#RP-PVP Realms, Reconsider One Realm

The problem is we have nothing left to really add, after about post 700ish. We sorta ran out of any information to add, if you happen to have any we are more then welcome to look it over and add it to the OP. Sadly, we already have done as you asked quite a few times to little anvil haha.

At this point we are just trying to tell the playerbase about this, because there are actually quite a few people who don’t know about the stance blizzard is taking, any new information we find i will glady put into the op though! We are hoping for something middle of next month.


Recently too, there have been a lot of new faces. Which is really great to see. I think after we hit the 1k mark, the thread kinda took off again. What’s also great too, is even if the new poster isn’t interested, it seems almost everyone extends their support.

Means a lot.


I would roll on rp-pvp if available. If not, well RIP 30% of the game for me.


RP-PvP is the real endgame, with a potential to last literally forever. No new raids needed. The content is the war, the battle is everlasting.


Thread has close to 7k likes.
No blue has deemed it worthy of a response.


Without specific direction, no-one is going to counter Ion.


Then perhaps Ion should post.


That would be great.


Yeah this one reason I was so surprised that it wasn’t automatically assured there would be rppvp. If I were to guess who would still be logging onto these servers in 5 years, assuming they remain static, I would bet my money on the rp-pvp communities.


Oh, it’s a good thread, good info, no doubt. I wasn’t trying to criticize. I just don’t want them to start ignoring it (I’m hoping they are reading even if not responding).

Great idea. I hope more people get involved. I mentioned it on the PvP forums as well, since some friends there were hoping for RP-PvP as well.


And only after reading all the other 1570 posts too! :smiley:


He need only read the OP, look at the number of likes it got, and acknowledge the rest. Including the poll that shows RPPVP being 4(?) times as popular as RP, according to 23k contributors.

Honestly, what is going to show demand post release that this and the other threads and polls do not do now?

He wants a “lean” realm list for the sake of healthy populations, yet this one decision actually flies in the face of that sentiment in multiple ways.


Just one RPPVP realm is all that is needed. It will fill easily.


We will get one


It’s weird and i’m hoping they don’t include it so you can play on a real PVP server and get ganked constantly while leveling. That is the true vanilla experience. Removing PVP servers was ridiculous. The game has been sanitized so much i’m surprised it’s not sponsored by fisher price.

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Are you implying that RPPVP servers don’t have real PvP?


Careful, guys. We’re getting close to 2k. That’s around the post count Blizzard decided to arbitrarily delete the unarmed mounts thread.


That thread was deleted because one of those desiring those particular shinies chose to start a petition and link it in that thread.

They have no one to blame for that thread being deleted but themselves.

Don’t be naive. How many threads have you seen that simply had the offending content edited out by the moderators? They can do that, you know. And that’s what they usually do, when dealing with big threads with a lot of good material in them. What happened to the unarmed mount thread was extreme and abnormal.

It was a justification for them to squash it. The moment that one stumbled, they had their curbstomp boots on.


Blizzard did not cause that one to “stumble”, did they?

Blizzard may have reacted in a manner you did not like, but if that poster had not committed the violation, Blizzard woukd have had no cause to react.

As I said, they have no one to blame but themselves.