RWF - Don't turn Mental Health into a scapegoat

Because there isn’t an exact formula to decide when this will trigger? I can work 60 hours a week all year long with no problems, and mental health can trigger after being at a family reunion for 3 hours.

Who are you to decide when and how mental health strikes and affects people?


AHAHAHHAHAHAHAH are you for real?

Well, you don’t really need to announce you’re leaving the thread. You can simply leave when you’re out of arguments or can’t answer simple questions.

So if I follow your logic, you’re not qualified either to question either I am qualified or not to talk about it.

but I left pertinent questions that remain unanswered on this thread, and that people purposefully dodge because that destroys their whole rhetoric about this whole topic.

And usually this stuff can’t be cured with a fifteen minute peptalk. When people go into a spin they might stay there for a while.

I know when I do it usually lasts the rest of the day or longer. Thankfully I’m pretty resilient and people with stigma don’t cause that.

The troll still hasn’t responded to my points from my initial post.

I used to date a girl who worked with a “Karen” and even their boss couldn’t handle being around her, and this girl would call in about once a month just to de stress from the environment of working with this lady.

Boss man never took it out of her PTO or anything and simply called it a mental health day (knowing very well the stress this lady induced into the work area)

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You were blatantly ignoring what I and Zandrae have said. To pull the “So following your logic” to avoid acknowledging that fact that even the most prepared people can have this trouble happen to them, just tells me that you’re not actually being serious here.

Because you’re being disingenuous at this point. Your “Questions” are just placing the blame on the professionals here, thinking they only and must done it though dishonestly.

Before this post I believed there was a shadow of a chance that you just didn’t understand what they go through. But " Perhaps they should be casual players instead" makes it clear you think professionals shouldn’t be given time off. They ain’t wrong here, you are.


It can be used as a scapegoat or a lie sure, but I don’t think you want to die on that hill at all without some proof of it. As someone with depression, anxiety, and aspergers, you wanna be careful on the issue of mental health.


Well, I strongly believe that it is not going to trigger the exact moment when you’re about to lose the competition…

Or just like.

Imagine if I just replied to this thread, when I am being ganged by everyone here and just say:

“oh guys, I know how important is this thread and discussion, but I must go and take care of my mental health right now. Wish me luck and I wish all the best to everyone”.

Would it look real?

I mean, they can get time off.
Why wouldn’t gamers or professional gamers get time off?

Why are you putting your thoughts as mine if I never said that.

I’m sorry that happened to her. I’m glad her boss was a Chad (or chadette).

One of the last places I worked at had, “weak and weary” days because several of us had issues like fibro and depression and whatnot. Worked very much the same.

Also, the troll still hasn’t responded to my points.

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Your thread was doomed from the OP :laughing:
Any politician or PR person would have been able to tell you not to make that post. Have you ever wondered why all corporations sound the same when they address the public? Do you think that you’re the only one who believes what you believe? Of course not, but business and people in power know better or have people working for them writing their speeches that know better than to say stuff like this.
The road that leads to your desired outcome doesn’t begin with saying people are faking mental health issues, especially not in the current climate.

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Bingo. :point_up:

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It is already working.


“Mental Health trophy”.

How can people not see how bad it is for people that actually suffer from this.

Yeah like I said. I’m totally sure it has been used by someone lying about their mental health but its such a sensitive subject that you def don’t wanna bring it up imo without some proof of it happening.


How do we know they don’t suffer from behavioral health conditions?

Unless you’re in someone else’s head, you have no idea how stress will affect them and no right to deny how they say they feel. All the training, or preparation, in the world isn’t going to dictate how stress will affect you.

What’s that boxing saying, “You have a plan until you get hit.”? Maybe not entirely apt in this situation, but you get the point.

And OP, seriously, it would be best if you just dropped it. You keep it up and you’ll get a forum vacation. Trust me, I’ve gotten them for less than what you have already said. Have the grace to bow out while you’re behind. Hmmn, that sounds oddly familiar.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

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Perhaps some people shouldn’t be put through an stressful RWF like this with 16+ hours of gameplay a day.

No one should exceed their limits if it is bad to them.

Why isn’t anyone questioning whether they were prepared for this at all.
Whether they can endure such stressful event?

I agree. I’m just saying dont cry wolf about mental health and say “This person is lying about their mental health to take advantage!” without proof of it.

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You do realize they haven’t won every single RWF right? That this isn’t a scapegoat for their “first loss”. That it may be legitimate. After years of dealing with this, it may have finally taken its toll.

Well, that is a good point.

Do they know they suffer from it? Do their sponsors actually know what they are sponsoring?

I mean, would you sponsor someone to play 16h+ a day someone who actually don’t have the conditions to do so?

Why don’t they hire a professional to work with them in during the RWF that would evaluate their state?

I ask because I know for a fact they don’t have. I have watched their preparation and even when they talk about their staff that assist them - they don’t have a single person that could tell.

When I say they haven’t prepared well for this, I mean: did they actually looked to get examined prior to do this? Were they ready to onboard this RWF, knowing the toll it takes?

OP is unpopular but is :100: right it’s easier to blame a loss on mental health than acknowledging the other team just was better

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