San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)


They originally looked like a saddleless version of the standard Human horses when they were added in 4.3, but were changed to a burlier model in the BfA pre-patch.

Even if Dark Rangers are made into skins for Undead Hunters and Rogues, San’layn are unique enough that they could still be their own Allied Race. That way we’d get standard undead Blood Elves (as Undead skins) and San’layn (as an AR) both playable in some fashion, which would be awesome.


I 3D model a little so when I get some time I’ll try and model a San’layn head and get some input on what it needs. If it works out well I’ll make the rest of the body.

I can’t get WoWmodelviewer to work for some reason so it will be an entirely new head I’ll create since I can’t dl a BE or NE to just screw around with.

EDITED: Is Blood Lord Vorath, from WoW TCG, a Blood King? It does not say Prince but Lord.

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Finally an excuse to add DXR support (joking).

This should deal damage to all around. Just my opinion.


Just me again, dropping in for my weekly thread bump :grin:



Yeah that would be cool. I’d hope for more than that, and will keep this up, but it’s better than nothing if it happens that way ^^

Another horse eh? Not surprised :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah I agree on both accounts, really. We see that the blood curse is a mutagen with both the Blood Queen and the Blood Princes. They used the Blood Elf DK models for current San’layn, but like people bring up, models change all the time and are more ‘accurate’ for what they want to see. I guess pre-cata worgen would be a good example of this too. I was a bit sad not seeing any model updates for the 'layn during the war campaign aside from the red eyes they used on the Blood Marquess, but who knows, there’s still a chance there’s updates to both the models and story coming. Might also be wishful thinking on my part. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m so jealous, I wish I could do that :stuck_out_tongue: I tried learning Blendr but wasn’t catching on quickly, unfortunately. Now with my job I’ll have less time to dedicate to things like that and wanna focus on writing.

See that’s an interesting question, I always assumed just a Blood Prince by default. However, it’s been said that TCG isn’t canon, so he might not actually exist. Who knows though, if we ever see him in game, I’ll be proven wrong in that respect :stuck_out_tongue:


Funny you mention Bender because that’s what I use, lol.

And as far as canon goes, has there been anything to tell us what actually is canon? Does canon mean it has to be in-game? I’m lost as far as canon / lore goes because I’ve never seen a set-in-stone canon post by Blizz. If you know of one please let me know. :handshake:

And the only mention I’ve seen of non-killed San’layn royalty are 2 Blood Princes I guess we see in visions. Blood Prince Atherann and Blood Prince Theraldis which I read was back in Silverpine. We don’t know if they are killed or alive, well, undead.

Really hoping we get them as a race because a class skin would be shorting them be a large margin imo. They can go back to when the blood curse, whatever it’s called, originated and make it so old that maybe it came from the Old Gods or something just as old or even older. Maybe we find out that for every good thing created there is a shadow / dark copy of it created at the same time. And the Blood Curse is a shadow copy of say, maybe, the birth of Cenarius or something. Food for thought. :cut_of_meat:


In a massive oversimplification of what the Devs said in the past.

Newer Game/Book Lore > Older Game/Book Lore > RTS > Outside Games like Hearthstone/RPG/HotS being all none cannon.


Well that just sucks imo. That just means they can rewrite crap anytime they want instead of keeping it the way that it is even if it is terrible. I’m not a fan of “we can replace it if we don’t like it” type lore / background / canon.

Thanks. I appreciate the answer.

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Pretty much.

Some retcons I like or added to the lore, but they often use it as an excuse to change things just to make it easier.


Nice! Yeah I heard it was the best to use. How long did it take you to learn it?

Yeah… what Drede said, but in addition, the WoW chronicles are 100% canon I guess. Newer novels like Before the Storm unfortunately are also canon I guess. Apparently stuff with Illidan was retconned for Legion too, but I liked Illidan’s story, and I’ve talked to people that say he never actually died anyway.

I really really really hope this bit isn’t retconned, because I’d be so disappointed. I fear the day Blizzard is like, “Yeah, go home. That was the last of the San’layn. Your two missing Blood Princes mean nothing.” Thus far they’ve not given a response like that, but they’ve said nothing in regards to San’layn, and there’s been radio silence for any additional lore. This includes the inscription blood quill, which was named after Lana’thel but has no San’layn or vampyr lore at all.

A shame, really. Nothing to carry on the story, if it is to be carried on, from the war campaign coming up either. It does feel like they’re just moving on and it was a one time thing. But I still need to keep hope going. I’m glad there’s folks like you enthusiastic about these ideas too, though.

Keeps me going remembering that I’m not the only one who’s a big fan of this :stuck_out_tongue:

Like I said before, so totally afraid that a retcon will slam us in the face when it comes to the missing blood princes. x.x


When the community can come up with better customizations, backstory, and quest writing than the current dev team. Ouch.

PS: Hire these people. I would pay to play these.


Fun fact. Some of the best things implemented in the game in the past have been inspired by fan art of some kind. Some of the demon hunter tatooes were apparently inspired from some fan art someone had made all the way back BC about demon hunters and what they would be like if they were a playable class.


I’ve been off an on for years now. I am still learning but to get the basics doesn’t take that long. I don’t model by eye, though I could. I’m a little OCD with my models prefer to have things close number wise. I do the math in my head and then input it in the side panel. I think it would be easier for someone new to Blender to just model by eye which only requires you grab and move.
You could try Scupltris. It use to have a free version that wasn’t bad and you could sculpt your model like clay. Only down side I saw with the free version is normally the model is high polly so you would have to make a low polly to bake, aka take the look of, a high polly onto.

That sucks they retconned Illidan because I liked his story also. I think them retconning stories ruins the game a little bit for me. If it’s crap and they want a better version or fans consensusly want a better version then sure but if it’s good like Illidan why retcon? I don’t understand Blizz more times then not.

That would suck if Blizz decided to say “They got killed” and leave it at that. San’layn dream over with from their stand point. I won’t give up on San’layn until Blizz officially say that they are out or I see what happened to all the San’layn hierarchy like a Blood King. Maybe he’s still in one of those Ice Crown halls we never explored with what’s left of the San’layn. Crap, that could even be their home / city. Only time will tell.


Remember, all you need is one Vampire to make more Vampires.

Also I totally think Sylvanas might infuse here Rangers with Vampirism.

Hmmm… Darkfallen Rangers…


Free time is going to go kaput for me soon, since my 4 week summer Marketing class starts next monday. Sadly, this means some of my writings I wanted to do for some of the race megathreads will be delayed.

I’ve been needing to flesh out my Battle of Silvermoon scenario idea for this thread, which is coming slowly as I need to plan out different parts of it. I’m leaning towards still making it the allied race unlock questline for San’layn, since it would end with them taking residence in the Ghostlands. I may do it in small parts as I make some progress on it, similar to what I did in the Ogre megathread. Hopefully I’ll find some free time to do some contributing.

That said, hopefully the next few weeks will go by quickly, and I might be able to do more writings in the near future. <- <;


Thank you so much for the kind words haha. We try! I wish I was an artist though, so I could actually bring to life some of our ideas. At least I can write and keep things together along with adding suggestions! Many here join in and suggest things I’ve never even thought of too. It’s awesome, really.

I had no idea that was the case. I did hear transmog was added due to feedback here, I think, but never anything to do with lore and such like that. I still hope regardless that some of my effort and writing might inspire something for Blizz, though. I know I wrote a piece a while back in the thread, but I’d have to remember some words in it for a search. Sometimes telling stories is the best way I can paint my ideas for this race.

Oh, that sounds a bit complex. I have to put in the effort to actually learn this stuff, to be honest. Though I think I should focus more on improving my drawing, because that at least can allow me to render some concept art. But I’m a long way from that too. I got my typing hands for stories, so there’s that!

I dunno, someone said they retconned his death, or changed things later in which he wasn’t perma-dead. Granted, I don’t think it was ever stated, and how they played it out made sense anyway to me. But I’m bias because I love Illidan and enjoyed Legion. I know some do not agree with me there :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, I agree. I won’t give up either! We might be a few voices in a crowd, but we’re trying to present our ideas in the best way possible. I still think it’s silly to assume ALL San’layn were on that ship. Personally it doesn’t seem reasonable, but it’s what some argue. Regardless, that portion of the lore was never specified.

I suppose silence is better than a “no”, but anticipating and hoping just to be shot through the wing would be kinda disappointing. Oh well, we can say we tried if we do get put down. And like you said, in the meantime, I do hope we find another Blood King or Queen.

As for the city, well… there’s that whole underground area of Northrend, and Anh’ket the Old Kingdom, where Blood Prince Taldaram was, could be a potential hiding place for them right now. It’d be perfect. I wouldn’t mind it being a racial hub either. An undeground city in Northrend? Would be so sweet.

That’s very true, and brings a lot to the table for sure. Also, Darkfallen Rangers would be crazy. Though… I’m not sure if a Banshee can actually be afflicted by the Blood Curse. Huh. Further, would forsaken be able too, or do you think ‘vampyr’ is a solid state of undead that would conflict with either?

No worries, irl > game for sure! We appreciate all you’ve done for the communities anyway. You rock Bagzak, and I mean it :slight_smile: I’m very busy lately too so can’t do much either. But we’ll be here, and besides, you’ve already shown us your awesome writing so much as it is.


Some random thoughts that struck me as i talked elsewhere.

Lana’thel possibly held onto more of her nobility (character trait, not aristocratic sense) than we may know, when we come to her wing of Ice Crown Citadel she uses the Darkfallen Orb to resurrect the Blood Princes to give them a second chance rather than having it hidden somewhere so it could be used on her if the need be. And when we go to engage her she treats it like a game rather than going out of her way to antagonize us or anyone else.

Speaking of the Orb, as shown with Throne of Thunder and Nazmir the Blood Elves tend to scavenge any tech and magic that catches their eye, particularly blood magic. What’s to say they didn’t do the same with the Darkfallen wing of Ice Crown Citadel?

If so what all have they been doing with it since? Leads to a lot of possibilities, of which Silvermoon possesses plenty of, tying in with its need for an update as well.


Yeah see the orb thing has come up quite often and it’s something incredibly interesting to think about. What did happen to that orb? As we know, the heroes going through ICC had no time whatsoever to stop and think about what to do with this or that. They broke in and had to really quickly get what they needed to done and down Arthas. There was no room for cleaning up anything, really.

So…the orb could very well be anywhere. And this is something that I found really interesting. What if Dreven is the Blood Prince to a new trio? Where it would be composed of: Blood Prince Dreven, Blood Prince Atherann, and Blood Prince Theraldis, in which the last two are the missing Blood Princes of whom happened upon a dying blood elf, Dreven, turned him, and trained him to become a prince.

What would the point of this new trio be? Well… perhaps to fill in the role of the three now dead Blood Princes we killed in ICC. Dreven could very well be resurrected for a purpose again, we never end up seeing what happens to his body. If Theraldis and Atherann retrieve it and do so, I’m thinking something really interesting could happen.

The new trio could obtain the blood orb and rather than use it on the three other princes, choose to resurrect Lana’thel and provide the news that Arthas has fallen to her. She could retain her noble attitude and her enjoyment of fun and playing around, but realize that her people need a home and behave herself to join the Horde. We’d have our Blood Queen then, and personally I wouldn’t mind that scenario at all.


I am sure you are already well aware of this, but I felt it might be worth reiterating. Don’t let the naysayers bother you. Sorry for the short response. A bit tired at the moment, but that’s basically what I wanted to reiterate.


Thanks very much :slight_smile: I won’t. And I’m fine if people disagree with me on wanting San’layn. Some really dislike the idea, and that’s fine. It’ll happen. I just really don’t want people sitting here and painting me and my community something that it isn’t. We don’t “Attack” anyone that comes into the thread of whom disagree. I bring up valid points and counters, but apparently that’s seen as an attack, which is annoying. “No more elves” is a common thing we get thrown in our face too, which I counter with my Disclaimer on the front post. I feel like people who come here and say that really don’t put the effort into reading my FP. It’s kinda frustrating, but that’s life.

Really, alls I want is for people that dislike the idea to just say, “I don’t support the idea of San’layn. It isn’t something I’d want added in.” And that’s it. They can bring up why, too, that’s great, but being flat out insulting or rude gets old after a while. I’ll obviously disagree that they’d be something not good to add, because duh, but that doesn’t mean I’ll scream at anyone that isn’t on my side on this, if you get what I’m saying. I just wish there would be somewhat of a nicer approach to all of this. I try to explain why I disagree or think that a point isn’t accurate with logic to back myself up.

I really want to share my ideas and stories for a race I’d love added to the game, with hopes of possibly being able to play them someday. That’s it. There’s no other objective, I’m not here to put other people down or other ideas down. I’ll point out if I dislike a concept/idea and mention if I think it is terrible, of course, but I’ll never insult people that want something else.

If someone wants to come in here and claim all of my ideas terrible, that’s perfectly fine. That’s their opinion. But a jab at me personally or my community is just not cool.