Safe to say Shadowlands is the third worst expansion?

Sorry, this isn’t true.

Not everyone has as many alts as I do and can play them competitively. Alts are more sub par this expansion so far.

Dude plays on Mal’ganis, it’s already subpar. It’s not even close to Zul’jin. Just ignore the boosted elitist wannabe.



Actually it is.

If you were behind on that your dps suffered.

That’s a personal problem. It also appears you don’t play your main very well either :man_shrugging:t3:

Zulu job isn’t even that good of a server lol.

No, it isn’t I cleared 15’s with out maxing either neck or back.

Let me know once you are able to find my main! Until, then you are making up stuff!

It’s hard to appreciate current expansions when they’re current.

15s aren’t even hard. You were also handicapping your group and clearly carried.

Achievements are account wide.

You sound confused here, either it is hard or I was handicapping? Which?

I know you like my many multiboxing accounts!

Wanna know what WoD had by 6.1?

Wanna know what Legion and BFA had after just a year?

Well, I’ll tell you: those three expansions were still pretty bad after just a year, and none of them had the “we’re working from home because of a global pandemic” excuse and none of them even attempted to get truly decent in an X.1.5 patch, either.

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WoD had my attention since it dropped, that’s what it had. Your opinion reflects just that, your opinion.


I liked BFA. When it was current I remember my opinion getting ripped to shreds. Yet, after SLs, more people were willing to just accept that it was a opinion. I feel like it not a situation where people can’t appreciate a current expansion, but much rather their anger and frustrations are current. It easier to let go of your anger once it’s done and over with.

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It’s both. They weren’t hard and you were still handicapping your group.

Not really. If you enjoy multi boxing that’s your decision.

However the fact you hide your main shows it’s just bad and most of your talk is probably bs.

I enjoyed the storyline but that is about it.

I knew you were confused. Since they were “not hard” and I didn’t “need” to be carried.

I love it and always will multibox.

You are one of those who is upset you can’t pixel compare me.

I never said you were carried. I said you handicapped your group. Should try reading it again.

I’m not upset at all. I just find it funny you said you “cleared 15s with ease” but afraid to show it. In my experience the people who do that are lying through their teeth.

Handicapping the group means you needed to be carried. Maybe you should consider what you wrote.

How can I show what I did on alts that were not as geared as you would expect them to be? Nothing can be proved on the internet.

Yes, because there’s no time limit to judge on things.

No it doesn’t. Handicapping the group means you aren’t performing optimally.

You literally boasted about hiding your main.

It’s ok if you’re bad. No ones going to crucify you for it.

WoD was better than BFA and SL put together.

BFA was also vastly superior than SL.

Thus SL is clearly by a large margin easily the most detached dumpsterfire Blizz ever put out. It’s an embarrassment and Blizz should feel embarrassed by this product. 9.1.5 won’t address any of the major core design flaws of this expansion.


So, you are saying I am correct about my view of alts in BFA then!

I am not boasting about anything. Just you are upset you can pixel compare with me.

Really, you speaking from experience?