Rumor: Thalnos is the unofficial Brazilian server

Maybe we’ll get lucky and they’ll have to open some more East Coast servers.


You’ll change your mind when you see the queues to get into Thalnos are non existent compared to whatever English only streamer banned server you try to cram into

TBH i’d much rather go play on the West Coast at this point. that 30 extra ms doesn’t scare me. Been playing 4 years of private server with 140 ms.

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Im surprised some of you guys (from US) are so closed minded and SCARED of playing with some people from diff cultures. Like do you even go outside?do you have friends? from diff cultures? Are you amish or something? why are you so scared of meeting new and different people? Language barrier? you dont have to socialize with every single person you see ingame, even if you do, its like you expect people to have a TOEFL certificate so you can play with them, grow up. Tbh this just smell like racism to me.


Or you know its because they are just statistically worse at the game, rude, and unable to communicate as a whole on average.

But hey you made it about their culture and their identity.


Thats what I am waiting for

is that your main? Because you server is waaaay worse than Ragnaros or even Quel Thalas which is something like tier2 Latam. And believe me it has good pvpers aswell.

No it isnt. Also Ravenholdt is the smallest server in NA you know that right? On average on 1400 unique players a week and its RP so i can level alts in peace (warmode off).

Im more likely to meet a talking NPC who owns a guild then another player :joy:

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well Ragnaros is top 12 (NA) in Pve progress(terrible players btw). Im pretty sure they have high ranked pvp players aswell But thats not what we are talking about here.

People from other countries can be interesting and good friends. I’ve experienced this. However, the average group of people who primarily speaks other languages meets a certain stereotype. They band together, spam chat with languages most players don’t understand, and often seem to enjoy causing a disruption for everyone else. The group isn’t fun to play with. I would rather put up with the nonsense of English speakers than the nonsense of people I don’t understand.


Your argument is Illidan is home of a good chunk of high tier mythic raiding guilds therefore its better then the others.

A pile of gravel with a nugget of gold in it, is still mostly garbage.



Ok but like are they spamming or are they just literally talking to each other and you can’t understand it?


it’s sound like…
Facist opinion


Sometimes it doesn’t matter. JEJEJEJEJEJEJEEJE BRBR is just as annoying as guild recruitment spam or conversations where they are forcing understood language off-screen.

I understand that Blizz hasn’t seen fit to designate a server for them and they’re going to settle somewhere together, but that doesn’t mean I want to do it with them. If I understood the language, it wouldn’t be annoying. However, they’re making a decision to enter a server that is designated as English speaking and I’m deciding to avoid a language I don’t understand.


How dare you, sir? :face_vomiting:

you are just like the Ragnaros players that cant understand English and also dont want to learn it and if they see an englishspeaker typing in chat they start typing something like “gr1ngo this… gr1ngo that”. This kind of guys from Ragnaros are the ones that you hate when they join your BGs or LFR and they dont understand a word you say to them, then the toxicity starts and we all know what happen next. I’m from Peru (Spanish is first my language) and I think the problem here is people like you and that guy from Ragnaros. Maybe you guys should open your minds just a little bit?.


I like you. :raising_hand_man:

Perkunaz, I’m not here to argue with you. I don’t have a problem with you because I understand you. That said, I’m not going to take a foreign language class just to play on a server in my country. ‘People like me’ may be a problem in your eyes and you’re allowed to have an opinion. Myself, I’ll be avoiding the conflict instead of participating in it.

I entered the discussion to provide my point of view, not tell people they’re wrong and single people out as being the bad guy because they won’t learn a foreign language to play in their own region.


I always wondered why do non-white people usually pull the “racism” excuse whenever they feel threatened or they’re in a harsh situation? I used to have an African American coworker who always got in trouble at work because of his laziness and not willing to work as a team. Whenever he got yelled by a supervisor he always said “they hate me because I’m black”, and it was actually because of his lack of productivity.

Same is happening here, we’re not being racist is just we don’t speak Portuguese, how are we going to communicate with them? Sign language? Use the translator app everytime we need to talk to them? that’s not fun at all. Would you like to be in a Russian server where you don’t understand a single word? And be mad about that and accusing the Russians of being racists?

Plus you showed yourself as a toxic dude who is accusing us of being the incarnation of Hitler and saying we’re garbage because your server is so much better.