Safe to say Shadowlands is the third worst expansion?

Nope, we continue to see the failure to understand what was written.

They mean you got carried.

Yes by you on every post you make.

False. It means I’m main swapping for the raid team.

It’s funny you think my rogue is my only toon.

It means you were carried, you don’t have to feel bad about getting carried. Lots of people get carried all the time.

Yet I wasn’t actually carried. Carried people don’t do mechanics.

It’s ok though. You clearly have lost every point you have tried to make and now resort to trying to say I’m carried because you lack any other point.

It’s funny because yet again you’re wrong.

When you’re served a plate of poo, do you need to make sure all the poo is in your tummy to say it was poo?

I don’t care what people say, Shadowlands is better than BFA and BFA was better than WoD, that doesn’t mean that any of those are good but please stop rewriting history.

Carried people don’t meet the DPS requirements.

I agree it is funny how wrong you are.

horrible approach to spending your free time

games you pay for should be fun 100% of the time, there is no justification for wasting hours (10s of hours, 100s of hours) being bored or frustrated (i.e. not having fun) so that you can ‘finally’ have fun

we don’t play a game to be bored or endure tedium to satisfy a dev’s desire for more cash shop buys - which is the only reason they have these things dialed up so high right now

your standards for your paid entertainment are rock bottom

Again not carried.

Its funny how mad you are.

You can claim this until you are blue in the face but it won’t change the facts.

I’m happy, I am sorry you are mad though.

Its not a claim if its true.

I am not mad at all.

This is entertaining

See are getting back to that root discussion opinion vs fact.

The fact is you were a carry. Don’t worry though many other people have been carries as well.

Sorry but you dont have the credibility to claim its not a fact.

Yet I wasnt.

Logs are the facts. I don’t need credibility to read the logs.

Yes, you were.

“OMG WRATH WAS IS SO BAD” said the masses early in Wrath.

They said the same thing about BFA, Legion, BC and like, every expansion. Yet looking back we can agree that WoD wasn’t as bad as we made it out to be, it had great raids, nice scenery, just we had minimal end game content outside raiding and there was the flying debacle.

BFA also turned out to be decent, not as bad as people make it out to be, Legion was great, Cata was a thing, Wrath was arguably the best, the list goes on. But one thing for sure, you cannot say an expansion is bad until it’s over. You can complain as you go to try and improve it, and it works to a degree, but saying mid expansion “This is horse ****” is not really fair, we need to see the end game and what the final plan is and how the lead up to it was.

Mist > Cata > Wrath > Legion (7.2 +) > Slands (9.1.5+ fingers crossed) > WoD > BC > Legion early > BFA Late > Slands > Vanilla > BFA Early

You know what I can say? Shadowlands is the first expansion I’ve not wanted to play the entire game. I’ve taken breaks before because I had to, but I’m on a six-month sub and haven’t felt like playing in months.

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That’s fair. I’ve heard that before though in previous expansions, and by end of expansion the mindset of some has changed.

With all the changes coming in 9.1.5 it seems a tad desperate and earlier than the usual “Let’s open everything up”, but I think it’s a good change in their mindset, especially given the changes (and continual changes) of management, let’s hope it keeps getting better overall.

I do hope so. This is the first expansion though that not only I didn’t enjoy, but I didn’t go back and play earlier expansions. I blame the level squish, that and the scaling makes old content frustratingly bland. I can’t go somewhere where things are orange and test out staying alive, like I did in Westfall in Vanilla, standing on a rock facing two green crabs, one yellow crab, and an orange crab----and surviving! They’re all my level now, and when I get a level, well I guess that bear over there leveled up too! I can’t go farm lowbie areas because nowhere is lowbie, until I’ve massively outleveled it, but I still have to go to the same lowbie areas for the specific ingredients----only they’re going to be equally as tough to beat as the higher-level ingredient-droppers. The entire world seems so homogenous now.

Well, we got blonde haired thalassians on alliance in this expansion so it wasn’t all bad