#RP-PVP Realms, Reconsider One Realm

A Classic Haiku
You think you do, but you don’t


Very disappointed with these small changes and inconveniences that are slowly building up


Well, to be fair, anyone with slightly differing opinions (like mine earlier on) was pretty much accused of being Ion or insulted beyond reason. I even said that I hoped you all get a realm. These forums are for everyone to read and comment on, sorry, mate. The lack of tolerance for open debate is what made me leave this thread and question the maturity of the rp-pvp community.

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You can’t judge an entire base by one or two posters, that itself is immature. As i’ve said you’re free to debate what you want it’s a free country. But the burden of proof is on you to disprove anything.

Though to be honest, if what you’re trying to debate brings in a lack or tolerance then argue a morale high ground. But to be honest, the fact that you left a debate because of what other people said… Well isn’t that a bit immature? No offense of course, but you shouldn’t just walk away from it. If you truly believe in something then you must fight for it, over and over and over again until nothing of yourself is left. After all, only the truth can set you free.


It wasn’t one or two people. Sorry, but you guys both here and on Reddit really come down hard on anyone who has any sort of differing opinion. I made some points and moved on. If this were a fight against world hunger or something more worthy to believe in, of course I wouldn’t walk away–but this is an internet debate about a realm type in a video game. Oh, and just fyi, I am actually going outside to enjoy the beautiful summer day, so please don’t think I’m immature for leaving this discussion now.

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Not at all, please have a great day. and ugh, it’s like so humid here i wish i could enjoy more if it myself. But the 4th is soon, so you know how that is haha.

I’m sorry you’re judging thousands of people based on a minority of post on a public forum though, I’m glad you made your points, though it seems a majority disagree with them. Any cause that has heart is worth fighting out though! Regardless, do take care and i hope to you see you here soon my friend.


Yes, you are free to leave since people disagreed with you. That is fine and a natural reaction.

I think it boils down to we’re just not ready to prepare for ‘no choice left’. We’re all hoping that an RPPVP server will be ready at launch so everyone can come together and have a good time.

If such isn’t the case, then there will be a schism, those who will go to RPPVE server for the RP and immersion, and the RPPVP guilds will remain flagged and encourage those to do so, and those heading to PVP servers for the hard flag, while hoping to foster a community for RP.

We’re still very much hoping for the server to be there, in that we can all agree on.


Looking back, I found River’s first post on the subject. At that time, it was kinda salt-in-the-wound-ish. We were a touchy bunch then. Still can be too :laughing:


Hoping we get that blue post soon. Less than 2 months now. In light of all the attention this topic has been getting, it warrants a fresh response from Blizzard.


This thread is not here for your debate amusement.


"If you think you’d enjoy the feel and flavor of a roleplay server but you don’t particularly care for roleplay, what you have to remember, constantly, is that you are playing under different rules. Roleplay realms have slightly different name requirements, and if you don’t meet those requirements, you may find your name reported. Open world roleplay and roleplay events are actively encouraged; interrupting those events or otherwise disrupting roleplayers is not only frowned upon, it’s a reportable offense.

And you will be reported if you are disruptive. When you roll a character on a roleplay realm, you are agreeing to the rules of that realm. Breaking those rules is a violation of that agreement. Does this mean you need to indulge in roleplay? No, it doesn’t – but what it means is that you have to respect the roleplayers of the realm, because they are the majority, and you are not."


we need at least 1 RP-PvP realm @ LAUNCH!


Day 22

My mind begins to wonder what it will be like to wander the streets of Darnassus. The stroll to Dolanaar what a sight to behold Teldrassil itself. I hope in time I can make this dream mine. To wander and stroll the roads we all know.

In Azeroth. In Azeroth.

Stormwind is so far yet Ironforge gets there by car. Still a boat ride for me and I leave this damn tree. Although its a must for a Smith. Why can’t I be an herbalist?

(Sorry for this lame one today guys, who am I kidding I enjoyed this one more than most.)


This thread is open to everyone, like all threads.


Alright, let’s try to put all that behind us and come together for our common cause: At least one RP-PVP server. These disagreements will seem silly when we’re all playing together next month. Blizzard, give us this simple request. There is a community large enough to sustain it.


Blizz Blue,

Lets baby up and announce that RPPVP. I told you, every day another video.


Ok Blizz for real quit playing. Give me my servers. For real I’m not playing with y’all anymore.


Blizz if y’all knew what I been through in my life and how many bad private servers I went through to get here, y’all would know that I deserve RP-PvP servers.

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I want an RP-PVP server for my friends. But this post.

WUT? Troll…Has GOT to be a troll because no ones is THAT entitled are they?

You deserve nothing


Its difficult to discern tone through text.

I am going with its sarcasm/being silly :slight_smile: