#RP-PVP Realms, Reconsider One Realm

Almost 2k replies! This is amazing, we have such a great community and our voices are loud. Let’s hope for that blue post soon!



As a non-rp player that had a main on each of the four types of servers, I found RP servers to add a lot of emersion to my game and I respected what they did and left them alone on MG. My guild would defend towns as well as attack the alliance cities. Lots of city and outpost raids up into Legion although it did become less and less over the years.

On ED which was my RPPvP server, I ran with a guild that was very active in the community and would march through town on the mounts but in chat, it was all kill the Horde all the time. This was my only alliance character ever but the guild was amazing. We looked to take out certain guilds and I know we had our enemies too. Never intentionally kill someone more than 5 levels below unless they attack. Never camp someone. Support guild mates and friends of the guild. Defend towns and kill Horde.

The pvp is more sporting I would say.


Day 34

I hope the Overlords see what they are doing by not giving us a RP-PVP home with the reckoning. We will scatter and fragment, each group building their homes other places. By the time we are given a home it will be too late. Many will not join.

The only option is for us to have a home from the day of reckoning. Not a few weeks after, not even a few days after. It MUST be on that day.


Urivival, Pintero & Pago put it well.
I found the community is more invested in itself and its faction. When you have players helping players, it just makes for a better experience. It forges tighter bonds. And lasting friendships.
Honestly, they’re just better people. I don’t mean that “edgy”, but it’s just true. If you’re getting camped, if anyone if going to come help you, it’s us.
And you aren’t likely to see names like xpwndurmomx.


Hey, the Iliad could read “OMG ACHILLES PWNED HECTOR WTFLOL !1!” without RP speech :slight_smile:

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Inside hidden CAM footage of Blizz HQ shows that at least RPPvP is still heavily debated. I’m not trying to blackmail anyone but lets just say we now know who on the Classic team is supporting our cause.

Just going to lay this evidence right here…

RP ------> PvP is like making sugar cookies is all I am saying.


in the China region.

As far as I remember, there was only one back then, and it had a green text “Empty”.

RP is meant to be RP, not “a realm for less-hardcore playerbase”. Not everyone will be following some warfare code, just because it’s RP. You’ll still be getting ganked - even in the middle of RP events. And, due to the troll-attractive nature of RPPVP realms, I’d expect the constant activity of more dedicated trolls, such as Wsswsswsswsswssw, Wsswsswsswsswsw and Wsswsswsswsswss.

I’d just add several “New Players” realms.



I’m going to agree, I’ve never came across trolls in RPPVP.

I’ve met more unsavory folks on PvP servers (which is why I have 0 interest playing on one if RPPVP exists)

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You are lucky then.

PVP trolls would target us on normal RP servers as this was a thing that happened often when pvp realms were down or had high ques.

Oh . . and bumb


The ones that tried to interrupt RP?

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Indeed. They would roll onto PVE RP servers when they could not play to interrupt and be jackwads. Was a pretty normal occurrence on SWC.

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That’s a bummer, I’ve seen those often.

I’ve learned to tune them out as if they weren’t there. Just like any bully, you don’t feed them a reaction and they wither up and waste away.

Unfortunately there’s always someone that feeds them.


Is it time for a RP PVP classic server?


I never RP per a script, and if the other faction decided to attack, it did not matter their OOC intentions. It is not trolling of RP, it is simply PVP on a RPPVP server.


Right. I was just referring to the fact its a different situation on RP servers (non rpPVP) That was all.

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Absolutely. Because on RPPVP you can roll with the punches and retaliate.


I think he means those folks that roll the same faction to harass people RPing by jumping all over the table/area and spamming noisy emotes.


Never really noticed much of that on Twisted Nether.

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On MG I noticed it when near town. I think there was more harassment on alliance side because of Goldshire. Sometimes we’d get a whisper from an alliance alt to come over and lay waste. Not sure how they got them to flag.

Most of it was dude chat talk in trade channel that would upset the RPers which I wasn’t but it took away from my server mates which I didn’t appreciate.

EDIT: Didn’t notice it on ED but I joined when I came back in WoD so it was much different than in Vanilla I presume. And I was alliance for the one and only time so maybe it was different on Horde on that server.

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