does end up going off the deep end? And if a turn of events happens, and she ends up somehow being a good warchief for the Horde in a twist, they’re already on her side in a way.

Also, I use a different setting in this scenario than the last one, just to spawn more ideas and such, because either Naxxanar or the Old Kingdom in my opinion would be really cool spots for the San’layn hub to be.

Also I think a crown of sharpened bone would look really cool on the Blood King :stuck_out_tongue:

San’layn/vampyr elf Customization (and Allied Race idea) Coagulated Megathread {Re-VAMPed} - #3642 by Fallynn-wyrmrest-accord


I’ve been 100% on board for this for forever, but damn, actually reading some of the thoughts going into many of these posts made get 110% on board.

Keep it up, we may convince Blizzard yet!

(High Elves for Alliance, San’layn for Horde, plz bliz)


So I had a few ideas for custom options to share. Let me know you think. It is as follows:

1. Hair addons. Now for one I think it would be really nice if Blizzard allowed us a new type of armor slot that’s maybe just cosmetic that allows us to have stuff like clip on flowers, other accessories. So I am thinking something dark flower, addon overhanging thorn bramble pieces. Well done with HD. It would be nice if you could wear these and keep stuff like sunglasses.


Basically like this.

2. Glowing blood red,purple, gamma black hair. Now this is one idea I think you would love and could be a plausible hairstyle for them. Void elves and dark iron have something similar.

3. Optional blood red eye glow.


Kind of like the ones Sylvanas has. Seems to me like it could work nicely.

PS: If someone with trust level 3 could post these images I’d appreciate it.