[RP-WPvP] EVENT: Assault on the Alliance heathens!

lio get out of here yous, go on, git

also I see! I didn’t consider that. Thanks for making it clearer!


If I can find my disks and get it to work I will play Quake. I’ll need to get some Surge as well for that real deal 9th grade experiences

You’ll have to forgive us if the behavior of certain PvPers recently has sort of soured us on the whole concept.

Along with the fact that we have, like, six chest-thumping threads a day that essentially just repeat the same slogans people have been spamming for 15 years now.


I hear in the darkest corners of Murder Row and the blackened halls of the warlock covens that if you put together three PVP threads, a gnome female, and a human warrior, you can summon one of Sargeras’ greatest warriors from the fabled Halls of Bahnntown to slay the Horde.

alright the real post now to be redundant alongside Ursuola

it’s almost like this can be sourced and traced back to tools being absolute squares about it, leading to people either being wary or genuinely opposed tho

my price is SFV: CE, Seasons 2 and 3 of DBFZ DLC, Caesar 3, Majesty: Gold Edition, and FFXII: Zodiac Age

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This is the issue. I cannot fathom why Blizzard thought it was a good idea to force Warmode and PVP in cities


very personally speaking too i’ve never understood how RPPvP works anyways because if i’m playing the game i’m usually too busy mashing Crusader Strike to type out how handsome and attractive and muscular Liotuse is


that’s why you macro that to your crusader strike button you fool

/cast Crusader Strike
/em is a thiccpappy hung daddi of the Light


The stunning good looks are implied.

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Sort of kinda?

Remember how Genn 420 noscoped Sylvanas in Stormheim? He was well within his right to do so and Anduin doesn’t have authority over the Gilnean King. He’s his on sovereignty. He can tell him he doesn’t like it, but Genn can do what he wants without consulting Anduin.

Also remember how some groups of Alliance were torching Vulpera and others were simply scaring them with fire?

Think of the PC in a similar scope. :woman_shrugging:

Though if it’s an actual RPPvP event, it’s going to depend on location. Capital Cities? Probably not gucci. Arathi territory scuffles? Better. Stranglethorn mercenary shenanigans? Dope.

Not everyone is going to side with the treaty, so really a lot of folks splintering off to become mercenaries or 3rd party war criminals against the Alliance would make sense. You’d have folks support you in the shadows and have folks despise you for going against the potential peace.


Treaty? I didn’t sign it and I didn’t vote for whoever did!


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“This? This is stopping you fools? It’s a piece of PAPER!”


The pen is mightier than the sword until you kill all the scribes!


Wait hold up you’ve played Majesty the Fantasy Kingdom Sim

I love this so much :rofl:


i see nothing about Lordaeron or sobbing hysterically about the death of Uther, this truly is the work of the Horde

behind this horned, eye glowing visage is but another set of horns and glowing eyes

it’s on my to-get list at Stehl’s recommendation

Bro I think you can nab it for like 3 bucks on GOG, I’ll get it FOR you

It is without a doubt the most obscure game I poured hours into as a kid as I literally found the disk at the bottom of a bargain bin in a Deep South Office Depot

I can still hear the advisors voice

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Begun, the real faction war has.


This is what I mean. You don’t seem to want/or care to see that the faction smack talk or the PvP side of the game is something people enjoy. It isn’t the right kind of fun, your kind of fun. So you can dismiss it at just chest bumping or whatever if you want but it, and the factions are about as central to the game as raiding.

I am not even saying in a “if you don’t love it! Leave it!” but if a core part of a game is just not something you like there’s other games and communities to play in. People like the FF MMO, it doesn’t have factions. I want to like ESO but a core part of that game I just can’t deal with so I play WoW.


We don’t need a new thread every time some random PvP happens in-game. There’s been what, 6 of them now?