Safe to say Shadowlands is the third worst expansion?

I honestly think they combined part of what they had planned for 9.2 into 9.1 and are going to combine what is left of 9.2 and what would of been 9.3 as the 9.2 patch .


They have those at McDonalds?

Basing their experience off a forum posting toon ?

That doesn’t mean anything .

Achievements are account wide.

You don’t have to be a pilot to know that something went wrong when you see a helicopter stuck in a tree. We’re not debating glad-level arena comps; this is basic stuff that affects players at all levels.

Maybe not but you need to actually have a basic understanding of the game to actually make non biased suggestions.

Bad players don’t do that. Convoke is a perfect example. Bad players complain about convoke. Good players save interupts or stuns for it.

Not all of them . FoS and Legacy ones as well as meta cheevos but basic ones like if a character has completed a dungeon or a raid is character specific .

I was thinking about this very thing this morning. I’d have to say it’s worst from my perspective. The story is quartered, the realms are portal locked / cut off from each other - the main city is bleak and the Maw - hell on earth which could have been so cool was disappointing. Torghast turned out to be … a mixed bag and something of wasted potential.

At least Borealis was beautiful, amazing, the land masses felt solid and big.

Also the systems on systems and overlapping currencies that seem (to me) to be just over the top this expansion just… why?

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No, Systemlands is a great word for it right now! At least, BFA was better for my alts!


False. I haven’t killed anything on mythic besides Tarragrue on my rogue but it still shows all my mythic kills up to Remnant

This rogue hasn’t done much arena but it still shows my 2200 achievements

Cata wasn’t bad. A little bit long during Dragon Soul, and the story was a bit goofy toward the end, but overall it was very enjoyable for me. First expansion where I did end-game content.

MoP was the most aesthetically pleasing expansion, which was enough to keep me interested. I took a small break during MoP, but due to personal reasons. Easily one of my favorites.

WoD was “bad” because of the content drought, or so I hear. I didn’t raid during WoD so it wasn’t terrible for me. I liked Garrisons because they made me a millionaire at the time. I spent it all on battle pets, but that’s another story. Took my longest break from WoW during WoD, which was about 6 months.

Legion was absolutely amazing. We just like to complain “in the moment” as a player base. In retrospect though, Legion was perfect near the end. After they added the Essences to buy legendaries, the expansion was pure joy.

BFA was bad at the start. Then it got a little bit better with Azerite vendor. Then it got really bad with Corruption. Then it got a little better because the Corruption vendor. We remember the really bad because that’s human nature. Overall, it wasn’t the worst.

Now we have Systemlands. Never before have there been this many “grinds” in WoW in order to stay relevant. Whenever there was a grind before it was for a mount, or a pet, or some cosmetics; it was optional. The grinds in Shadowlands are technically optional, but if you opt out of them, good luck getting into any group content. Covenants are (were) an absolute nightmare. They’re still going to be pretty bad in 9.1.5 but at least we’ll be able to swap between them freely. Having to grind renown is stupid. It’s just rep, which we already have to grind out for sockets which is also stupid. I could go on about it, but there’s no point. That dead horse has been beaten to a pulp.

TL;DR - Shadowlands is THE worst expansion.


BFA was way more non alt friendly

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WoD was awful because of pruning and templates.

BFA was the worst because of Azerite power, essences, and corruption.

Shadowlands isn’t even that bad.

Not true, I was able to gear my alts a lot more quickly.

You not knowing how to do it quickly doesn’t mean it’s unfriendly.

Az neck grind
Cloak grind
Essence grind
Corruption grind
Visions grind.

Yeah no.

Yeah, you didn’t have to do all that stuff on all of your alts to achieve high item levels.

So, yeah I am correct.

If you are trying for multiple mains then maybe you have something to stand on.


You had to do it to play the game at a decent level so no you’re wrong. Not everyone aims to be in the bottom.

Only you right?

Sorry, I have tons of alts and not all of them become mains but they all do need decent gear to do old content and such.

I can’t even upgrade my valor gear on my alts currently.

SL is hands down the worst expansion. It’s taken everything they did wrong, and nothing they did right and mashed it into an incoherent pile of trash.

It’s funny when literally not one single person, can speak for everyone.

WoD was my favorite. Get over it.



If you weren’t grinding neck/az pieces/essences then you were in the bottom.

Like I said not everyone enjoys playing sub par.