San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Wait…what? Blood Prince Dreven came out of nowhere. He’s only been in the Alliance war campaign, nowhere else. Where are you getting this?

Yeah, there’s many good points. Truth be told, Sylv was willing to sacrifice her Forsaken for pragmatic reasons, so it could be argued that’s the same thing that happened here. There was no food on the ship, at that point Dreven had no power to draw from at all. He was probably given the order “win. At all costs”. We don’t know that, however. I think it would shed some light if we knew his exact orders.


the first point is kind of a silly point. it’s literally the “no moar elves!” argument.
the second point is just misinformed. we literally see neophytes in the game. it’s canon that they’ve bolstered their numbers. we just don’t know how much they have in the time since wrath.
i don’t even know what he’s getting at with his third point. he says that san’layn are too powerful, but doesn’t the alliance pc kill them with little issue? and again, there are neophytes. they would not start off as super powerful.


Not to mention, like me, he doesn’t necessarily have many video views. I think he’s a cool youtuber despite my disagreeing with him, but neither him nor I are large WoW youtubers. There haven’t been any large WoW youtubers that have covered San’layn all that much, except for Nobbel, but he’s about lore. T&E mentioned them once very briefly in a video, but again it wasn’t really a focus, and more was…making fun of those that want them. Oh, Belluar might have as well at one point, but again, briefly and something brushed over when AR talk was actually relevant.

We have no measure on how many want or don’t want San’layn, aside from this thread, and the forums aren’t an accurate measure of the entire playerbase. We could count up the number of posts of people saying “yay” or “nay” and then determine that they’re all different people (this would take waaay too long, don’t do it.) It would still be quite meaningless as it again wouldn’t be an accurate measure.

The purpose of the thread therefore isn’t a popularity contest. It’s to provide both for and opposing views on the subject, brainstorm ideas if you do want San’layn, and talk about what we’d love to see in case it has a chance of happening. The only thing we can do is give our own feedback and hope for the best. Either side. Every “no, I don’t want this” or “Yes, I do” could mean something, or it couldn’t.

The best way to do things is to present our ideas or oppositions without being antagonistic to the other side. Something I’ve learned throughout my time here.

Dead wrong. You’re thinking of Valanar, Keleseth and Taldaram. They were present in WOTLK questing, dungeons, and ICC. Dreven was introduced in BFA via the Alliance War Campaign.

Not to mention that Theraldis and Atherann are still around.

You’re so misinformed that it hurts to watch…


This is the first allied race aside from nightborn I’d truly excited about, honestly. Bringing these in with a necromancer class would make me want to support WoW & Blizzard again

Pandaren - Probably the worst race in the game, proven by the fact that nobody plays them
Mag’har - alright, but not worth the money or time to level one up for worse racials than what’s already available to other races. Can’t be warlocks.
High mountain - Literally exactly tauren but with antlers, can’t be warlocks, have less class options than tauren?
Zandalari - Would have been alright had their racials not been nerfed to the ground before being released, can’t be warlocks, not really that cool anyway.
Nightborn - Would totally play this race if they didn’t have night elf attacking / casting animations. Aside from that, their racials are some of the worst in the game.


excuse u


Excuse YOU, you’re not even max level. Your opinion doesn’t matter. :stuck_out_tongue:

You don’t even have 350 battle pets, YOUR opinion doesn’t matter!


:person_fencing: My girlfriend does…

and I have a few characters at 120 >:3

leveling alts is just mind numbingly boring…


looks at my battlepet collection and flies off in absolute shame …Over 800 25s… wow I’m a nerd…


Are any of them pandaren…?

no ):

I rest my case :dancer::dancer:t6::man_playing_handball:t6:

mom, dad, please stop fighting infront of the children q-q

It was all in good fun. I guess I should have mentioned that in my comments, might get forum banned if not … :frowning:

Fun??? ThAts iLLegAl HeRe!!!
reported!!! for our protection. jkjkjk

I got so scared until I read jkjkjkjk :sweat_smile:

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in reality this sub forum is chill man. We are glad you came to the bat cave.

Oh I know. There’s only one thread I avoid due to being worried I’ll get banned…Most of us on the forums know which one that is, too. :stuck_out_tongue: