RWF - Don't turn Mental Health into a scapegoat

But why does it matter? Even though it’s false.

A group that doesn’t support a mental health organization is burned out. This sentence does not make sense lol.

You started this argument, you made the bed, now sleep in it.

Site your source?

This WHOLE TOPIC is off-topic, you are shaming a guild for mental health. They are human.

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Most likely the truest statement.

I don’t care what Echo did and didn’t do.

It matters because its what OP is talking about, and its true.

It’s hard celebrate the “Winners” when the OP has chosen to Drown the “losers” with an ill informed opinion. If OP was about celebrating the “Winners”, there was no point in bringing up the mental statement.


I made a comment about the wisdom of your age and you felt insulted. I even apologized later, but it appears that words have gone into deaf ears, and all you are really doing is victimizing yourself and keep dehumanizing myself so you can feel good about being not only mean but also disrespectful towards me.

Bad response because I’m not asking about what the OP is talking about. Do you not understand the question?

Read it here, I added in last post:

The congratulated them for their effort and their willingness to step down when it became too much. That’s not the same as congratulating someone for winning.

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Usually when you come in first place in something, particularly a race you are celebrated as the winner. Liquid lost the race and thats that, its bad sportsmanship to lose and then make excuses for why you lost.

They just weren’t good enough and thats all there is to it.

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“real winners”.

Understood! So now that this part has been made clear, let me respond appropriately to you.

Well I don’t care about you so clearly that’s incorrect.

And you’re still twisting my words. :roll_eyes:

You don’t need to be a specialist to know this sort of stuff. It’s common sense.

And so is recognizing the costs.

It’s honestly disturbing that you’re suggesting them to find another job, because of one time they had to quit because of mental health issues. Really tells how much you actually think of mental health.

And good for them. Genuinely. :+1:

I’m still waiting on you to prove how Liquid is lying btw…

I mean this is still an opinion of yours.

Have you never had competed in e-sports before?..

That’s a question we will never know until they tell it to us or did it themselves.

You know, the thought occurred to me while looking at your suggestion a different angle, i think you should’ve said “Also, they should be paid higher to compensate that limit of hours”. I’m not sure how you would govern anybody trying to world first between the off limit hours, but surely you don’t have a problem with also suggesting higher pay to go along with that limit suggestion, right?.. :man_shrugging:

And i don’t mean their overall pay, i mean their pay for minute. Like say for example, you cut the time in half, but double the pay out so it will remain the same.

Even the most prepared aren’t always prepared for whenever mental health issues blindside them.

I don’t think you know how competition works…

Even if they do talk about it, given this comment of yours, you personally wouldn’t accept it anyways.

…Which you didn’t cite…

Also, i love how people say “Undeniable”, as if you’re not allowed to disagree with them. :laughing:


Yeah, not like this thread that calls Liquid a liar without any proof and their source is “Trust me bro”… :roll_eyes:

Nice gaslighting and hypocrisy… :man_facepalming:

They will once you start with Liquid first.

So you’re quick to judge their Mental claim as an “excuse”? Just making sure we’re on the same page here.

Yup it sounds like an excuse to me, and you are proving my whole point on “celebrating the losers” comment from earlier.

Im talking official posts here sir, not a post from another character… That’s his choice. But he makes it clear that they had hit their limits and they were done, that is not a scapegoat. That means they are tired and they want to go home.

You’re entitled to your “Opinion.”

Yes I am, I’m glad you have the “maturity” to understand so.

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Quite “welcome”.

To question their excuse at the last second of the RWF when they lost their lead and saw Echo rampage through them without even watching them in the back mirror?


To also question their preparation to the RWF in terms of mental health?
