Safe to say Shadowlands is the third worst expansion?

I find both BfA and Legion to be vastly superior to SL. At least so far anyways. 9.0 was really bad. 9.1 didn’t improve enough. 9.1.5 is how SL should have launched so almost a year after launch we’re getting the true launch.

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In terms of intial sale this isn’t true. SL was a huge sale for Blizz.

But in terms of retention…ya they dropped the ball hard.

We don’t have the numbers but when BBC, Forbes, Kotaku, PCGamer, and IGN all write pieces about you losing players, despite not giving the numbers, you’re probably losing players.


It’s also not saying that the majority of pvp’ers think WoD was the worst. Again, I don’t get that impression from the arena forums. To your credit, I don’t spend much time there, because WoW’s pvp community can be pretty terrible. Speaking of:

This is why the pvp community stays on life support, even when WoW’s pvp is halfway decent.

Say what? MOP was one of the best expansions, probably 2nd behind Wrath. And I say this as someone who was fervently anti-Panda.

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Considering we’ve been getting cinnamon rolls from McDonald’s while waiting like we were in an actual restaurant, I dunno.

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Yeah Blizzard’s always been a pro at selling empty promises and people just eat it up, so those initial sales usually hit it out of the park during releases, but then people realize just how vastly disappointing it really is and reality sinks in.

People will still deny left and right, saying that every single outlet or source that says things aren’t just peachy and full of sunshine in the WoW universe is just a hit-story conspiracy that’s been going on since WoW was first created and the media is out to get Blizzard for some unknown reason. #Crazies :joy:

The only places I’ve seen this delusion pushed is here and on Reddit. At least here they don’t take down your post talking about a decline, on Reddit though the mods delete any major criticism post because of “reasons”

Put another way–streamers are leaving and if people who’s job is to play the game for money from viewers are leaving it’s telling you that people are leaving and not caring anymore.

WoW dropped the ball hard here.


BFA was better than this


I enjoyed BFA a lot. I didn’t liked the systems anyway . Shadowlands it’s the only expansion when I‘ve played 2 months . But I am most excited for the new costumisations in 9.1.5 … and this will be the reason to Subscribe again and to do for first time in my life only RP.

Meanwhile I‘ve played Classic and now TBC. :heart:

Uhh maybe.

I didn’t think BFA was as bad as these forums make it out to be. Was it the greatest? No. Was it worse than WoD, or even Cata in certain respects? No.


What didn’t you like about Cata?

Without a doubt it’s a bottom 3.

Sure. I mean, what else are they supposed to say? “No, you stay subscribed until we say you shall” ??

Doesn’t WoW’s tips that come up in the splash screen also say “Playing with your friends in Azeroth is nice, but sometimes you should play out of Azeroth with them too” (and yes it’s paraphrased). One can be forgiven for believing thats a statement to take a break from the game until you find that you’ll enjoy it again.

I actually loved WoD.

Call me crazy. I thought Cataclysm and Mists were two of the worst expansions. Why? Catacylsm was a huge money grab and Mists had a theme I just couldn’t enjoy. Even though the content is good you strapped pandas and parasites together. Not really my cup’o’tea.

I am still playing through Shadowlands for the first time, so I haven’t seen everything yet. Just the world zones I have been doing, so I will comment on them directly…

  1. Intro/Maw - I honestly think the overall intro and central hub area is fine. The Maw itself is also pretty wicked looking zone, reminding me of a mixture of the Deadlands and Coldharbour actually from the Elder Scrolls universe.

  2. Bastion - Bastion is just bad… I think it suffers a lot from this game never having player choice. Usually, the lack of player choice in the storyline is fine in WoW since most of the time, the questlines are very straight forward. Bastion is the first questline I have done where I feel like the entire story surrounding the conflict is a huge grey area and the player could theoretically choose a side (remove the lore about the Forsword having a connection to the Maw and you have a very good RPG story to work with here to give the player a choice base on their beliefs and morals). However, since the story forces you to work with a brainwashing cult, it just suffers way too much.

  3. Maldraxxus - Fun zone overall and a decent story. I really enjoy the major points of the story in this one too, which is always good. I am still a new player to this world though so some of the major plot points here don’t hit me as hard, but I can see what they were doing here and I enjoyed it all the way through.

  4. Ardenweald - The current zone I am in and first thing I gotta say… The world in this zone is just top notch. Just everything about how this zone looks, feels, etc is amazing. I even get a lot of Ori vibes from this zone, which just makes me love and appreciate this zone’s beauty more so than before. Story wise, it is also enjoyable but I feel more invested into it because of the Legion expansion. I was told to do that story wise, even if I am level 50+, because it was such a good expansion, and yeah… That also helps Arden a lot. I honestly am considering Arden to be my favorite part of Shadowlands so far, due to the world itself of this zone and I feel more invested into it than the other places thus far.

the biggest problem with this expansion is all the complicated systems they put in. I shouldn’t have to spend hours hunting for an answer on the internet and still have to ask others in game since I can’t find it.

second, would be the amount of gimmicky content they put in

and thirdly, with all this max level questing and pushing of their terrible story makes the game so tedious. Some people may like that, but to me that is a waste of time and actually ruins any enjoyment I could get from playing.

I can’t tell you how many times people have suggested bringing templates back and the majority saying no.

It was exploited
It wasn’t fun
It left no customization
It left no progression.

It was dumb.

Sorry but I don’t ask a janitors opinion on what the best type of neurological surgery is best.

I prefer people to have credibility.

you are both doing the same job though - so your opinions are equal.

Not even remotely true.

Just because people can have an opinion doesn’t mean it’s a valid opinion.