Safe to say Shadowlands is the third worst expansion?

Just looking at overall parses doesn’t mean much.

You need an understanding of the game you clearly lack.

Negative. You can wish I was all you want too but it doesn’t make it true.

Also lol at trying to log shame when you’re too scared to post on your main :joy:

Na, you just are afraid to admit you were carried.

I don’t have to wish the logs showed me the truth.

Why did you just race change to Blood Elf?

Ironic coming from the guy that hides his main.

Also I still wasn’t carried.

You clearly can’t comprehend or read actual logs if you think just a grey parse means anything.

I did it last night. Why does it matter?

I’m close like you, but I’ll keep that phrase at the end of the expansion.

I can still anticipate when the Naruu panties only become pants thanks to their ridiculous censorship due.


It is fine for you to have this opinion. :rofl:

Clearly, you can keep denying the facts all you want.

Cool, it just surprised me seeing your character change.

It’s not an opinion.

I was above the tanks.
I did mechanics.
I wasn’t carried.

The facts show I wasn’t carried.

Anyone with any clue would know someone that’s undergeared and low renown isn’t going to have good logs.

Doesn’t mean they are carried.

I was orc for pvp. Seeing as my focus is on pve with this char and I hardly have free time to arena I swapped to a better pve oriented race.

Also orc shoulders are annoying on leather transmog.

Of course, it is your opinion. We been through this a lot now.

They showed you were carried. If everyone in the raid parsed as you did the kills wouldn’t have happened. We wouldn’t have ever gotten into this until you started to try and shame me.

You can use any excuse you want to for your needing to be carried.

Cool and I agree with this.

Id argue that SL is the second worst expansion. I have pretty much no desire to play anything involving SL.

Worst expansion is still Cata because its what broke the OG stat system/talent system and literal world. Game has never really recovered from Cata IMO.

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No it is thee worst expansion ever made. Shadowlands is how to -NOT- make a expansion. I would rather Cata and WoD again.

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Shadowlands is my 3rd favorite so far behind Legion and Wrath.

Again not an opinion. Carried players don’t don’t even fight the boss. They die in a corner and wait.

No they didn’t.

That doesn’t mean I was carried my guy. I sacrificed dps to run orbs on remnant because of rerolling for the raid team.

I never tried to shame you. I just pointed out you’re probably a bad LFR hero because you hide your main.

Again wasn’t carried.