#RP-PVP Realms, Reconsider One Realm

I agree with that, for the most part. It’s a shame.


And even if they do take this thread down, we start a new one. It’s not like we’re violating anything afaik anyway, just asking for some fresh RP-PvP realm(s) on launch :eyes:


We have a petition going and its linked in the thread… OH NOES!!!

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Day 17

Today marks 2 months until the reckoning. The answer will be given before that. For now it’s time to plan and wait. Wait and plan. What kind of plan is waiting?

What else are we to do? Should we storm the castle? Demand an answer? I have not given up hope. Although at times I think it’s futile. I remain vigilant. I rely on others here for strength when needed.

Tis a beautiful thing we have. Horde and Alliance working together. Putting down our arms and trusting one another for a common goal. Our home in Azeroth. A place we can call our own. One where we mustn’t need to fight others for it. Although if it comes to that, I will fight with my brethren here. We will have our Azeroth one way or the other.


Pop quiz.
Who is this quote from?

I know there are a ton of questions and concerns that feel unanswered right now, and a need for much more robust communication on our end. I am accountable for everything that goes into WoW, so that should begin with me .
It’s impossible for everyone to agree with every decision we make, but you shouldn’t feel unaware of them or disconnected from why we chose a given course to follow, and that will take a sustained effort on our part.



I have been pulling videos out from throughout the realm from days gone by. Please give us our RPPvP. I thought this video of Goldshire long gone might entice you to give us our server.


That would be great to see that. We should create a RPPVP subreddit. There we can gather and plan the server to be the official RPPVP server.


lol what? You can gank on RP-PvP servers bud, and there is usually plenty of that present.

Why even comment on RP-PvP servers when it’s something you obviously know next to nothing about?


Oooh oooh ooooh! I know this one!
/e jumps up and down


It’s something i’m considering that and Discord, though i don’t know either well at all. The more people who we can get to organize the better. In other new’s this is trending again on reddit.

If anyone’s interested in the rp-pvp discord here’s the Rp-Pvp Conclave invite:


Nelfs want RP-PVP. Please Blizz, give us ONE RP-PVP realm! Don’t make us roll on a PVP server and then later try to make us re-roll on RP-PVP.

Thanks Lhunannon.




Day 18

Fatigue sets in. Carrying on the fight is exhausting. Every day I try and spread the word. Pass it on to those interested and fill them in on how they can show their support for the cause.

Just under 2 months until the reckoning and I fear I will not make it. Days bleed together, nights seem endless. Overlords I beseech thee, give us an answer. I must have an answer.


Plz no nuke thread, moderators. It’ll just come back, anyway. Edit out offending content, thank you.


Or we could just take over the rp server and flag. Really? Why not? It will solve the problem of rerolling to another server. The rper’s don’t care as long as they don’t flag and I really doubt they will. This also leaves out the pure pvper who will just be jerks and ruin our rppvp events. The fewer to grief us the better time we will have.

We have to have some compromise, you won’t get everything you want just byy making a thread and trying to get everyone to support it. Unfortunately, I know too many strict rpers who do not want anything to do with pvp. So are we a niche without a home? Probably, but we could live on an rp server if we had to.

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Does this really need to be addressed yet again? You’ve brought it up before and apparently ignored all the posts in the thread explaining why choosing another realm type is a horrible idea.

No, no we do not have to do any such thing.
A compromise would be blizzard adding those 2 letters on to a pvp server, so there would be a beacon for rppvpers to congregate to rather than be scattered.


At this point, it’s just shameless recruiting. He’s been barking up the wrong tree for as long as he’s been posting here.
Buddy, it isn’t going to happen. You are not going to get converts. I would rather not play, than play on a PvE. I’m not the only one that feels this way. Never again will I set one toe inside a PvE realm. Not even for my friends.


Seriously it’s BS not to have at least one RP-PvP realm. I wish to rebuild Ravensong damn it



Even Batman supports this cause. Just did a drive by RPPvP City…