San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Eevee is awesome. She/he always tries their best to be civil and mature among trolls, haters and general immaturity.


Well you got talent. Also on that note I think in one interview, one of the Lead Devs did mention that in order for a new AR to happen that are found petitioned in the forums, one of their own team MUST take a personal interest and past it through him, and depending on the lore to the Story Dev team… (Apparently there is some controversy/issue/problem/situation with High Elves that NEEDS to be past and approve by the story/lore team… I don’t know what as they did not mention why in the interview, beside saying something about the community need to be more civil in their request, whatever that meant :man_shrugging:t2:) However normally if there are no issue to impact the Lore or current game Story he usually lets them develop them… Not sure if this was the case with the Void elves though… :thinking:

SO yeah if you ever get a chance to work on Blizz you can literally make it happen! At least that the idea I got from that old interview vid… :grin:

I honestly thought to myself omg, your Tweeter and FB account are going to explode with Fans trying to get your team interested their Fav AR they want in WoW! :rofl:

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Technically I asked and I don’t think your work should go unseen :stuck_out_tongue: Problem is, I read through a bit and was like, “…damn it, I know so little about ogres that I really don’t understand this” so now I feel bad. I really hope your work gets seen by Blizz for sure though ^^

I love the sass so much. It’s perfect for the San’layn. I always think of the angry “sigh …yes?” that you hear when you click on a DK somtimes. Combine that with the sass of an elf? You get a ball of sass that’s glorious.

There’s no implication one way or another, but many do say that not all of them would be on the ship, there’s two missing blood princes, and Dreven had to come from somewhere. Who knows what they’ve been doing for over a decade?

While I love the void elf aesthetic, I still sigh to myself a bit :stuck_out_tongue: Because people shove them at us and say we shouldn’t get San’layn due to void elves. I won’t let it destroy my enjoyment of them though! And perhaps we’d get them anyway in the far future, after some other races. Never know ^^

Speaking of which, I thought of a funny concept… what if there were tattoos that looked kinda like blood trolls for the San’layn? It’d look so odd but COOL at the same time.

Thanks very much <3

Interesting thoughts! One issue though is if they’re insanely loyal to Sylv though, we get mindless vampires with no free will. Personally I really hope they’re not just lapdogs of Sylv. Bagzak did a wonderful job summing up my thoughts, and further, putting into mind what I’d personally love to see. It’s a bit much to hope for though :frowning: I wish I had more hope lately lol.

As for the curse originating from G’huun, maybe! Originally it was from Vry’kul, too, so perhaps if it isn’t the psuedo-old god, it could also be Drust in origin. Coincidentally, allowing them to be druids that way too (hekhekhek)

You better bet I’ll be here! These discussions are great and very important. Peopl will pop in here and disagree, and we’ll have rebuttals. Blizzard will be watching both parties and deciding based on feedback. Hopefully our case is good enough to at least be considered ^^’

Yeah, I think it goes:

  1. High Elves
  2. Vulpera
  3. San’layn
  4. Sethrak
  5. Ogres
  6. Arakkoa

From what I’ve seen thus far. If that Lightforged undead thread is going, I’ve muted it though, because… yeah :stuck_out_tongue: So that’d be somewhere on the list if still up. Eevee is wonderful, and I appreciate her as well. She inspired me to do this! I saw the Vulpera megathread and was like “Whoa! I love Vulpera, I really want them! Hmm… is there one for San’layn? …No? Oh dear. Well, alright, here…we…go.”

She does better than my sassy self :stuck_out_tongue: But I’ve calmed down and at this point just go with “I understand and respect your opinion, however I disagree.” Also I ask peeps just not to be rude in their opinions too x.x as some will just be rude and insult.


You’ve fixed a grave error in the timeline. Are you a bronze dragon?


On a more serious note however I see no reason you guys shouldn’t have them so long as allies get actual high elves because their numbers would be a lot lower than high elves still loyal to the alliance.

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I hope you get what you want too as well of course ^^ I just want to point out one thing though, and don’t take this wrong :stuck_out_tongue: It’s a common assumption that there really is no definitive proof for and such. We have no known numbers of San’layn anywhere, especially after ten years and when there’s new ones popping up out of nowhere. Not only did we not know the original number, but we don’t know the knew number. Therefore, we don’t know if there’s more or less than high elves.

That being said, again–hope you get what you want and can be happy as well, if that means High Elves for the Alliance, that’s fine, there’s many races I support and that one isn’t one I would play a all, however it’s not one I would oppose either.

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I’m not refuting that because that numbers of both factions are not really shown or mentioned by blizzard.
But my only problem with the San’layn are they are kind of a wild card.
I know when the death knights joined both factions they were looked at as monsters, but much to my dismay tha was because we had been actively trying to change for the better. (I wanted to join arthas tbh).
The san’layn, however, I remember that one blood prince I killed on the ship can’t remember his name, was to willing to drain the life of comrades and blame it on the enemy.
So I’m not to sure how that would play out in the long run.

My body is ready for Vamp Elves.


Actually, we might be up to some nasty stuff. Remember the DK class order hall? I think we’re possibly going to be given some choices soon. Maybe. i don’t know. I really hope we see what both our PC and Bolvar are up to. It would be cool if we got a scourge faction though, for sure.

True that. I give what I assume could be reasons, but we don’t know. I assume it’s out of desperation, but I’m a bias lens. It could have been simply that he’s nasty, but I like to think at least he was cornered and forced to. We won’t ever know for sure unless they do continue the story…

…If they ever do, anyway. ( :frowning: )

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Considering that Ogres were almost playable at one point, I still have hope they’re on the tables in the future.

The hard part would be trying to get onto said team. Likely just easier for me to get some pom-poms and cheer for them on the Ogre megathread. :v

Basically, it boils down to tying up some loose ends with different clans of Ogres in the Horde, with one exception, while giving some neat events and lore that can lead into playability, a warfront, and more. If you ever have Horde alts to level, take them through Dustwallow, Feralas, and Tanaris to see Horde Ogre questlines. For Dire Maul, theres suppose to be a quest that makes the hostile Gordunni in Feralas like you, since you become their king, though they say once you leave, another Ogre will take your place.

As I said in the Ogre Megathread, Blizzard is welcome to use any of my ideas. It means that we’d be getting a new race of some kind, so I would be content. :smiley:

In thinking about it, aside from being inspired from the usual sass from Blood Elves, I’ve kinda viewed Dreven as a good-version of Perfect Cell from Dragon Ball Z abridged series with a maybe hint of Kefka from Final Fantasy 6. It’s fun to write the sassy parts, and I’ll sporadically do more as I get inspired. There’ll be other sides of him, since as meaningful conversations with other Horde leaders.

All the more reason for us to support our most wanted races, whatever that may be.

I am actually surprised to see Ogres that high. Then again, most of it is just me posting ideas, writing up lore scenarios, and trying to open discussions in there. Heck, I’ve even tried to drum up any interest in a possible Ogre summer party/event in July, similar to what Eevee did with Vulpera in Foxtober. ^^;;

That said, since this thread is popular enough, it might be something y’all might want to do with San’layn if theres some neat illusion items and stuff. Shame it isn’t near Halloween, otherwise it could be Batober or something. :smiley:

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Actually THAT’s (IMO) exactly what I like and want the San’layn to be a “wild card race” I like a PC race that is as insufferable as Nathanos without the being such a lapdog to the Banshee Queen…Like Bagzak wrote in the Dreven Dialog…:smiling_imp:

I like the fact that their not goodie touches, honor bound or redeemable they are just joining to survive… I like some Horde races to be like morally gray going to Black but not falling in…lol Blood elves in BC use to be like that then the Sun Well got all Holy/Arcane and they change a bit… I sure glad they still do all this weird Blood harvesting… :sweat_smile:


Crap, that brings up so much “whataboutism” though in my mind, gets me all worried…

  1. What if the devs dislike our ideas, and we’re throwing our ideas into the void?
  2. While the devs continue to hint at blood stuff, what if it’s really just nothing, and us seeing things when it’s not there?
  3. One of their own has to like our ideas, which makes sense, of course. But… what if they don’t?
  4. What if they just roll their eyes whenever they see our thread pop up and talk, and are just annoyed?

Irrational, I get it, but still… thoughts that exist.

Same here with any of my ideas in terms of history and quality of curse! Speaking of which, I should start get my butt working on ideas as to the actual nature of the blood curse, because we have not touched that much… hmm…

Man I really hope they take this to heart. YEs, I’ve said it thousands of times now and will continue to.

Well, there’s no ogre discord community yet that I’ve seen. A lot of discord communities are linked, usually, with the heads talking and interacting with one another from time to time. (also if we’re measuring community size by discord, San’layn are the smallest at about 250, dwarfed by High Elves, Vulpera, and Sethrak.)

Also XD I think Ogres are a constant want, I see people mentioning the want of them all the time and ever since I joined, I’ve seen interest expressed for that race. Mentioned much more than San’layn. I had to bust my butt to get this going, and without the storyline that was in Alliance war campaign, we’d have died a long time ago.

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If San’layn are added then we can finally RP the the Underworld movies in WoW!

Seriously, though I’m down with the San’layn being playable. But sometimes I suspect the story behind why they’re not employed by the current Lich King. Are San’layn not to be trusted and Bolvar knew that? Or are the San’layn still working for Bolvar to try to infiltrate the Horde? Not saying either of those thoughts are right, just something to ponder on.

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I actually don’t use Discord…come to think of it, I don’t really use any form of social media, either. Even then, I’m not really sure how to operate something like a Discord effectively.

Aside from the megathread, if I ever got recording software, I could make some crude stick-like Ogre drawings and explaining my scenarios and Ogre ideas in video form. The crude drawings would just be amusing visuals for whatever it is I’d be talking about. <- <;

If I ever figure out what to do with Ogrepalooza, if it even becomes a thing, I’ll let you know as well if you ever need ideas for Batober or whatever the San’layn equivalent is. ^^

True that :stuck_out_tongue: I have to watch those movies again sometime. But only certain ones because apparently some are terrible. It’s been years.

Also, very good questions, we simply don’t know. That could be a counter to playable San’layn, unless we’d get a branching off rebel group that oppose Bolvar. That’s up to be seen, if they do continue the story. It seems like San’layn lore has not been touched a while though, so… who knows. :frowning:

Well, if you ever need help and want to take a jump at it, I’m willing to help you et up. I’ve set up for others before so many times now that I know exactly how to work this stuff, trust me. :stuck_out_tongue: But I understand aversion to it for sure.

That sounds like better than what I could do, hah I can’t draw properly. Trying to get better, because I’d love to create visuals of our concepts and ideas, but I’m a bloody useless stick in the mud when it comes to that, and it drives me nuts.

But yeah if you do anything like that, let me know! I ran a San’layn event like it for Hallow’s End (Hallow’layn XD was fun.) Funny thing is, with the transponder, people could all be Lana’thel nowadays if we did another event like that again :stuck_out_tongue: I got really neat shots even without that toy.

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I can feel your sentiments but I feel like that was something death knights were supposed to be, yet every questline you do as a death knight is the exact same as all the other classes except for ones tailored exactly to death knights. So even with a race of San’layn I doubt there would be much of a wild card for p[layers.

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Hmmm, I think (IMO) the only one’s who I can actually picture rolling their eyes are the Community Managers as they make their reports, but that’s just me guessing since they have to surf the forums and read so much so it has nothing to do with the concept idea…

This is just an observation of several videos I seen touching the subject I could be wrong nor I speak on behave of them…(IMO) That being said the only races I seen a similar reaction to roll eyes, annoyed or a bit burn with it, is when the High Elf subject pops up in the interview…BUT AGAIN this is what I observe, I could be wrong and this has nothing to do with my feelings or any Dev of Blizz opinion of the High Elves being added… at all, as they never express publicly anything to confirm this.

Don’t lose hope we never know… Devs try really hard to not express or confirm anything on less its really official…even then they sometimes are strict about talking about their work out of office hours…they even make you sign legal stuff.

Don’t give to might though about such things… for all we know their might be Devs using their player account to comment in these forum post! :wink:


I think this is a universal problem with MMO’s in general… the only MMO’s I played that does make an effort to make each class unique is SWTOR… I think GW2 have done a few personal quest dialog changes, ESO I think… and the most notable was FF14…However even they have to generalize most of their content…as they move forward the main story.

With the hiring of so many devs in Blizz this could change however… we will have to see what happens in WoW future. :muscle::grin:

By the way, regarding Dire Maul, it is suppose to have been a former High Elf city a long time ago that the Stonemaul Clan (Ogres) are trying to help take over for the Horde. This relates to the San’layn in that they, along with the Blood Elves and Nightborne, would have a major interest in getting it back to take over it again and study its magical artifacts, properties. It’s also a good way to utilize San’layn in assisting the Horde.

You can find more info about Dire Maul in this fun Ogre related video:

I’m sure theres other ways to utilize San’layn in the world after they join officially, also. This is just an example, even if I feel like I’m going a bit too gung-ho with the Ogre talk. ^^;