Safe to say Shadowlands is the third worst expansion?

There are no objectively good and worse, because all that is based on personal preference.
And you cant really tell if the “majority” liked or disliked some xpac because the absolute majority of the playerbase do not specifically say they liked or disliked xpacs.
Most people dont even care about most of what forum people talk about, they just play the game or not, and not always leave or dont join the game because they dont like the content.

What you can point out are the things as they are, but mostly, what one hates the game for is to someone what they love about the game.

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It’s easily better than both of those trash expansions.

Good for you.

Nope. I’m giving an example of an opinion.

Actually it’s not an opinion. It’s a fact.

For me this is the fourth worse exspansion.

  1. Cata went from too hard to too easy to too long for a patch.
  2. WOD was killed by the no flying. Then it was just scrape becuase no one like orcs. The story was getting good till the did this weird stuff.
  3. BFA was just too many stories without endings. I did like some of the stuff.
  4. Shadowland is just a mess of endless grinding.

Now can not say much on Legion as it so annoying at first. I just gave up till anther expansion came out. These are my reason and profitably does not match up with others. Still the quality of expansions seem to be going down hill. I say they need new blood.

The expansion does more wrong than right so the wrongs overshadow anything good. I think its ever so slightly worse than bfa. Wod, cataclysm and shadowlands all have claims to the throne for worst.


I didn’t say it was easy on Alts. I said it was easier on Alts in SL over BFA.

I mean reading comprehension is a thing.

Much too early to say a lot of expansions get better half way through, though a right now snap shot would suggest it.

Lmao this post is hilarious. Declench a bit mate and calm down before ya burst a vessel.

If we are judging expansions, then having the expansion complete isnt arbitrary but necessary to the argument, how else do you compare? Wow has distinct eras of systems and gameplay so while yes its an unedning game the OP is comparing xpac eras.

How do you make a definitive stmt when theres time left to turn it around in this expansion? You cant yet.

I brought up white knighting because ppl get all up in arms about any disagreement that seems to defend blizzard and default to that, and me saying theres time yet could be misconstrued that i think blizz will pull a rabbit out the hat on this. I personally dont feel one way or the other.

I think it is the 3rd best actually. I like wrath, legion, and shadowlands the most.

The way you’re trying to paint people as angry shows that you’re not being honest with me. I also think you’re projecting.

If you dislike something in a multiplayer game’s expansion, reserving judgement until after it’s completed is unwise. Especially since these sorts of games have an active development.

And what’s wrong with that?

Yes you can. Because there is no end, realistically speaking. Again, how does waiting until the expansion’s done to give judgement on it after, helps anybody?..

Let me ask you something, if OP was praising shadowlands, would you be saying the same exact thing?

I do agree what you’ve said isn’t white knighting, but it’s just pure silliness and out of a lack of knowledge of what kind of game it is that judging until it’s done won’t result any meaningful change.

Yes, there is time to turn things around, but that doesn’t mean people’s judgement are invalid because of it. Especially since you can just judge individual patches. I mean that’s what most people do with these sorts of games anyways, heck even with Single-player games when it comes to expansions and patches as well.

For me, a person who dosen’t raid beyond LFR or normal sometimes, that hasen’t done a m+ over 9 since Legion…

I find it quite fun, I liked more bfa, because in BFA i felt it a lot better , because of my RP fatnasy of helping regular people around kultiras while doing RP.

In shadowlands it’s a quite different experience I just do it, becuase I want Gold. I’ve make a lot, a lot of gold this expac because is too easy. That’s what shadowlands gave me.

I find their story enterteining, and the mechanics fun. But i am not as invested on RP as i was on legion or BFA

I actually had fun in WoD with my toons in pvp, leveling, raiding, and made a ton of gold, so I rate WoD better than SL and BFA.

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Idk the first line of the response was how im not making the thread better lol. It seems to me they are more up in arms than i am but whatever lets go with im projecting if it get us beyond that point idrc and doesnt address what ppl seem to have an issue with my posts.

As for waiting, idk how to make this more clear, idc if you grade systems or experiences before xpac end thats fine, have at it. But to say SL is safely the 3rd worse expansion cant be done as you just cant possibly know how itll end.

Didnt everyone think Einstein was dumb to start with then he uh actually wasnt? This is like looking at him in grade school and making the call he’s dumb and thats that. It wound up being the wrong call. Everyone can guess but ya cant KNOW until its done.

Its a semantic distinction i guess that ppl dont wanna make. Regardless im not dying on this hill anymore yall do you and im good with it.

For me, yes, it’s definitely in the bottom three.

I don’t think any previous expansion is as transparent about it’s “we just did this thing this way to make it take longer” approach to design as SL is.

Late response, but yes, your comment is also just writing off. You’re writing off people’s opinions on an expansion with the whole “It’s not done yet” argument, trying to de-legitimatize people who wanted changes in the expansion to have it be better by giving it criticisms.

If you want to reserve your judgement until the expansion is over, then fine. You do you. But people reserved the right to criticize whenever they want to and it’s not wrong to do so. Infact, judging by the fact you didn’t even answer my question on “How waiting until you can judge something helps”, i’m going to assume you don’t think it’s correct then to wait until it’s done is a correct move then. If that’s not your answer, then correct me by giving your answer to that question. (and don’t just say wrong and not fix it)

Well if you’re not, then you wouldn’t have made the comment you’ve made now and accuse other people of being mad, now don’t you? :confused:

Your issues with these posts in particular that it’s just silly, because you seem to think it’s logical to wait for a multiplayer game to finish it’s expansion until it’s done.

I could say the exact same thing back at you friend.

You clearly do care…

I understand why would you follow the idea of “you must withhold judgement until it’s done” or “until you see all of the content it offers”, since it’s normally good to withhold judgement until something is done. Normally.

These aren’t normal circumstances and even then the normal circumstances are subject to abnormality.

If the game has been in early access, but selling shop items, then it’s fair to criticize it. If there’s even games on early access even, like WoW on PTR, beta ,and so on, it’s fair to criticize it especially if you paid money for it. Thing is, nothing is above criticism, just how nothing is above praise.

Because you realize it’s a silly thought to say?

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Considering the amount of posts on asking for it back in the ptr forums atm and its the highest viewed post atm i would say your wrong. Also pvp was more alive in wod then sl right now

To the title: No not even close. It does qualify imo for the roughest start to an expansion so far tho.

I am a firm believer that opinions can never be wrong.

You, sir, have just shaken my beliefs to the very core.

You’re entitled to your opinion but the majority of people asking for templates back are sub 1500 heroes.

Templates were a legion thing and not wod you could still get the stats you want