Safe Space forum section

It’s not sunday yet :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

Not related but its so weird I had to include this…



You aren’t entitled to anything you’re asking for. Judging by the comments here calling out your bad behavior, you’re clearly just trolling.

If not, then you’re just delusional.

Hmm…does that count as being a jerk? I certainly hope so.

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That’s why it’s a suggestion and not a demand to Blizzard. lol

Nobody here is entitled to anything.

Buffalo wings.

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it was more just stuff I was reading online.
Im a hard conservative but I saw MY side of the politics going crazy because Obama got elected. The next couple years the rhetoric by my side was nauseating, sounding pretty much just like the safe space sorts today, as if Obama was personally giong to come to their towns and destroy their lives or something, lol.
The hyperbole needs to go away with all sides or this ‘micro aggression’/ safe space environment we live is going to be permanent.

but it might have been a while before I started noticing that the other side was acting the fool too.
I mean, Obama wasnt a favorite of mine, but neither were the Bush clowns, lol.
I just thought the OVER reaction by my group was quite a bit off the meter.

In their defense, he did repeatedly threaten to go after certain constitutional rights. He never did but the constant threats will put people on edge who support said rights.

First, how did i not make your list?
I am hurt.

Second, i think the panda is ralph?

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Omg yes gimme.

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I cant repeat the stuff I read and some videos I watched back then, Id likely get a permanent ban just showing some of the crap against Obama that was beyond over the top. And Im not just talking hating his politics or even racism. There were some videos around the web that should make even obama haters cringe.
I dont like the mans politics either, but going overboard is too far…precisely where we’re at with this safe space / micro aggression garbage today.

Not sure even now I don’t recognize your name. Don’t worry though usually you have to have a catch phrase or irritate me more than once in a debate before I remember people, usually by taking what I say out of context or by deliberately arguing in bad faith. Just part of being autistic.

Yeah Ralph. I knew it was a simple name. Man that guy was a bad…


Ralph or Yesuna, I wonder how many broken keyboards they both caused?

If you’re going by infamy I assume that’s probably Clark

Ralph for sure.

Kinda sad I didn’t make the list lol


Safety is a matter of perception. I often imagine the day we won’t need a safe space. Looks something like…


Then those are the type I wouldn’t claim as your own side. Those kinda people are just nuts and happen to hate a certain side. They exist on both sides.

Clark was indeed the one although now that I think of it there may have been a second human paladin around the same time that had like 50 alts. It was a short but odd name maybe 2 words together… They did a lot of gender and political posts.


The government says it will keep me safe…



oh god ralph! That brings me back, what was that, BFA or Legion? they made people really mad…

I think they lasted until shadowlands.
I recall them yelling at people about covenants a lot.


It’s the context that was intentionally left out that is yielding such hilarious results.