San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I don’t know what those acronyms stand for except for FF14 please elaborate?

Oh, sorry: :sweat_smile:

ESO = Elder Scrolls Online

GW2 = Guild Wars 2

SWTOR = Star Wars the Old Republic (Online Version, there are Single versions too)

All are MMO’s.

Yeah, playing my velf hunter reminded me of how much I wanted to play a Dark Ranger. Always wanted to play an undead elf since I first saw their model in the WotLK beta. Then I encountered San’Layn in Wrath proper and was like, “Yes, this!”


And just like that, more inspiration arrives!

Talanji: Tell me, Blood Prince. You served as royalty for awhile, yes?
Dreven: I stopped counting years ago, but yes, I have been a ruler of my people for a long, long time.
Talanji: Den perhaps I could ask for some advice?
Dreven: Ahh, yes you recently became ruler. Odd you ask me such a thing, as I’ve heard good things about you.
Talanji: Well, yes, but…I will be honest. I feel as though I can lead, but…how do you know if you are succeeding in being a ruler?
Dreven: If there is one piece of advice I can offer, your majesty, then it is the one golden rule every ruler should follow.
Talanji: And dat be…?
Dreven: Your people. Never forget them. Never forsake them. They are your lifeblood. They are the reason you are there. You take care of them, and they will prosper. As will you.
Talanji: I had a similar thought. I thought that giving my people a voice, letting dem know dat dey are Zandalar itself would help me lead dem.
Dreven: Then you know much more than a certain zombie queen that shall remain nameless.
Talanji: (chuckles) Yes, I can see dat.
Dreven: I realize the situation is hard, but never give up. Look at me, I’ve been dead and needing nourishment every so often, and yet here I am. Still here and still a ruler of my people. Have faith in yourself, and most importantly, your people, and you will do well.
Talanji: Thank you Blood Prince. I be thinkin’ about what ya say. Perhaps we can talk again soon?
Dreven: It would be my pleasure, your majesty.

Just another side of Dreven. Instead of the usual snarky personality, we get a friendly conversation that grows the friendship between two rulers of their people. It’s important to show Talanji’s trust, as well as other Horde member’s trust, flourish and go smoothly. It also sticks it some to Sylvanas, with Dreven’s relationship going well with other Horde members just acting more as Sylvanas’ foil.

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Single player ones are more often referred to as KOTOR, Knights of the Old Republic.

Something I’d almost like to see happen is some sort of rebranding of the Blood Elves…with the Sunwell being fixed and getting the yellow eyes, maybe call themselves Sun Elves, and then the current Blood Elves working with Blood Magic could group or up with or even become San’layn and carry the Blood Elf name. To newer players and such, it’d certainly make more sense. Probably wouldn’t happen though.

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Dreven would never be like that. He’s a cold hearted monster. Also, Talanji herself pretty much said she did not trust the San’layn and involving them in any conflict was a bad idea. PLUS she has Vol’Jin’s spirit to advise her now, you also think Bwon Samdi would like San’layn very much and he is Talanji’s loa now, thanks to her father’s bargain.

Cause the Queen and Bwonsamdi get along soooo well…

Which are you completely able to surmise and postulate from 2 lines of dialogue from him. Just like you know the exact percentages of high elves and San’layn populations.


It’s called brainstorming and coming up with ideas that could be interesting to see. As said we know very little about these characters and he’s building a story via his ideas. That’s what these threads are about–story building about what could happen. We don’t know every bit of data on these characters or why they did various things, so can come up with our own ideas for now that Blizzard could possibly look into.


Right, well I have a pulled leg muscle and a term paper to work on, so I’ma just leave this here:

(Dreven just dances out onto stage)

“You might be the one to finally turn this boy ARRROOOUUUNNNDDD!”


Good points, very true! Whenever someone says this I’m always thinking, “Nahh… why would they hang out with silly nerds like us?” They do make the game though and are passionate about it. Like we are, actually. So… who knows. It’s fun to think about, but I doubt it myself because… well, I dunno. I feel like they wouldn’t touch these areas at all for some reason. Do I have a reason for that? Ehhh… no. :stuck_out_tongue: It just doesn’t seem like something they’d do I guess.

Hah that might be where the elves and ogres clash too–especially if they’re on the same faction. But… it would be really cool if by some twist of fate, the two species on the same faction ended up accepting each other and combining efforts to make a city for both together! It’s be very unusual, but a break from the norm is a good thing in my opinion.

Yeah definitely, I always thought they were so cool when I saw them in wrath and never had hope to play them. Now… I have quite a bit!

This is important for character growth of his, in my opinion, for sure. Seeing some positive interaction via an undead character, bringing life to the concept that no, San’layn are not mindless and not all evil, would be wonderful. Like DK and forsaken, they’d obviously have their aggression and dark points, but would be able to work with the horde and retain their morality in many ways. This makes sense, anyway, considering they Are intelligent undead.

Good luck with the paper! Thanks so much for all that you do ^^ I linked your posts in the first post as a guide, so your ideas are easy for people to get to.

I should claw through this post and try to find other noteables too… oof…


Dreven stole my underpants. He had to die.

he was dreven to do it




Term paper is a little over 50% done, and should hopefully be completed within the next two days. It takes awhile because I have to read through my sources, minimum of three approximately 20 pages each source, so thats why it is taking me so long and bbblllaaarrrgggg. _o _

Well, in my scenario, the Ogres are helping guard the area while Blood Elf, Nightborne, and San’layn scholars are studying and while Goblins, and also Vulpera if they are playable, would be gathering and scavenging artifacts. The Alliance is attacking constantly, trying to take it over, so ownership of the area isn’t really thought out much. Likely, I would imagine the Blood Elves would turn it into a city outpost and the Horde would move the Ogres out to other areas or help protect it still.

I’m very honored that people like my writings enough to use them as reference material. I never thought it would be that popular. ^^;

A suggestion, though, is to link to the post where I explain why Dreven antagonizes Sylvanas so much located here, since one of the linked posts is a second part of it:

Poking dat banshee bear, yo

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Well I meant it more in the sense that if void elves can be pulled out of nowhere, so can more sanlayn :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t think void elves should be the compromise to sanlayn if that’s what you thought I implied haha


I like this idea, it sounds neat for sure! Hopefully we get to see something like that.

Gotcha, added in on that list for ya!

Yeah that makes sense :stuck_out_tongue: I don’t know if I thought you did, but regardless now I know, I’m just so used to people saying it I think. But anyway, yeah essentially anything, especially races we’ve already seen in game, can be pulled out I think ^^


Even if there were none left, you’ve got blood elves experimenting with blood magic…the same race that was experimenting with void magic, some scenario could be whipped up to make it still happen.

You could have some ritual similar to lichdom that could have a Blood Elf making himself into a San’layn and then spreading it to others.

There’s always ways.

There’s still likely plenty of them elsewhere though.

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So coming back from evening class, I was thinking about the elephant in the room. Pretty much Dreven’s actions during the Alliance war campaign…and I don’t mean the Gnomesketball dunk.

If we forget about Dreven and just put in another more sympathetic San’layn, to act as “leader” of the race, I feel like that diminishes the San’layn as a whole. Even if you come up with a reason, more on that in a sec, for aggressiveness when needing to feed.

Reviving Dreven and his group to redeem him just seems like the better option. It seems less than a “Whoopsies!” lore moment, and can just be more ironed out. It ties up a loose thread in that the San’layn aren’t those that go bump in the night.

So then, what to do with the Forsaken that were sacrificed by Dreven?

We could argue that needing to feed causes them to be aggressive, and leading up to their recruitment can be a way to help them overcome it. I recall in some vampire media that there can be a plant of sorts that acts the same as if they feed on blood, although in some media it has diminishing returns. Such an addiction can relate them even more with the Blood Elves and Nightborne with their addictions. A solution can occur that leads to a slow trust with the Horde races, and then acceptance.

Another possibility, although not as smooth as what I presented before, could also be argued that the Forsaken were drunk off their devotion to Sylvanas that they would willingly sacrifice themselves to help power up Dreven, and that Dreven was putting on a show to intimidate the Alliance. This…has a lot of flaws and is very debatable. Then again, there have been worse scenarios retconned for the lore.

I’m sure there is material to work with for either scenario. I think it requires more thinking and analyzing to flesh something out, however. There are ways to redeem Dreven in particular, but it could seem like an uphill battle at first.

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lol wrong. He’s been in the Ice Crown Citadel and other dungeons, the DK missions as well. But I’m sure you are the expert on him? lol smh You can tell the people acting from pure emotion on this and the people thinking more logically.

… are you talking about Valanar, Keleseth and Taldaram? THOSE are the princes we saw in ICC and dungeons, and the DK start zone as well as borean tundra…

Yes, i agree that I couldn’t see Dreven personally acting like this (from what we’ve seen of him so far at least) but we hardly saw anything of him and it is fun to storycraft

There are six different blood princes i recall seeing in WoW lore that weren’t Dreven