Ruby Sanctum PTR Testing - December 15-21

People are so dramatic, nothing changed for wrath. You still log on tuesdays, do your weekly raid and log off and go play something else, just like before

The resources are on sod anyway… this PTR announcement is bait anyway. As long the servers are stable wotlk is fine in their eyes…

It’s a very effective stable for bots.

it doesn’t need to they aint trying to compete with themselves as long as people are continuing to pay i’m sure they’re happy

Which is exactly why we’re not getting WotLK Era servers, cause “they’re afraid of fracturing the community”.

You know, the exact opposite of what launching SoD did.

Yet, that is exactly what they’re doing anyways by not providing servers of every type.

I have never seen Empty PTR as this one.


On the contrary if they don’t provide wrath era servers then wrath era isn’t competing with anything

Only if you add Perma Wrath Era Servers bro


We had PTR2 to ourselves last night. It was eerie.


blizz got some bad devs and decision makers if they even have them


I think bliz is telling us to wrap it up. They got bored of wrath.

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if they would actually “wrap it up” they would have accelerated the icc buff to 1 week but no they want to squeeze every last penny out of wotlk players before they find some other game or play pirate servers…

Hello, can we know what is the latest we can test RS on Thursday?

My bet is 3:00 p.m. PST because thats when they started.

lol didnt see anyone on when i was on. This will be a dead phase

I mean its still phase 4. What did you expect when everyone is playing sod and they do a 1-boss PTR testing (that takes like 2 pulls to kill) during christmas season


The Parse wagon is in SoD? Or didn’t you get the memo? It also resets every 3 days and you can make an alt between runs…

Dude, wotlk couldn’t survive the monstrosity that is SoD. Permanent servers would last like 5 weeks kid. They should never have era servers.

Retail would lose their minds with an influx of stuff coming in that is no longer obtainable - it would be awesome of it happened.

My guess is they will increase expansion rate for people who want to experience the story to expansions every 4 months - catch it up retail and convert the remaining population into 1-2 new retail servers.

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