RWF - Don't turn Mental Health into a scapegoat

We are waiting pawzer. Just remember to link your sources if you decide to come back.


we gosh darn meri’can’z gotta has a win!

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That’s what the ears are for.

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Dude, you are virtually doing wrong quotes and things that you’re posting are not even like they are there.

Took you so long to continuously deviate from the questions and just by the end to tell that there is no problem at all with having 16h + gameplay a day for RWF, but Liquid didn’t fail at preparation.

Sounds like you’re a controversy yourself.

that’s the last person said when he had a blind fold, and he got blasted down by beach storm troopers as a planet blew up by-

oh wait wrong franchise…

I’m thinking starship troopers but I haven’t watched that movie in a long time


Rogue one with a blind fellow who had a bow blaster thing.

It bugs out sometimes.

I quoted your responses to mine for context so that you can’t twist them around. They have not been altered in any way.

I have answered your questions, twice. I don’t know what more you want.

Answer me this, why are you making such a mountain out of a molehill over a team taking a two day break?

It’s not at all remarkable. Why do you care so much about this?

I answered all of your questions. Twice.

Again. Why are you making such a mountain out of a molehill. People take time off. So what?

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Damn I really need to watch my movies again

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Imagine getting this mad over a RWF team taking a two day break.

Like yikes.


eh, it was the last good star wars movie in my opinion.

You know you’ve done goofed when the cookie giving gnome takes their gloves off.


Truthfully why couldn’t Disney just take the EU most popular stories and expanded on them. I wanted jaina solo

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It wasn’t relevant to start off with.

Well gosh, don’t you think maybe that i say that because… you know, it’s expensive and out of reach?.. I mean you pretty much told zandrae that he doesn’t think it’s important, and yet you’re brushing off the cost as if anybody can buy it if they have mental health issues.

Like personally, i think therapy should be a lot cheaper.

Going to therapy isn’t the only way to deal with mental health issues. Yes, if it’s severe, then sure, you should do that. But if it’s something like this, typically the solution is to just break away for a moment or just stop and better yourself.

I didn’t put the costs, he didn’t put the costs. The costs are there because that’s how they, the therapists, decided to do.

Yet you don’t act like it is, by acting like acknowledging the costs are immorally a bad thing.

No. Thereza… :man_facepalming:
There’s a huge amount of preparation involved, a huge amount of training, and so on for this hard event, because guess what? Money is on the line. They don’t just play for 16+ hours a day. That’s not the only difference maker.

If you actually care about mental health, you would know this is a terrible suggestion to make because some of these people actually depended partly, or entirety of their lives on this sort of thing. Streaming and going to competition and whatnot. :man_facepalming:

I know to you, this sounds like a noble thing, but it just sounds like you haven’t given it any thought.

Errrrrrrrrrrhh! Wrong. What a shocker… :roll_eyes: :point_down:

I didn’t said anything about them they should or shouldn’t. I essentially said “It’s their choice”.

You got treated the way you were treating others.


Yeah when grumbles is upset idk man i would feel shame.

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When did the mental health part kick in for them? When they were being praised? When they were taking limos to the event? When they are constantly catered to? I’m honestly curious. If you want to achieve greatness you have to suffer through great feats of conquest.

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I wasn’t trolling though.

OP whatever your feelings right now towards others hostility towards your posts is a good indication of what Your OP might actually do to liquid in my eyes at least. But then again this is an opinion at the end of the day we can never be sure about others mental health. That’s why people myself included were angry.

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some company’s go for the dog method, in different ways that is.