Rumor: Thalnos is the unofficial Brazilian server

Find the faction of streamers that youre on and go with them.

Dont be Alliance and go on the horde server streamers.

Unless all the streamers are going on same server. Horde will dominate that server still because most of the streamers are going horde.

They have to go somewhere.

Do Brazilians typically go Alliance or Horde?

Yes, and it’s a shame that Blizzard didn’t feel it was necessary to give them their own server.


Thank you for this information. If you could keep us posted if things change that would be awesome.


A large portion of Spanish speakers are taking Faerlina, and the brazilans are claiming Thalnos. We are taking Herod for the North american non streamers. We are well over 2500+ players strong, and will fight the streamers for our own server. they will have to play with the south Americans or on the west coast.

If you want to play WoW classic, and don’t want to play with streamers then Grab your Ravager ,Herod’s 2 handed axe, AND FIGHT for the last eastern time zone server that is not claimed for the normal people.


I got silenced for 24hrs for saying “No ragnaros or quel’thalas” in a group finder description for Mythic +. I didn’t say anything other than that. I wouldn’t be surprised if this thread gets deleted based off that.


thanks 1234

MonkaS MonkaS PogChamp Poggers!!! MonkaW Pog Poggers!!! Asmongold Pog Monka Kappa Kappa?


Rumors are like Ay-Holes. They are everywhere and all smell like tortured farts.

How dare you want to play with people you can communicate with.


Ragnaros is 3 to 1 in favor of the horde. thats all ive got

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wow the hysteria is real here, 1,164 people from Brazil in that poll, omg
there are probably twice as many Classic WoW players in Vermont alone

You do realize the “streamers” have 10x your number and will take whatever server they feel like. You’re better off trying to out-populate the “Latinx” gamers.

Hopefully they just let everyone know where they plan to go - would be beneficial to their fan base as well, I’d imagine.


See it would be very, very fun if they massed on one faction.

Some of the best World PvP I’ve had in the gaming world is when multiple regions share a server.

You wouldn’t believe how invested people get in a US/Canada vs. China vs. Latinos.

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I really hope this isn’t true. Trying to avoid streamers and playing on east coast leaves me with just Thalnos to choose from since we don’t know for sure if they will choose Herod or Faerlina. I suppose I’ll just make my main character on Thalnos, Herod, and Faerlina and whichever the streamers and these guys go to I will avoid.

That leaves us 0 server to choose from.

Streamers said they might roll on Herod,
Brasilians called dibs on Thalnos,
Rest of South America also want to avoid Brasilians so they went for Faerlina.

Maybe we’ll get lucky and they’ll have to open some more East Coast servers.


You’ll change your mind when you see the queues to get into Thalnos are non existent compared to whatever English only streamer banned server you try to cram into

TBH i’d much rather go play on the West Coast at this point. that 30 extra ms doesn’t scare me. Been playing 4 years of private server with 140 ms.

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