#RP-PVP Realms, Reconsider One Realm

Day 13

With each passing day more faces come to join the fight. Yet the overlords stay silent. As if we will go away if ignored. We will not.

The closer we get to the dawning, the louder we will be. We will not lay down and accept defeat. We will stand together as we have been standing together. When one falls, others will rally to their side. Orc, Gnome, Tauren and Dwarf alike. Horde and Alliance side by side. Shoulder to shoulder.

We will fight to the last day.


Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.

And good morning to you too, Blizzard! It’s not polite to keep the visit hanging on.

Although this silence may have a hint of hope for those of us who are afraid of hard denials and who believe you’ll do the right thing and give us our home, it also makes a statement. People have already said that failing to give this community what we want would be bad for your reputation, but if you think that postponing an answer will make it any smoother you’re completely wrong.

For each day that passes by without your response to our cause (especially after declaring that you do listen to your community), your word loses its power and you become more akin to liars and heartless businessmen than who you really are.

I thought the purpose of game companies was to make games for those who want to play them, and not make whatever just has less effort, when it comes to listening to their community. As someone who loved Warcraft since the age of ten, and for years in the past even had the platonic dream to work at Blizzard, the more and more of these sad episodes happen, the less and less I can hold my respect for the company as a whole.

I apologize for having deviated from the main topic of this thread, but it’s getting clear that just hitting on the same key is not going to give us a reply any sooner. The silence becomes harder to deal with as times goes by and I felt like all that had to be said - how I feel about this. I had to get it out of my chest.

Of course that one person’s feelings is not enough to make a difference, so I’ll keep on saying what everyone is clamoring for: Give us at least ONE RP-PVP realm at launch! I believe in you!


I was actually surprised when Blizzard announced Classic Servers as a thing, especially after the whole Nostalrius fiasco and “you think that you do but you don’t” attitude.

This really gives me hope that they are at least trying to get back to their roots where they cared about their community (people always say I’m too optmistic about things).

Hopefully Blizzard will show up and give us some feedback about this! Even a negative answer would be better than the current silence.



This is fascinating. I never heard about this.

I bet if people who don’t care one way or the other about RP-PVP read this, they might be more interested.


Okay Blizzard, I just tossed you an olive branch. Some cheap advertisement for WoW as I paid two gold for a little kid in Boston to get your name out there last month:

How about just putting an RP in front of a PVP server? Two extra letters.


I wouldn’t be opposed to this. I mean, it definitely seems achievable, right Blizzard?


I think I’m gonna step away from these forums until launch (or at least try to)

The whole place is utterly toxic, and even this thread, which feels like one small beacon of hopefulness and community, has been hit by that a few times.

I still hope that Blizzard sees reason and gives us our RP-PvP server at launch, and I’ll probably be back on August 13th to either celebrate or protest with the rest of you depending on their decision then… but for my mental health, I think not checking the forums and this thread every hour will be better for me xD

Fingers crossed that we get what we’re asking for, everyone.


I haven’t give up hope yet for an RP-PVP server.
The server list has not been announced. There is still time.
Please, by the Light, grant our request.


We have already talked about it several time about picking an PVP server. So while I can not speak for everyone on our server, I can say those in our 2 RP discords have talked about this on multiple times.
Yes, we do need a RP-PVP server. I would love 2 or more but since they have not given us any an indication of even one, we have are coming up with a back up plan.


Ain’t much we can do if they don’t give us an RP-PvP server. Hopefully enough people can come to a consensus before the game comes out so we can start getting things together.

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Seems like it would be better to try to all move to an RP server, not a PvP server.

Everybody moves to a PvP server => you still don’t get Blizz enforcing things like no ridiculous names. In fact, you will get people who actively troll the RPers and you won’t be able to do anything about it since it isn’t an RP server.

On the other hand, if everybody who wants RP-PVP plays on the same server and just agree to always flag for PvP? You’ll have the issue that there exist, on the same server, people who aren’t flagged, but how much does that hurt?


One thing that is a bit on the plus side right now is the fact we haven’t gotten a direct no post. So hey maybe they are still considering it.

I just want to roll on my server man, sucks we have to fight for the right of a simple label.


As a alliance, seeing a Orc and it not being killable would completely destroy my immersion.


Jez, I think this thread warrants a blue post.

For a lot of us, an RP-PVP server will being added at launch will determine if we even play Classic at all.

We know the devs are extremely involved with the community here, please give this one to us!


I would be absolutely dissapointed if there were no RPPVP realms.
Hell, most people who play RPPVP servers are not 100% dedicated roleplayers, but people who would like to have the experience on top of the normal game experience.
I definitely would not play a server without open PVP.


I’ve tossed this idea around in my head and it always comes down to which server type would be the biggest change from an RP-PVP realm and the contested territories is a big fundamental change. I can RP on a PVP server easier than I can PVP on an RP server. It’s not so terrible seeing stabbymcgankyou when I can retaliate. On RP, stabbymcgankyou may keep his name for a month before action is taken, jumping around and being a nuisance, and I would be powerless against it. So for me at least, it’ll be a PVP server.



I support the request for RPPVP servers for so regions.


Day 14

The infighting grows, it remains civil. While both sides have a point and want the same end. If we can’t agree the community will fracture and remain that way until it can recover… Assuming it could recover.

I remain unsure, I see both sides. If we have no back up plan we look foolish and are left searching should the unfortunate happen. However having a back up plan in place can definitely send the wrong message to the overlords.

This Pintero fellow has the right mindset and obviously understands the frustrations everyone feels. Even though he is a Tauren, I would follow him into battle. He speaks and commands the room. His mind is in the right place and it is fitting that he called this meeting.

Ultimately the hope remains that we will have a RP-PvP come the reckoning but only time will tell.


Reminds me of the first time I rolled on a PvE server. My friend got me to follow him there, so I made an alt.

Leveling one day in Stonetalon. I come across an Orc, I stealth and slowly begin my approach. I get close and then I can’t do anything. He turns /waves at me in stealth.

I proceed to log out and not touch a PvE realm for many years,


1500 posts, and still nothing. I could scarcely believe RP-PvP would be considered “too niche” for even 1 realm. I still can’t get my head around it.