San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I was referring to putting such a section in the Megathread itself. Like in the first post of this San’layn megathread, just edit it to make a section that lists unresolved storylines involving the San’layn. I didn’t mean do something outside of the megathreads. I apologize for the confusion. ^^;;

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Oh that works yeah! I could definitely do that!

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In that case, perhaps some discussion could be opened for what to add to it. Sadly, this isn’t an area of expertise of mine, I will admit, but if I think of anything, I’ll be sure to post it. ^^;

I could just modify the featured posts and give it a title. I should also add a “FAQ” (that you watch, people won’t read) that covers all of the claims people make for San’layn all being dead.

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I have to admit, sometimes seeing a visual while there is auditory sounds narrating or lecturing helps me understand some things better. ^^;

Also speaking of videos, it has been awhile since a video was made, right? Kinda neat to help inspire in some cases. ^^;

Ah you’re thinking videos should be made for this? I could do that ^^ I just hate my stupid laptop but it’s entirely possible. The only issue is how bad the quality is :frowning:

This is what I was referring to. I thought you were talking about making a video. Sorry for the confusion. ^^;

Ohhh rofl, hahaha ok yeah there’s no tone in text! That’s so funny :stuck_out_tongue: I meant:

“That, and you watch, I bet you, people will not read anyway.”


Ok, ok, one more, I got another commission done, this time of my male San’layn ^^

San’layn art is fabulous, we need more!!!

Edit: First post should have a San’layn art section that’s hidden by an arrow thingy so as not to clutter but like… you know, features art :smiley:


I am reminded that I need to work on getting transmogs for my characters. Most of mine are just wearing whatever for the moment, like this one I am on currently, while others I do have a transmog set.

Also, random insomnia is fun times when you have a morning class. (grumble grumble) -o -

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“BuT tHeY wErE aLl On ThE B-”


Transmog is life! It will be nice if the races I plan on playing are added soon, even if jist one, so I can start working on transmog. Also… I wish hats did not hide hair.

Also am amused at the whining about megathreads when people can literally just mute them and not see the subject again. People complain about anything.


I haven’t really seen that much in terms of people complaining about megathreads in general. I mean, I got yelled at by one person for “spamming and bumping” the Ogre megathread, despite making reasonable posts and waiting a long while before making said posts. Apparently some of it was because I said it’d be neat to see Vrykul on the Alliance, much to their chagrin, but aside from the occasional “Ogres r dum an smellies noone wants them uuurrrrggghhhh” comments, I haven’t seen very much in terms of megathread complaints.

I’m not sure what the issue is or the practicality of complaining about the megathreads. As you said, they can be muted, but I guess some people like to pee in other people’s bowls of cheerios.

I said it before and I’ll say it again. If Blizzard is getting feedback of some sort from these megathreads, they’re going to look at the positive posts talking about it. Not the people who want to fart in the thread and call it a dust cropping.

Also I think I was wrong before. A rhinoceros in heat is more negotiable than people on the internet. x- x

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This is an allied race I’d actually be interested in. Glad to see there’s actual effort into the request too, unlike other elf mega threads… :roll_eyes:


Very true points. We don’t know and it all remains very unlikely.

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Might be true but it never hurts to try! Sadly with no new story elements, the chances of those gaps being filled are low(so I think you are right there). Still, it is a good idea to bring ideas up because you never know what could pop up in the future.

If extermination is confirmed (or at least no AR) I’d be sad… But it would be an amswer.

San’layn are kind of already in the game though too. Just play a Blood DK Blood Elf with the darker skin.

That fulfills the fantasy for me anyway. All they’d need to do is give DKs more Vampiric tier sets

That is good for what you want of course and I am glad it fits what you are looking for. However, I personally disagree and want the lore expanded, along with something more than just “Blood Elf DK” especially since both Lana’thel and the blood princes show various monster mutations as a result of the blood curse. Not to mention, San’layn have many different classes.

In short, I respectfully disagree but am glad you have fulfillment anyway.

Granted, I do not expect anything like it soon if ever anyway, but tossing ideas around is good just in case.


Monster mutations can be solved by armor, etc, but you’re right - there are more classes of them. Personally I just feel like Blizzards biggest crime is sitting ontop of an infinite product “WoW Universe” and doing like 10% of what the product is capable of. Especially terrible spell icon design.

I think spell skins would be so neat myself. Like Greenfire!