RWF - Don't turn Mental Health into a scapegoat

Stress induced experiences of depression and anxiety are actually super common.

51% of adults who felt stressed reported feeling depressed, and 61% reported feeling anxious. —Source


I will leave here some questions that remain unanswered or people lost:

  1. Would be inaccurate to say that it would look really bad for sponsors to pull off because they said they were leaving the competition to take care of their mental health?

  2. Could it be that for saying that they’re going to take care of their mental health, instead of saying “look, we lost, we don’t want to stay here, we just want to go home and whatever” would simply tell their sponsors that they are not good for advertising and that they didn’t prepare well for the race?

  3. Why don’t they hire a professional that would actually help them assess their situation and whether they need to take a break or stop?

  4. Why don’t they have actually made a evaluation before the RWF to check whether they were in a good state of mind to play 16h+ a day?

  5. Do you think they will think of bringing a professional to follow up with their mental health for the next RWF?

  6. Do you think they will do the very same preparation for next RWF?

Since people also brought this as a problem: Today, wow doesn’t have a limit of time you can play.

  1. Seeing how this affected Liquid, should blizzard limit the amount of time people can play during the day, to avoid mental health issues? Or have the game being paid by played hours, and limit the time you can be connected, similar in China?

It’s always interesting to see people with 0 experience in a field offer their hot takes on it.

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Hello, welcome to the thread.
Would you like to add any value on it?

Here are some questions:

maybe this is just a bit, but if it’s not then you seem like an incredibly unpleasant person


Yes, but they wouldn’t say that because they have people working for them that would come up with something clever that doesn’t sound bad :laughing:

How do you know they didn’t?

Because people fake being ok to not let the team down all the time and it’s easy to lie and fake that you’re ok.

They could but what good would that do?
Dr: “Yep, everyone is good”
Dr: “x person had an unforeseen complication”

:man_shrugging: What are you gonna do? Say the doctor is lying about mental health issues?:laughing:

I don’t think we do that in America and since you are asking “should they” my answer is no.

Also no.

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Well that depends. You still haven’t proved to us how Liquid was lying here, so that question can’t be answered correctly.

Where did you get this idea that quitting because of mental health issues suddenly mean their not good for advertising? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

If people say “Their going to take care of their mental health” i think the sponsors will understand that.

That’s their prerogative if they want one or not.

They already do… I mean, even basic raid groups does this sort of thing for raiding 4 hours a day, trying to make progress. :man_shrugging:

That’s a question we don’t know for sure.

Refer to what i’ve said above. :point_up:

Competition does.

Where is this coming from?.. like seriously? Where did you get off thinking your actually qualified in talking about mental health when you’re proposing questions like this?..

Like, do you not understand this wouldn’t fix it, but instead worsen it even? Limiting the time to play will screw with Liquid’s as well other’s pay.

If i were a streamer like Liquid, and if i’m suffering mental health issues, i would NEVER advocate to limit everybody else’s time. :expressionless:


Why are you expecting strangers on an internet forum to educate you and add value to your worthless opinion on a topic you have zero experience in?

Start with google.


That’s usually my role. :smiling_imp:

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

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Actually, I can judge if I’d like. How dare you judge me for judging!!!

It’s funny watching people tell OP they have no right in talking about the subject because they’re not qualified, but neither are any of the people responding… Telling people to ‘use google’ as a source, lmao. The hypocrisy.

Blizzard should just end split runs, and not allow the ‘big guilds’ to operate cross-server like they promised they would be limiting Organizations as they can’t sell boosts. Liquid and Echo are both Organizations, so the split runs and trading gold between servers should’ve earned them all the vacation they so want very early on.

They literally decided to take two days off and you are roasting them

maybe you could just participate in a thread in a civil manner, without attacking others and perhaps just adding a value instead of name calling.

You know, with minimal human decency perhaps.

1- Are the sponsors going through long houred days with the stress of competition hanging over them for insane hours? If so, yeah.
2- If it was just losing, which has happened before for them, why would they make up an excuse that might make sponsors more wary in the future than just stick it out and just not put in as much effort?
3-Have any proof that they don’t?
4-Probably something that’s more likely to show up while under the stress and not in advance.
5-It’d probably be a good thing to be standard
6-who knows
7- Not the same issue. Here the issue is stresses added to game by high stakes competition with paying sponsors who want you to deliver. People just playing might not be doing much most of the time, hanging out with guilds, doing some farming while watching tv, it’s not the game itself causing the stress here. So just a non sequitor.

Question for you: Why do you have trouble with the idea that people who have in some degree high stakes professions might burn out now and then? Also consider in the one case with the gymnast, she was running into a condition that messed with her sense of place in the air, and you can seriously mess yourself up or kill yourself if you screw up how you reintroduce yourself to the ground. Sometimes people just have to take a L and a break to get their head back in the game.


They literally forfeited the competition, that is not taking day off.

Am I wrong to expect people to be educated and act like human beings, and treat others with respect when their opinions don’t match?


Umm….have you watched basically any sports, stuntmen, etc…

You’re comment is horribly incorrect.

you haven’t shown any in this thread, so i don’t know why you expect anyone else to.


Eloquent phrasing for not landing on your face and breaking your neck. I’ll have to remember that the next time I jump out of a perfectly good aircraft.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:


Having 200 pulls on a boss on mythic is not fun. At a certain point it feels like every next pull is just a time you’re locked into and can’t get out of, oh you’ve had 80 pulls on heroic? Nice here’s another 700!

To a degree I’ve always found rwf a ridiculous thing to boast about. I’m actually unable to comprehend the need to complete content aggressively and that fast considering the pace to which patches are even pulled out.

Not only that it’s very obvious that there’s nothing inherently interesting about this patch save for the artwork the team at Blizzard put out. It’s very clear their artists are talented. But as far as anything goes nothing is compelling about being able to kill the jailer when the character is just a walking plot hole.

Oh not to mentioned this whole time we weren’t even supposed to have killed the jailer, according to the plot, until the Tuesday that just passed. Because you’re supposed to get your belt in order to help you kill him.

This is literally Blizzard outwardly time gating your ability to kill him on purpose. Nobody likes this aggressive behavior everyone at least would like to see their efforts rewarded. Meaning all that time that these guys spent trying to get rwf was just pointless and meaningless. Can you imagine having wasted weeks day after day trying to clear the final boss only to realize “Oh we weren’t even technically supposed to be able to kill him at all!”

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Oh, I understand now. Only you get to decide who can can disagree with and cause feeling of shame by your disagreement.

I though my you had principles for a second. My fault. Carry on with your hypocrisy.