#RP-PVP Realms, Reconsider One Realm

Saying the same thing over and over and making the thread huge is not going to help. We need more people to actually vote for an rp/pvp server at launch. I agree and I would roll there.

You have my vote.


Just something so obvious I didn’t realize until now.
I know it’s not the solution we are looking for, but I think it makes sense for the sake of argument.

According to the poll (and common sense: the PvE part of Vanilla isn’t what made it timeless), the “too niche” server would be the RP-PvE one. I’d be (almost) equally annoyed if they end up doing this but:

If they are releasing only 3 types of servers, wouldn’t it make more sense for them to be PvP, PvE and RP-PvP?


I don’t want to take away from the RP community. They should have one as well as RPPvP.



We are watching you. We are not happy with the lack of response to date on confirming that in fact there will be an RPPvP server. However this secretly recorded discussion amongst two of your software engineers after the last stress test regarding the hunter issues gives me hope about that class.

But why all the alliance talk? Alliance is cool and alliance is my favorite. Please keep on point and fix hunters, layering exploiting, getting RPPvP set up day one and the other issues. The announcement of an RPPvP server is an absolute quick fix. I’d just pull the trigger on that one for saving faces after this internal discussion:


My Dwarf Hunter wants RP-PVP, too. Thanks Lhunannon.


Well that would require an official Blizzard poll, or something. But we’re never going to get that, so the best alternative is just to have a massive thread of support. This way, they can’t say there wasn’t a demand for one, when there clearly is, and this thread is proof.


Yeah but say that, and there’s always some guy who comes up with “yeah but you guys don’t know what Blizz knows about the player’s demographic so you should consider you have no idea !”


Yep, and that is such a garbage argument, a “garbument” if you will. Where do those posters imagine blizzard gets data from, that we have not provided? Ouija Boards and Magic 8-Balls?


Just give us ONE official RP-PVP server, Blizzard.
Don’t make the community have to name one as the unofficial RP PVP server. That’d be so lame.


Resubbed two months early just to bump this. ONE server is all we’re asking for


Sorry to say, but that was a waste of $30. You do not require a sub to post in this subforum.


Yup, haven’t been subbed since mid Legion.

I feel so sneaky, not being subbed, posting in these forums. Buwahahaha.


Ah, I can just file for a refund

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Yup, I don’t even own a US WoW license. Only a lvl 10 in a Starter.

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I still can’t get my head around why they wouldn’t do this. The popularity vs. other server types is irrelevant. How much does it cost to add an additional server for each region? How many players would each server need to have to justify its existence? 1000? 1500? These aren’t unrealistic numbers by any stretch.

If my guild is forced onto a normal oceanic pvp server full of people with hilarious names who like to sit in cities spamming rubbish in public channels, our sub time will be significantly shortened.
So tell us Blizzard; tell us how many people we need to get to justify these servers so we can go out and get them.


Agreed. If there is enough demand for a single server to have a healthy population, and I firmly believe there is for at LEAST one, what is there to lose? It defies logic.

The most frustrating part is their seeming unwillingness to acknowledge any level of demand for them until AFTER release. Regardless of how damaging it would be to wait.


I’d go with at least 5 realms for each type, realistically I would do 10 of each on launch. Then if they all get to high/full release another set of 5 of each type, or base it on demand/popularity of the servers.


Don’t forget to keep bumping this thread.


I believe, since servers should have a capacity of around 3k, that at least 7000 accounts have characters in a single server to make it healthy. Totally personal estimation.

I’d play a RP-PvP server even with 1k though.


Another night closer to classic launch and this thread continues to trend.

It’s a no brainer at this point blizzard. Give us that big beautiful blue post of confirmation!

We love you and we’re loyal, don’t break our hearts!