Rumor: Thalnos is the unofficial Brazilian server

There are also rumors that Thalnos server population will be cut in half shortly before End Game.

Here we go again…

Ragnaros is a Spanish server… Brazilians do not play on Ragnaros.
Brazil language is portuguese.


Thanks for the clarification. Now could you tell me which server, that streamers are not going to be going on for Classic, is the PvP EST ENGLISH server? Right now it sounds like the only EST PvP server that streamers have said they’ll leave alone is being flooded with Portuguese and possibly Spanish speakers who will be unwilling or unable to communicate in English and will flood chat on an EST NA server with Portuguese.

Which server did the French Canadians pick?


Dont play with them.

Like another guy said on another thread, you guys act like brazilians or latam people are aliens or something. If you dont want to play with them, talk spanish/portuguese just ignore them? dont play with them? join an englishspeaking guild? raid with your guild or another englishspeaking guilds? learn a little bit of spanish/portuguese so you can trade and do minor interactions with no problem? Jesus.


They waiting on streamers to release their pick. They also want to avoid BR and LA communities.

They are usually a lesser problem since most of them just wanna blend in the normal english speaking guild except maybe for a few french leveling guild.

Alien. Adjective. Definition: Belonging to a foreign country or nation.


Brazilians do not play on Ragnaros because its a spanish server. In Brazil we speak portuguese.


we are not racist btw.

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What’s with this huge double standard for EU and NA? Giving EU French servers so people in the UK don’t have to play with them (even though the ping wouldn’t even be bad)? Great! Giving SA their own servers so people in the US don’t have to play with them (because they don’t speak English AND have 200+ ping)? How dare you!
I feel like everyone just saying “Just don’t play with them” doesn’t even have a horse in this race


Please show me where I specified any language that was spoken in Brazil? Also, any place where I mentioned Ragnaros? I didn’t. Did you reply to me by mistake possibly?

I said my concern was the “language barrier”, because it would be hard to play on a realm where people were speaking a different language and you couldn’t communicate properly. It doesn’t matter which language it is, Spanish or Portuguese, people not being able to communicate properly would be an issue, especially in Classic where communication is key as opposed to retail where you can play all the way to cap without really needing to say a word.

Hello Summerayné, I’m from SA, more specifically Brazil. I’m really counting the days for classic, language is not a barrier for most of us in Brazil, our native language is portuguese, and no, we dont play on Ragnaros (Many people think we do, sorry if I offend you in anyway), but we can understand spanish as well. I get really sad with posts like this because last time I played Raids in WoW our tank was from NA, it was really fun to speak with him on disccord and he was really nice. I understand that some people are toxic, but this kind of people exists everywhere. Most of classic players from Brazil can communicate in english, we are used to it. We are going to try avoid streamers too because we want a real classic experience, but I’m not avoiding any people because of language, if you see someone speaking another language you could just ask if they can speak english, and maybe you will have a good experience. I hope you all have a good vanilla experience. Peace!


For all of you doubters, check out the Big News On Thalnos thread. Most of the BR guilds are going to be encouraging speaking English and changing their reputation. You should all give them a chance.


Can BR go na west? Its datacenter is closer to the south to them (LA vs CHICAGO)

Chicago is actually closer to Brazil

Hakai, it really doesn’t bother me if someone speaks another language. I’m sorry that’s what you got from my post, because that’s not how I mean it. I understand that there are some people who talk badly about people from Brazil and people from Ragnaros, I am not one of those people and I have never agreed with that personally. I can see though why you would think I was one of those people.

I could care less what language someone speaks or where they are from. As long as they are friendly and nice, great to me! There are good and bad people everywhere, so when people complain about people from Ragnaros for example, I think of all the toxic people I come across in the US as well. It truly goes both ways. So again, I’m sorry if that’s how you are taking what I am saying, but I truly don’t mean it in that way.

My only concern is hoping that we can all communicate with each other, that’s all. I only speak English and know the least bit of Spanish. If I was in a group with you for example or someone who speaks another language, I would just feel lost if I couldn’t communicate in the party or group.

Sorry for any misunderstanding and I hope I cleared up my meaning a little bit? The thing is is I play on Illidan on occasion and you see a lot of Chinese for example. It’s frustrating to not know what people are saying and not be able to communicate with them. This is where my concern comes in, and it’s the only reason why.


Brazil needs their own server group.

Last time I suggested it, bunch of SJW’s pounced and got my thread removed - why is this one different?


Yeah I can see why people have problems with those with different countries.

I had good groups with people from Canada probably the best ever, and then I had bad groups with some from ragnerous and spanish speakers from other realms who ninjad loot and tried to sell it to me cross server for gold and kicked me from a group for wanting a quest done and one tried to get me to send him real money for an game item that became bop because he needed it that I could of used but he couldn’t for his class that was a boe item.

Mostly because it’s a weekend and forum CMs won’t be here until monday.