Runic Ward chest in upper Zskera Vault Az cannot be solved

What steps did you take? It still behaves exactly as I described in my OP as of 30 seconds ago.

same , click 4th rune and 2nd rune disappears. :frowning:

Yep same for me. :weary

mine went 2nd rune-4th rune- 3rd rune - 1st… there seems to be some interface “bug” where the one u click isnt the one your “targetting” to actually click. took me like 10 tries of position my character right and figuring out order


I just got mine to open using the following runes

it opened no problem today
hope this works for others!


If your looking at it its the second to the left then the 4th one to the right then the third and the last one

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no as soon as i pick any other than the 4th it knocks me back and takes a 30%health. when i pick the forth rune it lights up the second one blue then it disappears. only problem is anyone rune you pick after knocks you back except for the 4th but doesnt do anything.

do you know how you positioned yourself? i’ve tried so many different positions around the chest and none have worked

I’m convinced the people saying they have gotten it are trolling. I’ve tried all different angles, tried all combos, tried interact key to ensure I was doing correct order, etc. Still nothing.

just so the one i wanted to click was highlighted like i had it targeted

yeah the one i want to click is always highlighted but it never works. i’m clicking second to the left like everyone has said.

I tested multiple angles and using distance to attempt to “control” which ones I could interact with or not. They don’t work. My guess is the logical links between the object and the trigger they are supposed to do are bugging for a majority of people experiencing the issue.

If I position myself so that I’m only in range of 1 and 2, clicking 2 results in blowback. If I position myself so that I am only in range of 4, clicking 4 results in 2 lighting up and disappearing; subsequently clicking 4 again causes nothing to happen even though it is still the only one I am in interaction range of.


Logic must be bugged, as I have the assisted targeting activated to see what I’m clicking and regardless the outcome is as described, click 4 to remove 2, then 1 & 3 are blowback while 4 does nothing.

The real set back is the lack of potential dust for upgrading the stones.

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Are you talking about the dormant fragments or silken dust cause on my hunter, I have 132 fragments. I collected roughly 40 from the vaults and any stone I do not wish to use, I smashed and collected the fragments.

Any time you can’t loot in a game revolving around loot there is a loss, in this case if you are dual or tri spec, this is a loss as you don’t just smash unused stones.

Same for me, same behavior, clicking the far right rune disables the second rune from the left.

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This did not work for me yesterday, but worked for me today. I don’t know if this matters at all, but I did not have the energized circlet on. There wasn’t any special positioning at all. I just did the same order that was posted earlier.


Hope it starts working for you all too!


Out of curiosity, I went back leaving war mode enabled this time but no change.

100% worked, don’t wear the circlet that lights up the area for you and 2-4-3-1 works


Haven’t had the circlet on for either of my visits back today to try, so this isn’t it.

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