[RP-WPvP] EVENT: Assault on the Alliance heathens!


Because Blizzard doesn’t have to write their story in real-time with dozens of other people. Even if you’re going to ignore stuff, you have to say so so that everyone at your event knows that you’re ignoring it.

You can ignore whatever you want whenever you want by yourself. But you sort of owe it to the people attending your event not to deliberately confuse them for completely preventable reasons.

You don’t see anything wrong with a massive raid running around the city spamming aoes, banners, and toys being as disruptive as humanly possible?

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Bruh. The people in this thread are demanding that this RP-pvp event have the RP tag removed from it because it’s logically inconsistent with what Blizzard has presented with the story thus far.

You’re telling ME to go away because I’m trying to argue about logic?



I’d say this is the annoyance in a nutshell. When folks talk about killing Anduin while IC, it’s just…lame. Don’t mark something up as RP-PvP when it really is just PvP.

At least for me it is. Muddying the name of RP-PvP when you’re just PvPing is lame.


I mean, I love the Draenei/Blood elf working relationship, I’d love to see it more developed and have more specific examples (what’s that paladin/rogue(?) combo from BC that showed up in the Argent Tournament? things like that).

So then, with Liadrin always ready to work with the Draenei and such, I’m genuinely kind of curious about why a Blood Knight would be overtly raiding Stormwind? Especially with the armistice. It just doesn’t seem to fit so I want to know. It’s difficult for me to see how that wouldn’t at least result in disbarment from the Order.

To clarify, again, play what you want, I’m just curious if there’s an actual IC justification for it or if it’s being ignored (and again, that’s fine) because you like the concept.

Yeah I am not going to say if a ton of people hanging around in Org wouldn’t be annoying. It was either between Legion and BFA or Wod and Legion we had a group of Alliance always hang out in Silvermoon being a pain. The only thing I hated about those people is they’d glitch out to unreachable areas. PvP happened.

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which i don’t necessarily agree with but i’ve never explicitly stated my opinion on this until now in which it’s fine/okay (as long as it’s an actual thing rather than just a sole PvP fest) but i do genuinely wonder if some people will see it as a platform/springboard for trying to “terraform” the server (again) during the pre-expansion lull

i mean one of the consistent things is that every expansion runs the same rhythm of, yeah, Horde/Alliance stuff happens but by the end every time it’s just fighting the Final Boss in spite of all the petty faction stuff

i’ll even give Garrosh a full pass because his Horde was clearly not the Horde by the end of that schism

Sylvanas, if/when we get to her, is also clearly not Horde but just a BBEG or BBEG’s right hand woman

Your guess is as good as mine really. A lot of races in this game don’t have a good reason to be hostile with one another other than, “They’re Alliance/Horde”. Only one off the top of my head is Sunreavers expulsion from Dalaran, but idk how that was the ‘Alliance’ instead of Jaina and the Kirin Tor. Garithos is brought up, but he was literally a knight of Lordareon…so…he’s more Forsaken aligned than Alliance. Ok maybe not Forsaken aligned, but it’s still funny that he allied himself with Sylvanas and the Forsaken because he wanted to get Lordareon back.

Factions have just watered down the actually racial occurrences and development more than build it up.

And thats just it, it’s PvP happened, it’s not RP-PvP happened.


I have learned a very long time ago that you cannot please everyone. No matter how hard you try. When you run an event you need to accept that you’re either going to upset a few people or that other people are going to show up and ruin it for either others or the organizers.

Hell even the lich king event last night nearly got bombed because one guy decided it would be an amazing idea to say “Hey I’ve been to the shadowlands and Sylvanas is up to some nasty things there! Bolvar ain’t such a bad guy!”

It drove me up a wall but honestly I didn’t really care. It happened. People moved on.

Are we gonna pretend that a few city raids is suddenly gonna turn this server into ED? No. Because WRA vastly outnumbers the people who came here from that server. Once Shadowlands comes around people are going to forget about all this “pvpbro” nonsense and move on.

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would be nice to see nations and kingdoms see development and spotlights and attention and growth and exploration instead of “woah put da War inna WARCRAFT”

are we gonna pretend that there hasn’t been an obvious uptick in it recently?

also doesn’t mean that people should just chill and let it slide in the meantime

i know it doesn’t reflect on me well any time it comes up but i have zero problems being a dillweed to dillweeds


I can speak for myself ICly. Dawnblood hates humans, he also sees the Alliance as “the one unconquered foe” there’s a personal obsession with the character who feels the champions of Silvermoon should tests themselves against the champions of other factions/nation. He sees facing and defeating paladins of the Alliance as a patriotic act, proving the prowess of his order in battle and the strength of the Sin’dorei.

Yep, that is my thoughts on it. People are bored and similar crap happens almost every time an expansion draws to a close.


again, doesn’t make it any cooler

EDIT: like i don’t exactly subscribe to the idea of there being a deeper ingrained problem with the developers for Horde bias and yadda yadda yadda, but i do think it would be less questionable if the basis of it was “for funsies” or weird tertiary stuff in its own environment - the PvP

And it’s even less Jaina and the Kirin Tor than the Silver Covenant (they paid the adventurer to kill the Sunreaver mounts so that they couldn’t leave as requested), but I don’t actually know how well known that would be for the average blood elf.

As far as Garithos goes, he was terrible but was literally the last high-ranking member of the Alliance, so while his existence (and the Kirin Tor just going along with his bs) justifies some blood elven hate, it feels so long ago in canon/irl with so much working together since that it doesn’t make sense for my character at least to hold that grudge to the point of open violence.

Were these the ones who abused the server hopping mechanic or the weird guild of racists? Because both happened I think. Bad times.

See, I get this - I think that’s a perfectly good motivation for the character to have, but would he ICly show up to Stormwind and start swinging at people? Like, that seems too obvious to me when we’re at an enforced peace.

edit: forgot to finish my post lmao


And this means it should just be silently tolerated?

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Yeah it should. Because you’re making it out to be the end times.




We should improve our server somewhat


yet you play on it, curious


No idea if it was changed, but Liadrin telling the Horde player to ‘slaughter’ that Pandaren healer was pretty wack and out of character for her. It’s another example of how Horde and Alliance ruins racial narrative.

We have the tag of the ‘snooty’ RP server, so clearly we should hold RP-PvP to a higher standard.