I won’t. We will be getting sweet bonus loot.
I don’t believe that streamers have that kind of pull. Just what percentage of the player base is not only watching these people, but also making major in-game decisions because of what they say? From what I understand, the most popular streamer is an alliance player.
What happened from classic era to now isn’t any different than what happened the first time. Blood elves and paladins were a huge draw for the horde. It wasn’t an issue back then because the alliance had so many more players. The difference now is that the starting point is different. Horde was the dominant faction in classic era and now with the TBC changes, which you have to assume were originally made to even out the factions back in vanilla, creates an even larger imbalance.
Again, horde players were not rerolling in significant enough numbers to fix this. It’s not a question of whether I support it or not. Frankly it makes no difference. It’s happening and there’s nothing that can be done to stop it. As soon as I heard that 90 minute times were a thing, I knew it was going to get fixed. I’m just not that surprised by it.
I doubt this. It’s probably some cloth and a health potion.
It was never in tbc, its a retail addition and only speaking for myself I didn’t sign up to retail tbc. I get ya que times ect but man that’s how the bloody game was…now it’s ally care packages and hvh…that’s not tbc so my last 3 weeks on sub will be helping guildies . I want the game for what it was not what sweat demands it to be
I don’t have to imagine it. I experienced it for the fifteen minutes I played on a PvP realm, back in 2005. Then I realized there was an amazingly simple and obvious solution to this problem.
…Yes, of course that’s what I’m getting at: I started over 20 threads on the forum screaming about it over the next week.
Edited to add: Mystery of mysteries: Why would the same person be too proud to actually play on a PvE realm, but not too proud to complain loudly to strangers that PvP realms are still Ganktown, just as they were ever since they first launched? How does that much and that little pride coexist in the same brain?
It hasn’t ever been TBC. That was gone when boosting was introduced.
Yeah, fat loot!
Yea your right, and it’s soo easy to level now but people just don’t want to play the game, power lvl to bot or pvp for sweat. I know its not what it was , but I’m not paying good money I work for to pay blizz for retail changes so I’ll opt out
That’s fair of course, but I think a lot of people had unreasonable expectations about what classic was going to be. The population is a fraction of what it was when TBC was actually current and that’s going to create issues that didn’t exist back then.
This BG thing doesn’t really change anything but the boosting really killed the old world. That’s one thing I wish they would have left alone, but I wonder how many people would have been able to level 1-60 during the limited prepatch. I’m only on 61 lol.
Because the one relative advantage alliance had for pvp-oriented players was faster queues. This means that some will reroll and new players/rerollers will almost all go horde. This decline is accelerated in pvp servers, since many are already at a tipping point as far as playability and population balance. The writing is on the wall that pvpers shouldn’t bother with alliance and they won’t, if these changes are made permanent.
Change how the storywriters frame the Alliance, especially its successes, in the storyline and quests. Show them ingame, not as a tossed-off Tweet or Blue post or passing sentence in an interview. Make ditching the “Alliance is Captain America on steroids” concept/attitude an official company policy, and bring back the shades of grey that Alliance had in Vanilla and BC.
Give Alliance first shot at the interesting/‘cool’ storylines, not Horde.
Bring back Holinka’s “It’s Alliance’s time to shine” when it comes to racials: buff Alliance’s, nerf Horde’s.
Refuse to back down when Horde players complain about these things.
Muh racials
muh maps
Muh gear
muh population
You have zero accountability, don’t you. It’s always something else ‘holding you down’ and never a problem within your own faction.
Problem for you is that those of us that play both CAN SEE THE REAL PROBLEM. The PROBLEM IS THE ALLIANCE PLAYERS THEMSELVES.
Every. Single. Person. Who. Plays. Both. Factions. Can. See. This. Plain. As. Day. That’s why its LAUGHABLE listening to your attempts at excuses for why you need to be allowed to PUGFarm while you Premade Dodge all day.
The difference is absolutely NIGHT AND DAY between Alliance and Horde players.
Those are some interesting ideas. I don’t think the racials really matter, but alliance scoring a world first here and there might help.
Yes. All PvP focused players went horde.
That’s literally the problem we’re trying to solve. Hello?
Because they got sick of dealing with Alliance players. instant queues are meaningless when you have to deal with endless, pointless, useless toxicity 24/7.
Alliance players embody and exemplify toxicity.
No, people went horde for three reasons
1: They want to play horde. They like the characters, the lore, whatever
2: They want a distinct advantage in TBC content. PvE or PvP, doesn’t matter. Horde have better racials for both.
3: They want to play with their friends. Since most PvPers went horde because of the above, more and more go horde.
Bonus reason: Larger playerbase equals a bigger pool for players to play with. If everybody is horde, you want to be horde so it’s easier to find groups.
Eventually it ends up like retail where 99% of the community is horde and the few who remain alliance are stubborn or play extremely casually for the RP aspect.
This is a problem with you being on a lopsided pvp server not a horde v alliance issue.
Same thing happens to horde players on high ally pop servers.
It always comes back to your excuses. For all of you.
Again. Played both factions. PLAY both factions. Horde players don’t have an undispellable buff that prevents their health from being reduced to zero. They don’t start up a cap in WSG or up a thousand points in EotS/AB.
You’re denying the existence of the forest while living amongst the trees. The problem is all around you yet you’ve blinded yourself to it.
Quite frankly, with how obvious it is to anyone who plays both factions, this is due to one of two things
You see it but refuse to admit it because you see denying it as a way to gain something you value.
You legitimately cannot see it because you are part of the problem yourself and see zero issue with the way you behave.
I legit have been doing this forever now. I use to play horde but qs were so terrible even back in wotlk/cata era that alliance was just the better place to be for bgs.
I think we need to look at why Alliance has that brand. Something clearly happened between Vanilla at the end of Wrath. What was it?