RWF - Don't turn Mental Health into a scapegoat

So are you… wouldn’t you say? You’re still here and dodging the discussion, and focusing on me all the time.

You’re absolutely right on this.

Yeah. You just ignored the whole thread, and went straight to write opinions about me instead discussing the matter.

Don’t get me wrong, but I don’t engage in conversation with people that go straight to attack me on a conversation. I like to keep my mental health on a good level and I don’t need to deal with this kind of toxic people like you.

“you’re not worth”

That is the kind of moronic people that comes on a white horse, shining on their white plate, acting like the white paladins of the internet, defenders and protectors of the empathy and… acting like jerks to others.

Thanks for showing everyone your true colors. we can see that you’re not a good person and you’re just using this thread to spew toxicity towards other people. I don’t need to interact with the likes of you.

Whatever both of you post, will be ignored, as it should. My mental health is important and I don’t need to deal with toxic people.

I’m okay with not having a conversation with you, you call people toxic yet you attack mental illness. Hypocrite, troll and a genuinely terrible person. GL in life, you’re going to need it.


Virtue signaling for a cause you actually don’t care about because you want to be a troll and now playing victim. Then attaching the “SJW” tag to anyone who doesn’t want to engage in your idiotic take.

Again, you have no point. You have no argument. You are a clown OP.


He is a good person. You shouldn’t make blanket judgements about people you don’t even know. (Noticing a theme here…)

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The worst kind of people are those that accuse others of doing things they haven’t.

I haven’t attacked mental illness.

You admittedly haven’t read the thread, and yet you’re accusing me of something I haven’t done.

Can you quote exactly where I am “attacking mental illness” ?
Or are you just doing it for the sake of dehumanizing myself so you can feel better about yourself being toxic towards me?

Thought you were done.

When you are toxic (which is often at least in this thread) you seem to think it’s okay. When it’s done back to you you play victim. If you want people to respond respectfully you should also show respect. It doesn’t take a genius to see that you came out swinging and insulted everyone who your posts put on the defensive. Neither side is right in this. You’re just as wrong as they are though.


Where am I toxic to people if not actually questioning them being toxic towards me first?

How can I be toxic to someone that isn’t even on this thread, and simply jump here to attack me without even exchanging a word before?

Please, explain to me how is it even possible for me to be disrespectful to someone that haven’t even posted on this thread, and simply jumped me calling names and worse.

You got it backwards. I am being disrespected because people don’t agree with what I said. They are asking me to have empathy and compassion and instead of showing that they have it, they are doing the exactly the opposite while talking down to me, being as toxic as a human waste can be.

How can I be wrong when I am on the receiving end of the toxic and name calling? Is it now victim’s fault? That is where we’re playing right now?

This is why we need night time mods blizzard.

Could you tell’em I’m not sorry?

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You are the OP. Literally anyone else who posted after you (which is everyone) that responded to your toxic OP are you seeing as victimizing you because they responded harshly to a harshly worded OP?

It is not a toxic OP.
Stating that is toxic is demeaning the topic and actually dehumanizing me so you can actually feel good about being toxic towards me.

Again, no one was offended or attacked in the OP.

And yet, people felt they had the right to come in and being toxic towards me because they didn’t like my opinion? I can see at least a dozen that disagree with this view.

Of course, to remove false flags from posts and actually put people on suspension for false flagging topics.

Let me guess:

You are a 65ish year old white male?

And live somewhere in “Middle America”.

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It’s not dehumanizing you to disagree with you. You apparently want everyone else to see you as a victim when you are not providing the same courtesy to liquid. If this thread which has existed for an hour or two is causing this kind of distress in you how can you not see that weeks of that level of bad feeling could cause them to need a break? You are the one throwing around the word toxic at everyone. Maybe limit the use of the word if it upsets you when your comparable emoting is referred to as such. I haven’t insulted you or said anything else beyond be more empathetic as you aren’t in anyone else’s head. And used a word back at you that you’ve thrown at half the thread.

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Couldn’t expect more wisdom from someone who turned 20 today…

Ah yes there we go.

Remember everyone! HE’S the victim here!

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And insults on my birthday too lol that’s just funny man. I’m not even mad it’s just sad the troll ain’t even funny no more

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Ageist comments are not appropriate from anyone. Be better.