Safe Space forum section

Having lived on multiple military facilities, I assure you, you get the best protection the lowest bidder can provide.

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Yeah the pull the rip cord threads…




hah that place is a ghost town.
it’s so pointless.

i just went to take a look, and it seems like it’s turned into someones personal blog.
masses of threads all created by one person


I have a feeling it’s the mage too.

I really like this idea, this way we can keep the normal conversations on GD.

That’s a very difficult task as people like me think I’m saying something honest and legitimate it ends up being reported as trolling… So having a safe place on the forums… it would be better if we could have a whisper option.

Nope, not me. Check battle pets.

Would probably be nice but then you got people who see those who aren’t always agreeing with them as trolls so… yeah no thanks. I’ll just stick with the normal forums.

Lol I know it ain’t you!


I remember seeing one of those “Adam ruins everything” clips on the ‘wild west’ and that was pretty interesting. I could be butchering this from memory, but I think the point was that women are the major reason communities settle and make permanent towns/settlements and all the associated things that come with it. Also that it was much more civilised and ordered than those of us who didn’t study it thought it was (mostly because of media)

Really goes against all the ideas we had I guess.

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I’m like 99% sure the italicised formatting is used very specifically to hint at something else that happens to share the same words for their own similar purpose. Off-site.

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i didn’t say it’s okay. i said it’s how it is.

We all know the real way to get out of trouble with the law is to be rich and selectively forgetful, anyway.

I don’t recall if I drove that day, sir. Maybe I didn’t even get out of bed. It’s really hard to remember!



The Forums are already a Safe space as it is, compared to other sites like Twitter.

Infact, agrubely, internet as a whole is almost about as safe space as you can get thanks to anonymity. Until somebody tries to dox you for an opinion you have or video game you play. But those are extreme cases.

Those take on many forms that isn’t immediately obvious. Especially those that seem positive.

Not to be that guy, but, i think positivity should come natural and not be forced and unnatural feeling.

Not to be that sort, but you’ve said some rather non-positive things yourself. And that’s fine, my problem is you’re trying to make yourself look better, when this too me, just looks like something went up and you had a bad time with it and it backfired on you significantly.

Second, you seem to think all negativity is bad, and all positivity is good. When this is entirely contextual. If were talking about pointless hatred/insults, sure. But if were including criticisms, or counters made to bad-faith or otherwise baffling arguments, no.

Infact, there’s a thing called Toxic Positivity. In that being " the pressure to only display positive emotions, suppressing any negative emotions, feelings, reactions, or experiences"

If this is meant to fight toxicity (which in your case, negativity), it’s better that we don’t start with this as a tool to rid of it. If anything, it would only help toxicity. It’s like trying to fight actual fire with fire. You’re just going to make more fires…

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This is how you are perceived.

Your grand legacy.

Embrace it.

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Not really. Once again that depends where you were.

I want a safe space for my boulders.

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Good thing you weren’t around back then.

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That sounds like a threat. Also, you’re still wrong.