#RP-PVP Realms, Reconsider One Realm

Day 15

I find solace in the community. The plan grows, the community grows. We band together and we will not falter. If we have our home come the reckoning we will rejoice. If we do not we will persevere and make our own. Carve out a home for ourselves wherever we choose.

A day I can not wait for is coming. Either way we will have our home, I just hope one is provided by the overlords.


Continue to keep this thread lively.

Do not give them even an inkling we’re willing to give up and just drag our feet over to a PvP server.

Going to PvP server will not be the same. RPPVP is a unique community, hands down, bar none. Whether you RP or just PVP, the people who are drawn to RPPVP servers enjoy the more mature community.

Heck, look at this thread! Sure, we had disagreements, but they were settled pretty well, where if you look at other heated threads, its pages upon pages of toxic spew.

Let this thread be an example of the community we want to foster on RPPVP!


I am with you Susan. Having a back up plan is better than not and being left standing with your thumb up your butt.

I look forward to a RP-PvP realm where I can enjoy the likes of everyone here. Also enjoy killing all those here who roll horde.


I want it just for the naming rules. Typing “/invite Garithos” is a lot easier than trying to remember how many x’s “Blazexxboixx” put in their name.


Can only use the same letter twice in a row so… :rofl:


I would too.

They have to have a rough number of what they deem profitable/worthwhile though and they should share that figure.
Given that the monthly sub is the same as it’s always been and that there aren’t any big ongoing development projects, these servers have got to be substantially more profitable per player than retail as well.


I created an account on here just so I could give my input on this. I naively thought it was just a guarantee that there would be one or two RP-PVP servers in the game. I convinced several friends of mine who are giving Classic a try to join me and get nerdy on an RP-PVP server. I feel that it’s the best of both worlds. I would be incredibly sad and disappointed if there wasn’t one.


I also don’t think this has anything to do with profit. I’m pretty sure the maintenance of servers means less than pocket money to Blizzard. Their benefits probably go to salaries and development of current and new games, and there will probably be less than a handful of people working exclusively with Classic after Launch. Again, these are only my thoughts.

I believe this has to do with saving face. Rather than having people complaining about underpopulated servers, it’d be “better” for Blizzard if people are begging them for more, like junkees. It might be even better than players being simply happy with the game… sad as it sounds.


Massive, multiplayer, online, roleplaying game. Is there a more appropriate server type than a roleplaying player v player?



I didn’t want to have to do this but he’s here. You will give us our RPPvP:

Or the Force will not be with you!


Bumping to say nOtICe Us SEnPAi and give us RP-PvP, please :sparkles::rainbow:


Well, you can’t say we’re going down without a fight! This might work out to be Ion’s “You think you do” moment.
Yes, we think we do…all of us do!


Glad to see this this thread practically bumps itself now, every person who see’s it is a benefit to our cause.

People want this, there is a market for it, so Blizzard give us it, or at least do us the courteously to giving your data disproving it.


I would love an rppvp server, but if there is none at launch, I will roll on the rp server. If we all do this and flag all the time, then we can make it work. Rival guilds can still be formed and stage events and massive pvp brawls. Those who do not like pvp can just stay unflagged.

I know this is not the perfect solution. But it would prevent the fracturing of guilds and friends if we do this. Plus, I believe if we are not on a pvp server, we can roll both factions on one server. Think about it, and see if it does not make sense. If we make the rp server into a rppvp server by player choice, we all win. If the rpers do not like it they can complain to Blizzard for not making a rppvp server to start with! Then we will be proving Blizzard wrong for once again not listening to the will of the players.


This is a prime example of a forced schism in the community due to not having a proper home.

Going to PVP server: More difficult RP, goofy names, more immature community, yet we get the PvP flag.

Going RP server: No default PvP flag, while it keeps the name rule and gathers RPers, not everyone is going to /flag themselves and it will be difficult WPVP due to people not flagging.

People who disagree on where to go only splits our community in half and weakens it as a whole.

We need an RPPVP server.


: please give us RPPvP … I want to RP but … there’s no BGs until phase 2 … and I don’t want to join a PvP realm to try and foster an RPPvP community due to the lackluster enforcement of RP rules there (obviously) :frowning:


your attitude is what is turning! We are unwavering!


I’ve said from the beginning — Not adding RP-PvP splinters the ‘too niche’ community FROM THE START.


Stuff, things, rppvp


Its a game of cat and mouse but we are no Larry Johnson…