RWF - Don't turn Mental Health into a scapegoat

Idk man jaina solo was pretty empowering tbh.
Why did autocorrect make a cursed post

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Are you mad?
Because I haven’t seen anyone mad here because of this.

If you are, why are you mad?

If it wasn’t relevant to you, don’t answer it, just move on instead of creating something that isn’t relevant to the question.

Seem to be a mild solution for a “mild” fatigue that is not actually a mental health issue.

Clearly unprepared knowingly that they were already under stress (you should’ve watched Max stream before actually making a comment without knowing it).

It is immorally a bad thing to do it under suspicious pretenses and when you have never actually prepared for this.

You’re wrong, that is exactly what Max said in the stream.

Again, you’re making assumptions without even knowing the facts.
Max strictly put the blame on the 16+h gameplay a day for long days.

It clearly has to be addressed. He started also talking about splits but stopped, last time they complained about titanforging it got taken out of the game, so if they can’t do splits the RWF will take months.

Conditioning whether I care or not to whatever you said right after this trying to dehumanizing me based on my opinion, so you can just be mean right after.

You just hit a new low.

You said it was their “pejorative” which made me laugh.

But also, it is their prerogative: absolutely.
As it is my right to say they weren’t prepared for the RWF as they used their prerogative of not choosing to have a profession to assist them with something that, as you said earlier, it was known to them.

The most prepared team won the race anyway.

Not really.

People were bashing me asking me to be compassionate and have empathy, without ever demonstrating that they have it at all.

Max said that they were having already struggles when they were in the lead, but they didn’t want to give up because they were obviously in the lead.

But when they changed their comp, they started struggling and saw Echo getting ahead and consistently progressing until they ultimately saw Echo almost killing M Jailer.

Then they called off saying “yeah, we need a mental health break”.

As there is another post already, people are praising them with a “mental health trophy” because they are also “winners”.

That is why you prepare for a competition, so you can go through the lengths and struggles of it.

If people fall apart during the competition, why can’t it be faulted on the preparation?

It was never my intention to upset people.

I take very seriously Mental Health to let this go without discussing it.

Because all the issues Max discussed in his stream before ending it, he said clearly:

  • playing 16+h day for more than 20 days.
  • Splits
  • extensive hours and many pulls on same bosses
  • difficult in adjusting the comp because of different required comp for each boss + not having ideally all geared players (again, lucky with splits).
  • Having many reclears during the RWF also was stressful to them.
  • He said they landed there in February. We are almost in April. It seems that they underestimated this competition, and henceforth why I insist on why I believe they weren’t prepared for the competition they had ahead of them.

If those things are not addressed (to relieve the pressure and stress in Mythic raiding), it will happen again.

Why can’t we learn from these lessons?

No, really.

You went off on these people for taking a two day break, and I believe an Olympic gymnast who was suffering from a dangerous condition that’s well known in the sport for no particularly good reason. You were putting out major jerk vibes, and people reacted in kind.


I questioned how are they just calling it now when they forfeited the RWF.
It is over.
Echo won RWF, and Liquid forfeited, calling out that they were going to take care of their mental health.

It is not taking a break.
It is over.

Well, you are probably a specialist on this kind since you’re the one putting it on me.

Do you also stand at the finish line of a marathon jeering at everyone who doesn’t come in first? What about the first aid tent, do you stand there scorning he guy who decided he just couldn’t go any further and had to stop?

your OP was absurd
your subsequent posts were absurd.
so what if they decide to take a couple of days off? This RWF has gone on longer than any other since the RWF was a thing, and they’re probably exhausted.

you going out of your way to demean and belittle them speaks volumes about you, not them.


“oh, I lost, so I guess I will go home now”

0 ideas discussed.
Only criticism.

You don’t even know where to criticize or how to criticize. Just generically saying it is bad looks terrible from a discussion standpoint.

There is no day off. It is over, they forfeited when they were about to lose.

They are not new on this business. They have complained in the past about undertuned bosses and Max even said that they would prefer to fight overtuned bosses and a long RWF than the last one that was “overwhelmingly undertuned” which seems pretty salty to me since they lost to Echo.

I guess the problem isn’t the longer or the short RWF, but actually their choice and preparation for it.

If I was in a competition and saw that there was no way I would not come in last, I’m not sure I’d care enough to finish the competition.

Now if there were only 2 competitors and I was last, I’d have to finish because otherwise it would diminish the winners place and that’d be wrong, I’d think.

But if there were a bunch of us, yeah. I might just goof off elsewhere. Would that be wrong?
I’m really not sure.

It wasn’t relevant to this convero. Mind not twisting my words mate?

Mental health issue is on a spectrum, as in it covers any number of things, both mild to severe.

I actually did watch the stream. You just missed my comment said that. :point_down:

Acknowledging the costs is not a bad thing. Like you’re refusing to put yourself in another person’s shoes here… :roll_eyes:

You clearly never did any competition before, so how you know i’m wrong then?..

Link some actual facts and i’l look at it. Like your OP? where you accused Liquid of lying essentially?.. Where’s the proof to that still?..

But Max isn’t saying “Limit the amount of hours we can play”.

You don’t deserve my respect considering you never gave any respect yourself. You had a bad take and you’re doubling down on it.

Those who want respect, give respect.

Says the person with a suggestion that is so backwards, it will just cause more mental health issues then it solves. You literally have not thought that suggestion though and it shows. :roll_eyes:

Very odd that all the sudden, you’re now using my mistake against me as if i really meant it… after you corrected me… :thinking:

In before “But you actually said “Yes actually””, read further on that sentence where i said “Thank you for pointing out that mistake”. :roll_eyes:

“used their prerogative…”

…I’ve never heard anybody uses that word this way, but i digress.

And people have a right to not believe you if you didn’t prove that liquid was lying.

Mind quoting where i’ve said that?..

So if they demonstrate it to liquid, but not towards you, suddenly, their not being compassionate and don’t have empathy. But if they do it to you and not to liquid, suddenly they do. Funny how that works. /s

I’m not really going to say they are winners here, but i don’t think they should be subjected to stress if they don’t want to anymore. Considering stress can be a killer. Not just in a metaphorical sense, but in a literal sense as well.

As people said time, and time, and time again that YOU blatantly ignored… even the most prepared, are not going to be prepared when it suddenly blindsides them.

Nobody said we can’t.

They just said, “your take is bad” That’s it. That doesn’t mean they don’t care or say we can’t learn from these, because, guess what? you’re not the arbiter of mental health issues or can speak for all people with mental health issues.

And what is your OP about again? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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The problem being you made it seem like saying they were worn down and needed to step back was in some way a problem. I just don’t get what they’d gain out of faking this that you seem so upset about.

You felt it wasn’t relevant to you.

Are you a specialist? Let me know where I can book a consult with you, doctor.

Mental healthy is important. If you don’t have proper follow up and you don’t consider the impact of it in your ability to be a World First raider, you probably should move to another business that is more appropriate to your condition.

I am pretty sure that since Liquid brought it up this, they will consider in the future have more appropriate mental health follow up with professionals for their team, as well the sponsors will feel inclined to actually support them on this. Mental health is a “top of mind” topic in everyone’s day business, and having a team forfeiting a competition because of it will bring a huge spotlight on it.

If there are no consequences (positive, of course) or changes in the future to help address and mitigate as much as possible mental health issues during a RWF, it will probably go down in the history as just a lame excuse to forfeit the competition.

Since that is not the case, we hope to see improvements and better preparation in the next RWF from Liquid side.

Maybe they can learn with Echo a bit how can they prepare better.

Isn’t it obvious that people playing several hours a day with minimum interruption for several days is actually what caused them to undergo under this (allegedly) amount of stress that led them to forfeit the RWF in the last second before Echo won it?

How can you actually dismiss the cause and not address it.

If there was a limit on how much attempts you could do on a boss / day or x amount of hours you could actually fight a boss, wouldn’t they actually have to rest and take their minds off the fight for some time?

Of course, they would spend some of this time trying to formulate a strategy (they already do it today), but it is their OWN preparation and decision to spend 16 hours a day playing. No one forced them, just like they decided to go home, they could decide to play only, let’s say, 8 hours a day.

If they don’t talk again about this and mental health when they get back to finish the mythic raid. I believe they will just brush it off, they know it will bring a LOT attention over these things like splits, no limit on attempt/hours on the bosses etc, just like it happened with Titanforging.

They had the very same issue with titanforging, complaining that they actually needed to run so many M+ (unstoppable) because of titanforging, they actually ended up losing it (and they complain today about not having it at all).

Them stepping back and getting out of the RWF is not a problem, and never was.
The timing of them doing it and the reason they claimed is the problem.

Never have they said that “well, we haven’t prepared for this”. That is the utmost truth. They haven’t prepared for this RWF like they should, and the undeniable proof is that they forfeit the race in the last second before it was won by Echo.

Well, the empathy of people that actually care about mental health for once.
This thread is full of examples of people that were not even aware of the RWF nor did actually watch Max stream explaining on detail everything and their reasons.

and also this post:

“i consider them the winner”

Way to distort reality.

I’m not going to be the middle ground nice guy that tries to see other peoples perspective on this thread.

OP. You are a clown. Red shoes, red nose, overalls and everything. It is always laughable to me when people who sit on the sidelines have such idiotic comments. It’s exactly why you post on a low level Classic toon to remain anonymous to avoid others asking what your mental health issues are to be grey parsing in LFR.

This has to be a troll thread. And if you claim for this to be your actual thoughts OP, you’re just a stupid person. Along with the +10 people that upvoted your OP.



What makes it unbelievable that people would have stressed out over something that they might not have forseen?

I’d say that this thread shows that’s a wash, seems just as likely to be taken poorly as empathetically.

Mental health is a scapegoat? That line alone shows your ignorance and there is no reason to read further. You are clearly someone who’s never experienced it… it’s fine to have opinions, but make sure they’re educated.


Echo being on .5% attempt.

They forfeit. Weird. Just weird.

Welcome to the thread, thanks for reporting my posts incorrectly, you’re doing a de-service for this thread to actually just post without even reading it.

The only just weird thing here is how invested you are in this.


RWF weren’t that big years ago, and shouldn’t be now. It’s gotta be taxing as all get out at this point.

RWF, are another example where esports have trashed this game, and made the gaming industry worse. They’ve been sitting on the same raid for two weeks, 12hr+ a day just to clear a few bosses each week. Not to mention probably sitting for 12 hours + just to kill a few bosses, for gear and bragging rights that some gladiators have matched in PVP with 90% less time and effort.

That’s absolutely terrible game design, not engaging, and just terrible marketing and business practice. It’s probably wrapped in some marketing mission to milk RWF as long as possible so WoW has higher stream count during some high profile releases currently.

People might meme about TBC and WOTLK, but I absolutely never remembered having to put this much effort into the game just to clear the hardest content, while still having fun and not being absolutely soul crushing.

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Well, just looking at you:

You joined the thread.
Haven’t discussed the matter.

Proceeded to name calling, attacking my person instead of even discussing or pointing what you disagree with and why.

Try to be a decent human being for once, and to engage with civil conversation with others, otherwise what you see on others it is just a projection of yourself, or someone that you actually is inspired (maybe a father figure that works in a circus, perhaps).

Just try to be nice to others, even when you don’t agree with their opinion.

After all, how can you say that mental health is important when you go and basically abuse of another person just because they don’t think exactly like you? Or is empathy and compassion only a way for you to actually be mean, disrespectful and toxic to others?

Yea, my bad I don’t spend my entire night on this forum.

I read the few lines after this comment, out of sheer curiosity.

Yea, my point stands. It’s clear you are either trolling or just completely ignorant of the issue… or both.

Stopped here. Don’t care. You have no point worth hearing out.


Though it’s shorter-term, these guys are putting 100-110 hours a week into the RWF. In four weeks (which is as long as this race has lasted, including Splits), they’re putting an additional work week compared to folks working 80 hours a week.

So no, during RWF hours they are not putting 60-80 hours a week into it. They’re putting much, much, MUCH more.

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