RWF - Don't turn Mental Health into a scapegoat

Beyond that even, they’re playing during this time at an incredibly high level. To me, this goes way beyond the rank 14 grinds that people were doing, even though those were much longer.

All sorts of people have mental health issues and folks with severe sorts may be rightfully a little more critical/suspect.

This thread feels like a lot of people speaking for people like myself but I really should just step away.

I think they were making a funny.

Which should actually be the opposite, people with mental health issues or that have been through, or that know/have experience with mental health should be the ones willing to talk about it.

Abusing of “mental health” should be talked about.

“Accuse the other side of what which you are guilty”

Oh the delicious irony I don’t think they are responding because they had nothing after they started using my opinions are facts are resorted to insults.

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You still haven’t responded to my first two paragraphs, cowardly level 35 classic troll.

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“Accuse the other side of what which you are guilty”

Tend to agree… if you figure out a legal way to keep the bills paid reliably, kudos to you. Who cares about traditional notions of what a “proper job” is so long as you’re keeping the boat floating and aren’t killing yourself in the process.


It is being talked about - it’s people with takes like this that continue the stigma.

What’s your issue, do you feel this delegitimizes for Echo the “achievement” of killing a virtual monster no one cares about? Not only is a terrible take (you deciding you can determine who is “abusing”), it’s a real loser hill to die on as well.

So which is it? Idiotic take? Or huge loser? Maybe both?


I’m still waiting for your response.


Who says these RWF competitors aren’t putting this kind of time in as well? That would definitely put a lot of strain on someone and could very easily cause as many issues as someone putting 60-80 hours in somewhere else.


Dude especially with the time gates blizzard puts on that must be absolute hell

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I tried streaming once, I’m not much of a speaker and I don’t think people wanted to watch me do DMF dailies on all my alts :laughing: I got out the military 10 years ago and all I’ve done in that time is drink and play wow 8+ hours a day, sometimes I’ll play over 24 hours a day as I have insomnia and can’t sleep and have nothing else to do.

You have to ask yourself, on a planet with 7 billion people what are the odds that exactly 0 people on Earth would be able to play wow 16 hours a day? Maybe we have different perspectives, but I don’t believe there are many, if any, things I would say ZERO people would be fine with.

Sure, but you need evidence. “Optics” isn’t going to work in your favor.


That clearly doesn’t count according to the troll.

In their opinion athletes and e athletes are not allowed to have behavioral health problems because what they are doing is not work.


Ah yes, because someone else’s minute is not as important as their minute. Makes sense


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What takes?

What is my take on this? That people should’ve prepared for a competition that takes like 16 hours of gaming / day? Didn’t they know this?

Why isn’t anyone here actually asking why they don’t have a psychological professional with them to talk to them while they are there during the competition?

When you are a professional athlete and you go to a competition, there is an ambulance there to assist people in case of emergency - not that I am suggesting they needed an ambulance, but, do they really look at this seriously? These guys are in this business for LONG TIME already, why don’t they have professional people helping them with this situation?

This could’ve been identified earlier.

I agree with you on this. Their time spent is time spent. The OP’s take is absurd and cringe.

Because people like you stigmatized them.
End thread discussion for me


Yeah, this is essentially what i’ve said to OP too, but OP blatantly ignored that as well.

Like… how exactly OP thinks she’s qualified to talk about Liquid’s motivations for quitting when she’s ignoring that very fact?.. let alone mental health issues?..

Let me guess you are an expert on mental health. :clown_face: