RWF - Don't turn Mental Health into a scapegoat

Look my dude I ain’t knocking anyone with Mental Health problems, but were almost a month into the tier and they were non-stop raiding. That can at some point take its toll mentally and physically on an individual. Am I white knighting Limit here? No. But they also were not expecting this race to go on as long as it did. Most of the RWF lately, week and a half tops and its over, this lasted what almost a month? And Mythic Jailer goes down? I honestly haven’t seen that since Burning Crusade when Ensidia was around. So, them using it as a Scapegoat, I don’t think so my dude.


Just wanted to bring to your attention here:

Echo is very concerned about Mental health. They are even raising funds for “Rise Above the Disorder”, a nonprofit covering the cost of mental health care for everyone.

I guess Echo was concerned from day 1 about their raiders mental health and prepared better.

Liquid was raising money for women in coding on the other hand.

Interest choices for different guilds in this situation.

Edit: I have donated to rise above the order. How many of you (that are here blaming me) have donated?

Spoken like someone with next to zero experience with mental health crises.

Sure, unlike other ailments, mental health can be very hard to quantify and therefore a lot of people chalk it off as mere excuses. You know what? Maybe they are lying, maybe they were “unprepared” – but why should the default be: “well, it definitely isn’t the thing that they’re telling us it is! I dunno what it is, but it aint that for sure!”


That neither states they were concerned or that they were better prepared.

You know Bobby Kotick donated to many organizations doesn’t mean he wasn’t a piece of garbage to women. Doesn’t change the fact your OP was bad.


Are you a specialist?

If not, you aren’t qualified either, not even to question others about their qualification to talk about it.

You don’t know who’s factually correct when the OP is literally stating that Mental Health is an excuse to why Liquid and even Olympic athletes step away from the competition they’re partaking in? At that point that’s an issue where you and others need to look in the mirror hard. Because not having an ounce of empathy to even consider what OP to be saying is wrong on a basic level is absolutely insane.

I don’t care about likes or being superior to others. So you can take that argument and put it in the bin next to the OP. There is no discussion to be had about who, what, where, when, or why this is wrong. If you can’t come to the conclusion that this is wrong, then I can’t help you. Nor am I going to burn time trying to.

Just wanted to bring your attention here. Echo being concerned with Mental Health is one thing, but shaming the other guild for women in coding, makes no sense at all.

Besides the Mental Health part, what was the point of this post??? To ridicule Liquid really? Like you can’t be serious here.

EDIT: Let me rephrase here, Echo being concerned about Mental Health and publicly stating as such and raising funds for a non-profit. Cool.

However, shaming the other guild for their choice in non-profit sharing, makes no sense at all.


Well, you can make a thread t o talk bad about him all you want.

did you donate? Otherwise you’re just talking about mental health without doing anything about it.

That tells me they are concerned about it. If you say otherwise, you’re just wrong.

Echo endured the RWF and they are supporting an organization that helps others with mental health.

It tells me pretty much they were prepared.

I mean yeah I’m working on my mental health I’m pretty sure I’m doing something about it.

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It’s at best, a poor assumption. Most public groups donate for publicity.

We live in an age where we care more about the losers than the winners.

I follow the teachings of Bender on this one:

Yet you just did the same thing bad talking Liquid.

What is donating have anything to do with the actual argument? Its your choice to donate if you donate awesome more power to you.

Look, Illidan, supporting an organization that helps others with mental health is great. But at this point in this thread, you are now fanboying Echo and that nothing we say to you is gonna change your mind on how you feel about Liquid’s decision. Whether it was good or bad. Though I am willing to bet that had Liquid killed the Jailer first, you would have proceeded to get on these forums and talk about it in a negative way am I right? “Echo should have been more prepared for this, I don’t agree that Liquid should have gotten the kill” Or whatever…

Here is OP response to Activision on blizzard lawsuits.
I’m inclined to believe they are trolling.


Yours is the poor one.

The group that doesn’t support a mental health organization is burned out, left RWF.

The winner guild, supports a mental health organization and have endured the same challenges any guild could’ve faced.

If you say that Echo didn’t prepare or Echo doesn’t care about mental health you’re just trolling here.

By coming to the this thread and keep attacking me, sure, that is pretty healthy.

Yeah, people are congratulating Liquid already as the “real winners”. That is pretty sad weak mind state people are:

You’re off-topic here. This is not being discussed. Please create another thread to discuss Lawsuits and so on since you are so interested on it.

Why does that matter? Even though it’s not true?

Why let’s discuss your attitude in these threads then. You care so much about mental health but you seemingly use harsh words

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It totally is though.

Yeah, create another thread if you want to call me out.

Except if you do that, you’re in violation of the CoC.

Please, can you stop harassing me? I have already asked 3 times to stop calling me out like this. It is against forum guidelines and the forum CoC. Thank you.

You legit insulted me on my birthday now I’m harassing you for bringing up a valid question about your attitude towards others. And you claim no one here should be speaking about mental health yet I think there is a lot to learn