Props to Liquid

Even though they didnt come in first for the RWF, i consider them the winner in this situation. They knew when their raiders had hit their limits or had real life obligations. This is a game. People need breaks from a game. To expect more than what Liquid did means you dont care about them as people only them as a guild.


also shoutout to my guild, who knew not to even try the RWF because we suck. we the real winners.


If the leaders of Liquid had actually cared about their raiders, they would have called it at day 10 when (in their own words) “they were… done”.


But they lost? Would you be saying the same thing if they won?

Edit: Also how are they winners, they played the same amount as Echo, had more pulls but didn’t win?


They’re not held there against their will. I’m sure the members of the guild wanted to try to stick it out too, and were also part of the decision to call it.

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They also didn’t abuse a exploit to down the boss. Imo Echo should get their kill revoked.

and then … saronite bombs were mentioned.

/never miss a chance. Ensidia was wronged.

Don’t feel to bad, they got paid to play a video game, i’d trade them any day


Echo won limit lost. That’s all it is. Echo player played better.

Limit is top tier guild. This tier they lost. Maybe they will win next time.

Seems like whenever the tier is on harder end eu wins


i have a tracker of all last-boss world firsts. counting some small raids too like onyxia or Sarth/Halion. here’s what it looks like.

Ascent 1
Drama 1
Nihilum 11111 111
SK Gaming 1
Ensidia 111
Stars 1
Paragon 11111 11
Premonition 1
KIN Raiders 1
Method 11111 11111 11
Blood Legion 1
Exorsus 11
Pieces 1
Limit 11
Echo 11

Echo uses exploits any time they can.

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Considering this one lowered the bosses HP by 6% instantly, kind of a game breaking one. Should be noted that Limit had multiple pulls around 5% before Echo and they didn’t abuse it.

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Yeah, I agree, but they have used exploits in the MDI as well. Blizzard lets them get away with it though.


Salty NA fans :rofl:


i’m not salty.
And if it was the other way around and Echo lost because they decided to stop for the sake of their raiders my post would have said props to echo

Mental health matters.
end of story.

What happened?

Do you have this in Excel form?

did they? I see no note of that.

txt document on my desktop :slight_smile:

the Jailer tickmark is already in there.

There’s only one winner and that’s the obvious one.