Safe to say Shadowlands is the third worst expansion?

last expansion i played was MoP
and when i came back Before 3 months , i leveled through legion and bfa

with that being said :
for me this expansion is the worse of anything i played in my life.

Sounds like you want to join!

I mean yeah but is not development for how the pandaren work within our factions and onward is what I mean.

I’m saying it’s bad because I think it’s bad.

Simple enough.

You comparing judging the patch whenever we want to flat-earthers is a disingenuous dismissal from you. You’re kind of advocating for people to pass judgement that would be too late to be taken into account. Not to mention this line of thinking assumes that PTR or open alphas and betas aren’t a thing and considering you have to pay money to be in either of these things, makes it ripe for criticism because they are selling a product. So it’s just comes across as excusing it by de-legitimatizing opinions that don’t fit your subjective criteria.

Or simply put…

“Don’t worry guys, it’s only alpha!”
“Don’t worry guys, it’s only beta!”
“Don’t worry guys, it’s only launch!”
“Don’t worry guys, it’s only the first patch!”
“Don’t worry guys, it’s only the second patch!”
“Don’t worry guys, it’s only the third patch!”
“Don’t worry guys, it’s only alpha!” …and it keeps going on and on…

No, it’s fun, I got bored more at BFA and Cata :pleading_face:

Something about Shadowlands has me so unmotivated to play. It just doesn’t feel like wow. I don’t know, maybe it is the dimension hopping. Maybe it is the story culmination over the last few expansions being such a mess.

The inter-dimensional hero stuff doesn’t feel like WoW, it feels like Destiny. I don’t want to traverse space and time to fight evil god beings. I just want to kill bad dragons and get a cool sword from them.

WoW needs to step back into the fantasy and away from the cosmic war stuff. Just my opinion.


Actually the thread maker is doing that by writing it off before its done.

If the xpac ended tomorrow sure we could argue that. But We have another year at least. Who the f knows what will happen between now and the end of xpac. Could be great or could be a dumpster fire. I aint white knighting.

BUT You cant do a whole previous xpac to a .1 xpac its an apples and oranges comparisons. So no, its not safe to say its the third worse. You could say it looks like its heading to be the third worse.

Im just pointing out that he’s judgin the xpac before its, ya know, done and once more time has based you can rate it.


Cata was better then this. Mists was actually good. Wod was “just” empty, boring and clearly not even half finished.

Legion was trash, bfa was painful and shadowlands is pathetic. Easily the worst expansion to date, and its HARD to be worse then a last-patch welfare legendary with a cobbled together system that utterly invalidated the system the expansion was built on. Shadowlands is worse then bfa


yes, yes you are. Blind, battered shill

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Lmaoooooo, you all there mate?

How is arguing the expansion isnt done so you cant say its third worst considered white knighting? Im not defending blizz im just using logic.

Torghast blows, korthia is lame, i dislike locked covenants. If it doesnt get fixed sure this xpac is down there in the list.

But, and heres the rub, it has time to be fixed so you cant call it yet when theres plays to be made. tHaTs MaH pOInT.


See what you did there. Its the ONLY after life we had lol.

Not counting Warrior order hall…we go there alive and well in a loophole lol. Also we aren’t nord knockoffs like the place is filled with so we’d not be going to that Sovngarde there really.

People that throw out the

“We’re only one patch into the expansion!” BS kinda irk me.

It’s been almost a year into a 2 year expansion cycle.

How much more SL content do you think we’re going to see?

Not much.

We should be excited for the THIRD patch of the expansion right about now.

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It’s definitely worse than BFA, in my opinion. BFA atleast had Islands that were great for grinding conquest and getting quick levels for alts. The raids were good, the dungeon designs were better than the crappy ones we have now.

The Azerite necklace at least had interesting abilities. It had bad systems but it still had an identity.

Shadowlands has none, all the systems are garbo, raid gear is aids, the shards are rng hell and the raids are flat out boring. I never cared for any of the factions and PVP is effectively back to life support with its boosting problems. The patch delays, the fact they still don’t listen to crap just puts it at the bottom with WOD for me, we’ll see if it stays the same when the other patches come out.

BFA’s story is way better than Shadowlands, like shadowlands has no redeeming qualities that I can think of lmao.


Jailor is met. Killed or given to revendreth/maw part 2 to be freed later is the question.

All we have left is who are nathrazim working for which could be lead in to 10.0. And if like BFA that will be rushed out the door.

Hi players…here is your void story. the true mastermind of the BFA story.

Cool so the void elves will be showcased since they literally live for the void?

Umm, no. Crap. I knew we forgot something here. Oh well, too late.

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We’ll get some weird truncated ending that was thrown together at 4:45PM on a Friday like WoD was. (DRAENOR IS FREEEEEEEE!)

They keep doing this garbage.

I know they can do better.

It’s getting insulting, tbh.


Slvanis is going to be redeemed, shes goody goody agane and we all misunderstood her.

He’s probably one of the people who was demanding they release SL even if it wasn’t finished, just so BfA could be over.

And look where that’s gotten us.

I think when they realize she is a whole soul again, they will all forgive her like Uther was.

But I don’t think she gets off scot free.

I think she will die and end up staying in the Shadowlands somehow.

Maybe the new Arbiter? /shrug

Blizzard will keep to their 2 year expansion schedule no matter what.

They are running out of time, so they will cut corners and rush things out to make the deadline if they must.

“Quality content that takes time” isn’t an option. You need to stop thinking that it is.

To me it’s the worst so far. This expansion is just so far removed from anything resembling warcraft to me.