#RP-PVP Realms, Reconsider One Realm

Day 19

I miss being immortal. The ins and outs of everyday life didn’t feel so tedious then. It was easier to get by knowing that I would have forever. Furthering the cause then surely wouldn’t be half as taxing as it is now. Maybe it would though, I can only assume. Its been far too long to remember immortality with any clarity.

Time… something I used to take for granted, now seems so fleeting. Time will be the only thing that answers the burning question. The only question I and many others have at this moment. Will we have a home? Or will we be forced to forge one for ourselves?

Either way I have confidence that our community will not break.


We are not Niche. 7.5% is greater than RP PvE by far.


We were told that 23k+ respondents is too small a poll, and that allegedly only niche groups take polls seriously or something or another.


Nothing about RP-PvP is looking ‘too niche’ look at all this support? WHERE IS BLIZZARD?!!


Support only counts after release.

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Ok Blizzard, let’s chat :)! First of all, this is an amazing response. I’m very happy to see this. As someone who played in vanilla Beta so many years ago to now, mainly played on an RPPVP server, and have had a lot of time on both straight PVP and RP servers, I believe I am speaking for a massive amount of players when I say, “If I saw at least one RPPVP server on the classic WoW realm list, that is definitely what I would pick.” (Woo what a run-on sentence that was. I’m on a soap box people! Give me a break!) My vote, is just at least put in one RPPVP server at start and see how it goes. Judging by the responses it appears that it would be populated very fast. Start with what I believe was the most popular/strongest server during Classic and older expansions, Emerald Dream. It had a very strong community and I still meet tons of people today who say they miss the community that Emerald Dream had so many years ago.

Here is why its more than just a “Niche group”. First of all, I think its a larger Niche group than you would imagine. Judging by polls and responses, I would say that is accurate to say. Second, for a large majority of Roleplayers, the game is about immersion. One thing that adds a massive element of that is the possiblity of World PVP. That sense of danger when you are out in the world. Yes, on an RP server you can flag yourself, this is definitely not the same. The immersion only feels real when its not a choice.

Besides the players who are predominately roleplayers who want the element of danger for immersion, there are also a good amount of PVP players who like to roleplay in their downtime. I started as one of those players, and still very much am, but over the years I have grown a stronger love for the roleplay community and being involved in it equally as well.

The final point is that a RPPVP server is more than likely to be a haven for PVP players who do not want to have to play with all of the streamers out there now that didn’t exist in classic. No offense to streamers, I support them, but in a way they can be a bit of a plague to some players on their server. Its not the streamer, its the horde(no pun intended) of players following them around that ruin the game for some players. For this reason, I think its possible to see even more popularity for an RPPVP server, like Emerald Dream, than it even had years ago. On its own it was already a very successful server, but I imagine after some time some PVP players would find their way there as an escape and a haven.

In final… Pretty please just give us one RPPVP server at start. My vote would be to make it whatever the most popular server of the Vanilla Era was. My guess is that it was Emerald Dream, but I’m sure you have the data to lookup. I think you will be surprised and may even find yourself needing to add another in the not too distant future after launch. If you read this, thank you very much for your time and consideration!


Hey Grasshopper,

Don’t make me send Baby Dragon over to Irvine. Let’s just announce this thing and get going! RPPvP!


Its still very active and if you have one RPPvP server it will be amazing. My only alliance character was on ED with CBH until I left during Legion.

CBH is still at it! I could be pulled to an all Dwarf guild again.


I remember Clan Battlehammer, they were amazing.

ED was my main server til I quit mid Legion :slight_smile:

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Let’s hope we get this. I have faith as the decision seems like a no-brainer to have this server. Then if a CBH type shows I would know what class and race. There was an all Dwarf guild on MG but too militaristic for me.

Lets get this done Blizz! Just put the RP in front of the PvP server name and lets call it Battlehammer!


I know its from wrath… just bumping. :slight_smile: And it made more sense than Big Blue Dress


This is one of the posts the blues should definitely read with attention and with their hearts open! :sparkles: :sparkling_heart:
Bumping to say I agree with everything here.


Liked and commenting for support. It may not always be my cup of tea but it’s a great mix of formats and even just one server for it is not a big ask in the slightest. I really want to revisit Hillsbrad world PvP and this kind of server is perfect for that flavor.


Please make a dedicated rppvp server Blizz.

Why are your remaining silent on this?!


I’m signing the petition for a RP-PVP server. I would play on one. I don’t rp a whole lot (I do love to use /emotes though), but I love the community and feel of fantasy/immersion on RP-PVP servers. Besides, it just wouldn’t be Classic without a Emerald Dream server. :slight_smile:



You think you don’t but you do!

Stop sucking on your toes and lets get this server posted… RP --------> PvP


Ahhh this video. I even downloaded the music when it came out and it’s still in my itunes library !


If they don’t add one for launch, it will be a big mistake. Ridiculous that Ion was talking about possibly adding one after launch. There is plenty of proof that there is sufficient demand for one already. The servers community needs to be built from the beginning and I want to be part of it.


Still waiting on any news