Ruby Sanctum PTR Testing - December 15-21

Fix the bot problem in this game…nobody gives af about ruby sanctum ptr


lmao what?
That doesn’t make ANY sense whatsoever.

New wrath “content” + old content is already not retaining players and you expect OLD content to?

lmao what?

obviously a desperate move by blizzard trying to revive wrath.


What’s the point of releasing a PTR for upcoming raid content?

Hmm, let me check my manual for this one…

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Given SoD, there was nothing stopping Blizzard from keeping permanent wotlk servers and give it the SoD treatment deal. Instead, they’ll just keep releasing the follow up expansions. While admittely Mist of Pandaria was amazing, what followed afterwards was WoD and onwards, widely considered the worst WoW has ever produced and WoD,BFA and SL are some of the rare cases where the majority of the playerbase will unanimously agree they are absolute garbage (and given how modern and classic players almost never agree on anything, the fact they unanimously agree on this one really says something of how utterly atrocious and irredeemable those 3 expansions were).

And those expacs also had the largest drop of players ever. After MoP, what’s the fate of classic progression servers? Once nobody plays WoD classic or BFA/SL classic, what’s happening next? Are they going to let people transfer to retail? are they going to just pull the plug to classic progression servers and perma delete all the characters people invested hundred of hours into?

Permanent Wrath servers would allow them to retain people and proceed to do what they did with classic regarding SoD. Instead, they made it clear that’s not going to happen. What’s going to happen then, after MoP classic ends?


Thanks for finally putting this out!

Logged into Earthshaker-EU last night around 8pm to see if I could get my weekly Flame Leviathan done just for something to do, you know, the boss that doesn’t even require a composition of anything.

Opened up the group browser to see if there were any groups.

There weren’t.

For anything. No ICC runs. No VoAs. No weeklys. Neither 10 or 25 mans. Literally just a prompt to start a group cause nothing was available.

I’m sure this situation happens on other realms as well considering Earthshaker-EU was one of the bigger EU realms, so it’s no wonder people are fairly doom and gloom over having our playerbase cannibalized by level 25 mini-wrath (edit: especially in the context of “you can’t have wrath era servers cause we don’t want to fragment the community” nonsense they spewed).

Especially when you try to do a BG and you eat a deserter 2 minutes in when you realize how bot infested that crap is as well.

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honestly i don’t think they’re gonna go that far. when classic started i had a talk about this with a few friends of mine and just my own personal thought: i think they’re gonna reset classic after MOP and have people transfer their characters to retail and start over again on fresh classic servers.

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I would sooner play Cata than to step foot into that trash heap of a raid. Should’ve just deleted it.

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Don’t play it then?

Yup completely agree. Hardcore & SoD are not classic in any which way. Vanilla and TBC did not have other game modes being released during its time. They are twitch hype game modes that have no place in classic. Wrath is arguable the best expansion and they are releasing random game modes during to to satisfy a loud minority that spams big streamers until blizzard does something. Really pathetic what blizzard has become.

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This could be a decent solution, albeit not the one most people would prefer or like. But it would have serious ramifications overall. If people can transfer stuff to retail like this, what’s going to be the deal with stuff that’s permanently gone from retail like the TOGC tribute mounts, the black proto-drake or the black quiraji wartank? Are they going to let people a chance at retail to earn those items again?

I was thinking about them prob letting people transfer to retail too but then this comes to mind. The retail crew more or less made it clear that stuff like the aforementioned mounts are gone for good, so they’d need to go back at their word if they want this to work. There’s also the deal that Retail plays different from classic too, but its true they can’t have classic progression go on forever because of the mostly awful quality of post-MoP expansions.

While its true that the Microsoft purchase means the new expansions have to deliver in quality or people will leave in masse like it happened with Shadowlands(and Dragonflight, despite being at least decent and sometimes good, ended up paying for the sins of Shadowlands with atrocious sales), there’s no denying that retail is almost a completely different game from classic in many ways. Here’s a example: Classic tanks cannot survive for long without a healer in dungeon and raid content, while retail tanks are hard to kill and can easily live for a long time with zero healing whatsoever. There’s also the fact many specs are much slower in terms of pacing in classic compared to how fast-paced they play in retail.

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I will never understand why this wasn’t just released alongside ICC. Ruby Sanctum is fine. I think it’s a fun boss.

But the poor little pink dragon was thrown onto the stage all by himself, again, just to be dunked on by people angry at the classic team for dozens of reasons.

wrath slowly coming to an end. really hope they do servers for us and…or tbc please lol.

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Question are we getting Justice Points just like in original Wrath?

What? This was in the Cataclysm prepatch, had nothing to do with Wrath.

Get a handle on the botting BG problem. Stop overlooking it. But honestly, I doubt you morons know how to fix it.

thanks kaivax, also great work and enjoy your weekend

I view this update as a sagway into the cataclysm PTR which should come soon after this PTR testing is over.

I would just say that I login into PTR saw that boomking bug with languish is still in the game, retri bug with smourne and taj is still into the game, DRW bugs are still into the game and pressed a simple logout, also saw on stream nice shiny box on right side of the banner that is bugged, congratz guys.