Running Stockades cross realm is a crime, but doing 2's arena is not

You only make yourself look like an idiot with these delusional ramblings of anyone against you being a low level ganker. I play in a PvE server.

Oh, so you force people into carrying you while you “learn” and abuse vote kick feature for anyone that speaks out against it.

Thanks for providing proof.

truth does that right? lol

World PVP is dead. Only gankers exist to torment.


No one is really doing that in retail. The LFD, or RFD, tool in retail is mainly used for leveling and even then it only takes 10 to 20 hours to reach max level in retail.

thats why some of their favorite arguments are… “without rdf the world feels alive” what they dont tell you is they want it to feel alive so they can gank it.


Theres tons of posts on reddit how new players get kicked from low level dungeons because they dont have heirlooms and how everyone just tries to ZOOM ZOOM.

RDF for leveling has become all about speedrunning. Real good for the game I say!

well that sounds like the few groups i was able to get in the weeks of LFG tool. it was all go go go go. got uninvited to group because i OOM’d

If you think tedium for tedium’s sake is a good thing, then I simply can’t understand your point of view. There is no virtue or value in wasting your time over something that gives you nothing, and LFG gives you nothing. WotLKC isn’t a social utopia because of it. The community is absolute garbage. The dungeon runs are as silent as ever. The goal is to be as quiet and speedy as possible - tanks wouldn’t dream of stopping for 5 seconds to let people drink. Goldshire is empty. No one is gathering up and dueling and socializing outside of Org. Leveling zones are a wasteland. Wintergrasp is scuffed as hell and barely recognizable from the original.

No, it isn’t. But in the case of RDF the argument against it is just because it’s a QOL feature.

So you under-performed as I pointed out earlier, and are upset that the game wont force people to play for you.

Again, thanks for providing proof.

but as you point out, thats in retail not in classic. and rdf is not the highway to retail either. lfr may have been but rdf definitely was not.

RDF is a speedway. A toxic ZOOM ZOOM kick any new player to finish asap speedway. Take it from someone who casually plays retail.

If you think playing MMOs is tedious, that’s on you.

It’s because of what it takes away. We’ve had many QoL changes that you don’t see people arguing against.

sadly, i cant buy that. i notice you havent mentioned that LFG is full of the go go go types.

Difference is I can choose to group with those people.

RDF removes choice.

And who is stopping you from doing just that? RDF certainly won’t lmao.

Everything Daysgoneby said is correct.

Now you’re being silly. No one is asking for that. No one.
You’re just being intentionally dull at this point and that’s the only thing you can come up as a counterargument.

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how does it remove choice? im seriously interested in your explanation on this one. being that rdf was removed and lfg was put in forcing EVERYONE to go through spamming chat channels and using lfg tool with no option to do it any other way, but when rdf was in you could still use LFG to setup your group.


RDF - Hit a button, get stuck in group and force to participate regardless on if this person is nice or not, or get punished with a debuff. Toxic group? Deal with it or get punished.

LFG - This guy was a jerk, im not joining his group, ill join this other one.

Maybe i can further clarify.

If there was a vote to add RDF, I would vote no. I would not be upset at losing the vote and them adding RDF. I would even use RDF myself if it was added. In my opinion, RDF is too powerful. It would be silly not to use it, so let’s avoid adding it to begin with.

And again with the disingenuous nonsense. People WANT to play the game. They WANT to run those low level dungeons and do dungeons while leveling. They WANT to actually DO the dungeon instead of spamming chat and refreshing that stupid tool.

If you think LFG is playing the game, you’re out of your mind.

WHAT does RDF take away? You guys have come up with zero. Not a social experience, not ninja looting, not a thing. It takes away tedium for tedium’s sake.