Sad to say... Remix sucks /sadface

Cool. Still don’t see anything mentioned about being op from day one.

Powerful items everywhere – quests, chests, creatures, bosses – doesn’t equate to being powerful.
Insane post, massive IQ, impressively intelligent, I thank you for unto me bequeathing this modicum of your infinitely valuable time, Wise King.


I would prefer that all rewards are account bound. For an event like this, I’d rather just grind it out on one toon rather than having to level an army of alts to obtain all of the rewards.


Only 89 days left of a 93 day event. Time has run out! Oh Noes!!!

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You are grasping and got nothing. Wanna be op? Farm it. It’s that simple. But then you can’t make all of these forum posts playing victim.


And you’re ignoring the words ripped directly from their page promoting it.
Which actually makes sense considering our earlier interactions, lol.


I’m actually impressed with how fast they’re improving it.
Like making it so the dailies just slap +50 stats onto your cloak?
And I believe LFR does too (but leveling via LFR gives +20?)

Yes it should have been like this from the start. But I appreciate the continued investment.

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LMFAO, yeah, no. It seems you are a very small % who is hating on this. You guys always come out of the wood work with WoW is dead when a new xpac is upon us or something changes. 20 years almost and guess what, it’s still going pretty damn strong.

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Some mobs at max lvl are hitting for 8 million…. Immerseus anyone…? Ye idk… :cloud_with_rain:

yeah i totally wanna play this for 90 days
/s, this is grindier than shadowlands


Put it all in cash shop for those too lazy to play a video game?

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Need more bronze and reduce the cost of upgrading gear and this event would be a lot better


Event wuld be great if upgrading gear to max didn’t cost more than all the cosmetics combined. Should be like 10% of the cost it is atm


I do agree but for me sadly that is even fully broken, I have more than enough of all the race/class combos we have.

What I need is more alts of the race/class combos we don’t have and are waiting on (BE and VE druids, VE DHs, VE pallies, BE and VE shammies.

Something like this would have been amazing right after a new race/class combo was released.


Blizzard is trying, stop picking on them.

You definitely look like somebody that buys everything in the cash shop as soon as it drops


I think the cloak as it is now, is more of a “Proof of Concept” for some of the devs behind the scenes.

As in “See, we CAN do stuff like this.”

I’m looking forward to what they come up with in the upcoming expansions as a result of things like MoP remix.

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I’m almost done with all mounts i could buy with coins (all mop rares i already had before the event). Which means now i’ll buy all the class xmogs and weapons i care, then i’m done. Anything else is a humongous waste of existence, the amount of time you gotta dump into upgrading your gear makes it too much of a hassle.

I’m glad the mounts and xmog are easily farmable in 1 char and i haven’t done all maps and all achievs. Which means i will prob finish after i hit up kun’lai and towlong.

All in all for people like myself, it was an easy grind.

For people wanting to relive old content and play some crazy buffed version of their class and collect other stuff, wellllll, you’re in for a humongous grind.

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But nobody wants it? It has no benefit over just straight up account wide, which we know they can do.

1- Cape isnt acc wide/wont sync.
2- Coin isnt acc wide